What are your thoughts about the PlayStation brand?

What are your thoughts about the PlayStation brand?

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shit's old, like for grandpas


So according to a few NeoFAG people with good track records, looks like Sucker Punch's new IP is in development hell ;_;


The western Playstation studios are pure garbage except for Naughty Dog
It's always been a good platform to play both murican and weeb games

Don't really care for any of the first party stuff aside from studio japan. I have a ps4 almost exclusively for jap 3rd party support

People now believe it's acceptable to visit the FAG then report their finding here on Sup Forums

Really makes you think..

nigger who gives a fuck what is acceptable on Sup Forums

I've owned every console they have put out there with the exception of the Vita. I've always liked Sony and have never owned any other brand console. My fat 40G PS3 finally took a dump on my almost 10 years after purchase, so you can at least speak for the longevity of the products when take care of.

The gimmicks were fun while they lasted, like the Move. I played a lot of Dead Space: Extraction and Sports Champions on that bitch, and even tried playing Killzone 2 with it (it sucks). I wish certain games lasted longer and had better advertisement, like The Eye of Judgement, that shit is awesome.

Overall, Sony has entertained me far more than any other medium has, including my PC. Met a lot of cool people over the Sony network and I plan to make more.


It alright

Honestly not particularly favorable.

The first-party is nothing special and the controllers are garbage. The only reason to own the systems are third-party games, but those don't actually have an attachment to the Playstation brand itself so much as being on the more popular (and Japanese) console.

Used to be GOAT during PS1 and PS2 era, shit the bed during PS3 era but recovered after 3 years and actually became quite good.
PS4 is utter fucking trash so far and has nothing to show after 4 years except for one 8/10 game
Their first party dev studios have been abysmal liquid dog shit for 10 years and should be killed off entirely because only subhuman millenial nu-male cucks work there.

Only major publisher that still experiments, but they have a bad habit of killing their best IPs and studios too early.
Like, why did they kill motorstorm and wipeout? Medievil could have stayed as a great lower budget platformer series.

btw Sony is worse than hitler and Nintendo is the Jesus of gaming.

Their hardware build quality has really taken a dive this gen and if it weren't for third party jap support there would literally be nothing to play. 7/10 keep up the good work


Still by far the best console for the all round gamer.
Does not go well with pc anymore because of the decision to have many third party games also release on pc.

Shame their cloud based service is so horrible.
Playstation will struggle over the next 2 gaming generations

Absolutely love it

Oh god. I thought I had purged that ad from my memory.

Why did PlayStation always have the most messed-up ads?

>Their hardware build quality has really taken a dive
How so? I actually like the DS4.

Reminder to pick up Summon Night 6. Gaijinworks is even stuffing the case with a 70 page manual.

I love Nintendo and PlayStation. What does that make me?

Someone who likes video games because they're fun

My Ps4 fat and my pro get crazy hot after maybe 2hrs the fans are very noisy compared to other game systems I would like to be able to remove tab on the dashboard

Should have bought a slim sempi

Playstation itself is fine save for the hardware downgrades. Pic related on the hand is just a shadow of its former self and will be the end of PS if it isnt reformed.

Sony needs to remake some of their classic franchises like SOCOM and Syphon Filter. They're sitting on gold meanwhile Microsoft is shitting on last week's Halo and GoW.

you mean the loadingstation?
>tfw dad bought a ps
>tfw friend had a ps too but later decided to buy a snes
>tfw we both saw the light
i miss reading shit from magazines and stuff like that, also sony always had a boner on making profits based on stolen patents
>muh cd
>muh dvd
>muh bluray
>muh ???
i have a lot of respect for the psx, i cant say the same about the rest

Their first party games are mediocre.

God tier. Gotta thank them for stepping in and saving gaming before there were any signs of a disaster. Nintendo really went to a downspiral starting from N64 when it came to hardware and format choices, also their permanent unfrendliness towards 3rd parties & online as well as their mascot stubbornness (always and forever Mario, Zelda & friends)

Sony literally took over the reins from day1 (after all PS1 outsold the N64 by 3x), pulled up the average target audience age by 5 years to a decade, never dug themselves up in a mascot hole (good for the long-term, I'd hate if half of Playstation's games nowadays had Crash in them. They can easily change from Crash to Spyro, to Jack, to Sackboy, to Kat, so on and so forth and mascot-driven games were never a focus) and they have friendly 3rd party interactions and don't chose weird formats (such as cartridges or MiniDisc on homeconsoles)

I'm not a fan of any of their western games, the usual stuff retards think PS consoles ONLY have, like Uncharted, TLoU, HeavyRain, etc. But thankfuly Playstation consoles are so god-tier that you can completely ignore huge developers, genres or regions and still have a fuck-ton to play. If I got a Nintendo console and didn't like Mario&friends then I'd be pretty fucked, there simply wouldn't be much to play, I NEED to like Mario&friends (which is why mascot-driven stuff in the long-term is bad, if anyone grows out of them there's little else, new IPs are uncommon), while on PS I can easily ignore every NaughtyDog, GuerrillaGames or QuanticDream game and still be perfectly fine with other new releases every month.

All of that being said I mostly grew as a PC gamer and only ever owned PS1 and PS4 on Sony's side, and on Nitendo's side I have/had GB, GBC, GBA, GBSP, Gamecube, DSi and 3DSxl. This is just the general gist of what I gather from Sony. Sega was kind of an in-betweener and things should go well, they were going to a better direction than Nintendo, too bad they failed.

a barrier between me and games

Fucking this and Santa Monica studios.

Eh they're not that bad. They only need to stop throwing money at Naughty Dog and focus on studios that matter. Their decision making is also shit. I mean they gave SIE Bend Studio a zombie game project (Days Gone) which makes no fucking sense since this is the studio that made Syphon fucking Filter.

Nice blog retard

Ever since Nintendo went to shit after the SNES it's the de facto game console, in fact it's better than Nintendo ever was, it's legendary, Xbox has become so shit it's a joke, Sony towers above all and laughs at the competition, PCunts wish wanted all our exclusive, it's fucking over faggots, you lose, good day... I said GOOD DAY SIR

The only good console maker. Sup Forums only hates them because this place has a huge Nintendo bias.

All that you say that started with the N64 actually was alreadly happened in the SNES time.

Actual industry insiders post there, regardless of the legions of retards that also frequent it.

They were only good for the Sly series.

Nintendo's shit treatment of 3rd parties was (and still is) there, you're right. However N64 using cartridges was a retarded unexpected move that lost them countless 3rd party devs which jumped straight to PS1 instead, not so much with the SNES where such a thing was still expected by devs.

I like JRPGS
JRPGS usually come out for playstation
I like playstation.

Does anyone have a remote clue about what project 'Oscar' could even be about? Holy shit if it's another Marvel game then I'll cut off my own ear.

>why did they kill motorstorm and wipeout?
Because they let their first party studios work on what they want. After 8 years of motorstorm evolution decided they wanted to work on something else, and now naughty dog is done with Uncharted even though it's more popular in the mainstream than ever. It's a double edged sword. It means there's regularly new IP coming from Sony and devs aren't stuck working on a single franchise conveyor belt like Microsoft's 1st parties with halo/Forza, with the downside that people's favourite series can be left to rot

>died in 10 years

You stupid child.

great first two gen. got too confident & fucked up last gen (what the fuck is up with console brands getting an overbloated ego and fucking up on their 3rd gen?). good, but not great damage control this gen.

>Trying to compare hardware built in different eras with several orders of magnitude of complexity between them

10 years is a long time for mid 2000's technology, this was the first generation of lead free solder electronics which harmed reliability. Not to mention that the n64 was dissipating only 19w of heat whereas the PS3 fat had to dissipate a beefy 380w

Their ads are pretty fun. A lot of sensory overload to them in addition to repeat watches.

ehh I like the Japanese 3rd party support and that's about it.

Take any retro console, heat it up to 80 degrees Celsius and then let it cool back down to room temp. Do this every single time you play it.
I guarantee it will fail in less than 10 years.

This is what's happening inside a modern console. Heat cycling is what kills consoles, and old consoles just weren't generating enough heat for it to ever be an issue. It's got nothing to do with modern electronics being "shittily built", at least in this case

Was GOAT tier back in the ps2 days. Ps3 came out at absurd pricing and shit performance and was overshadowed by the Wii and 360 for the whole gen. That ended up being the start of the PlayStation decline as this gen the vast majority of players, even casuals, have migrated to pc. Upon the release of the ps5 I predict that it won't sell well if it doesn't provide a pc-like experience. MS and Nintendo already know the deal as MS have literally moved all their games to pc and Nintendo have fucked off to the handheld market for good

Well you're not supposed to play them more than two hours a day.

Some first party exclusives dont interest me as much. PS4 in particular is just a Yakuza/Gravity Rush machine.