Can we all come together and stop buying Capcom games? This company needs to go

Can we all come together and stop buying Capcom games? This company needs to go.

Pirating is fine, just dont give this shitlord corporation money.

hahaha, I'm going to buy 10 so they make more cute outfits for Chun

Misogynistic as fuck t b h f a m

post the actual screenshot instead of a screenshot of some nobody hack kvetching about it on twatter

fuck off

>An asian male is a total fucking beta

No surprise there.

He's right, though. Would you sleep wearing that? It looks like it'd be uncomfortable.

>meanwhile the biggest hentai artists in Japan are women
>david nguyen
When will men stop being offended for women?

>Said David Nguyen, his indignation growing to twitter posting level

Women wouldn't let these freak trannys get made but the women characters moves would each be a 5 minute lectures on identity politics and the danger of diversity initiation not being enough to combat white supremacy in modern day America.

Outfit is fine. Fuck off and take your SJW shit with you. My only issue is Chun has like 9 costumes and most others only have 2/3.

>Panties and a fancy small shirt
>not sleepwear
The only thing that stands out is that little pouch apron thing which they obviously added to cover an up-front view of her underwear.

How the fuck am I supposed to evaluate the outfit if your autistic gook shitpost is taking up most of the image you stupid Vietnamese fuck

I'm purposely buying it now, fuck sjw cucks

But he's right, that outfit is shit and no woman would ever wear it for sleep.

the day my wife sleeps, no, wears crocs is the day I leave take my kids and go.

That's a really fucking ugly costume though.


The outfit is pretty retarded though. It's what, an apron with a giant pocket, a tube top, and plastic crocs?

Good goy!

obvious baitpost from OP aside, the dude is kinda right, that aint sleepwear. Capcom just cant come out and state the obvious.

WHo sleeps in an apron?

Why would you leave your house then remember to go back and then take your kids and go?

Can anybody tell me what the fascination with Crocs is and why everyone hates them yet everyone buys them?

>crocs and a fucking apron
they aren't even trying anymore

careful op, i got a 1 day ban for ironically pretending to be a sjw

>women sleep in aprons and crocs
this is either racist against chinks or the women in capcom are fucking disgusting slobs

Nurses wear them all day.
It'd be a fantasy for you to actually have a woman though.

wow this is powerful

The jews fear the japanese


It's pretty ridiculous, logically speaking. But this is a fighting game and costumes are about appeal. In the case of female characters, usually sexual. Logically, it's dumb. Taken at face value, it's mid-tier.

>retarded pouch thing
>retarded crocs
>boring hairstyle

It's not even a sexy outfit, who is this bullshit targeted to?

Guy that posted that is dumb, but desu the costume is pretty ugly

I like the top. but he looks like shes wearing a fucking diaper.

and why the fuck is she wearing crocs????


Dead or Alive 5 did it better



This just looks bad. I'm all for sexualizing chun-li, but please put more effort into it

this is one of the most retarded outfits I've ever seen in a video game
they could have called it anything they wanted because this doesn't look like anything at all, let alone sleepwear

I'm a woman and I find it offensive.

>or the women in capcom are fucking disgusting slobs

Chun has been wearing that dress of her's for 25 years now. She's probably not very sanitary.

she would obviously sleep naked so they should make ti a nude skin

Sooo.... nobody can explain to me the Crocs Paradox?

chun looks like a nightgoan kinda ladiy, to me.

What even is it? I'm not believing "sleepwear"
>bikini bottom
>tiny apron for 5 year olds playing house with a plastic kitchen set
>small, tight top
It feels like some kind of slutty halloween stay at home wife. like slutty nurse or slutty hamburger, except she makes flapjacks with OJ and bacon every morning.
I can't jack off to this.

Look at all those samefaces


This better?

Glad to meet some fellow SJW haters. The world is short on intelligent people, like me.

Why is every person from Vietnam named Nguyen? It's like there's only one family name there

I see milf in JAV wear this type of stuff all the time when they're pretending to do housework. So, I guess it comes from there.

Good for you I don't care.

I'm gonna buy this and sluttier outfits and bop the bronzes online so they can send me triggered hatemail. Because only faggots that barely play the game would complain about skimpy outfits.

Yeah that's pretty dumb. If it were slippers and no apron I could get behind it.
The Jews fear the Samurai, they don't fear their Japanese brethren like Capcom. Giving a company your shekels solely to spite Western feminists is retarded.

thought it was a diaper from the thumbnail

Trannies arent women.

theyre very comfortable but look real bad. no one likes wearing them but sometimes comfort is a bigger necessity hence them being popular with nurses.

>those feet and hands

But the outfit isn't even sexy, it just looks stupid. What's the point?

viet trash only recently developed surnames then again they are all the same 3rd world trash that nearly every mmo blocks their ip.

I'm going to need examples of this. You know, so I can have a better grasp on this situation here.

I hope I'm not the only one who thought she was wearing a diaper.

Why she wears a apron to sleep?

Why didnt they just make the one on thr right instead?

There's literally nothing wrong with being a Rick, you little *braaaap* reddit turd.

If it triggers these fascists to the point of aneurysm and all die of brain hemorrhaging I'll suck that Jewish cock.

He's probably just some tranny/trap on HRT and has his mental period

Sleepwear is the dumbest explanation for that travesty of an outfit

I think I would call it "Sexy Homemaker". Apron and crocs fit a stay-at-home mom. I guess. Its fucking awful

What the fuck is this shit? The only thing in the picture with bith limbs in the same size is the monkey

Simple slippers would be better, but they probably had a stupid meeting at the design table about "but the slippers will fly off of her feet! We need to make sure they look like they will stay on when she kicks. Give her crocs with a heel strap."
The gaudy colors may be a "gameplay" thing so that the teal underside stands out in her attack animations.

Maybe that's it. It isn't what she'd be wearing on the way to bed, but right after waking up, lounging around the home, her sleepwear plus a weird little apron and crocs when she goes to the kitchen to cook something for breakfast.

It's meh. The point was to be sexy and this is something that is seen pretty commonly in certain asian porn, like JAV. So I get the intention. Just the execution is meh.

>If it triggers these fascists
Fuck me, I thought you were serious.

Don't care about the twitter post, but that costume really does look stupid. It's not sexy, cute, cool, or anything. Just fucking weird. Especially when they call it sleepwear.

Put Chun-Li in regular pajamas and I would be interested.

>not employing women
Literally a good thing

He's right? That isn't fucking sleepwear.

>Tiffany in the background
>never will be playable again


but R Mikas ass-slap was too much...

Capcom has a mental disability or something.

>keep on truckin.jpg


>new costumes come out
>every characfer gets one
>all fucking 50 or whatever they had at the time
>you can buy bundles of like 7 costumes for $5

>new costumes come out
>Ryu gets 3, Chun Li gets 3, 3 random characters get 1 each as well, usually other waifus
>they're $5 each


I feel the same way about "The players will fix it!" bethesda.

I quit buying new from Capcom a loooong time ago.

Well based on what purposely hiring women for the intent of diversity is doing to the industry; they are probably right in not hiring any. Even though is claim is completely baseless and most likely incorrect. Also, Japanese women tend to not give a fuck about things like this because it doesn't fucking matter.

whoa this really makes u think
could TWO SCOOPS DRUMPF be focusing in more important things?

it's another one of those costumes where if you pick it in a televised event someone will run up to you mid-game and tell you you can't actually pick it

that actually happens?

Yeah, it shows. You didn't buy Megaman Legends 2, so they stopped making them. Thanks a lot.

That's the shit that pisses me off more than anything, really.

It happened already.

>Sup Forums and /vpol/ are so triggered by SJWs existing that instead of just admitting the costume is absolutely fucking awful they would rather DESTORY LE SJW FEMINAZIS!!! KEK!!!!!! and buy 20 thousand copies of the costume dlc in a shit game just to make a "statement"

EVO top 8 is like the only televised event.

Yep. Televised FGC events are default costume only for the purpose of hiding stuff like this because it might be "offensive" to somebody. Even though women in bikinis are broadcast commonly on literally every channel.

>Chun-Li is the SF character with the 2nd most fuckable footpussy
>put the ugliest shoes of all time on her


I don't know the first fucking thing about events like those, that's why I'm asking
this is pretty sad

No the Red Bull invitational tournament was televised on TBS. There was also another one that aired on Disney. You all think the Capcom and SFV are bombing. But they are making bank through the FGC.

>ignores the majority of people shitting on the outfit
>being this much of a butthurt SJW

Lefty weedman pls, you need to go back to your reddit safe space.

That outfit is fucking ugly

>You all think the Capcom and SFV are bombing
I don't. I like the game.

What actually happened is someone picked one of R.Mika's alt costumes and an exec realized that R.Mika kinda looks fucking retarded and they didn't want people to think their game was stupid so they told him to pick her most normal costume

The tournament was airing on ESPN, normies were watching