>Game has deep gameplay mechanics
>Too retarded to understand it
Game has deep gameplay mechanics
Just fucking learn it retard
I can dedicate hundreds of hours to autistic jrpg stat calculations to create an absolutely broken character but learning and memorizing true combos in Tekken feels like a waste of time
why is this?
>game has deep gameplay mechanics
>never have to use any of them because the game is poorly designed
because you don't find it fun? if you find it as fun as those jrpgs then you would spend time being autismo about combos
>OP makes the same thread every day
>To intelimegent to repliye
>tfw I'll never personally experience leaping through parallel universes in Mario 64
>game has status effects
>its far more efficient to just stack straight damage
every eastern rpg ever
>musou game has tons of combos
>just devolves into spamming the one combo with best AoE range and damage
Bravely Default/Second, Etrian Odyssey
You literally did that thread when I went to bed 8 hours ago
Are you autistic, son ?
Fucking hell, I was NEVER good at creating OP characters in ANY kind of RPG, Japanese or not, I honestly play them casually, just to roleplay, but I am done good at fighting games, I have some pretty good hand-eye coordination and have excellent memory for combos, generally good at quick thinking and reacting, but things like strategy games or micromanaging RPGs I'm borderline pants on head, I always end up making a character that's just a little bit good at everything and find myself challenged with almost every boss fight. I guess all those years of street fighter and mortal Kombat with my dad and uncle as a kid trained me to be more of a twitch-based gamer than a long term strategist.
I used to think potions, oils, and decoction in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt were for little pussies.........until I tried playing on hard. Turns out unless you have monk levels of zealousness in combat, a superior oil and ekimarra decoction are fucking lifesavers.
>Game has tons of fun, rewarding autism to work out and grind
>I just can't be assed
witcher 3 best build is alchemy based
protective coating, thick skin mutation, additional adrenaline generation and free adrenaline on entering combat, refreshment = basically invincible with 90%+ resistance to damage and practically infinite healing
>game have deep political message
>too much of an evil sexist misogynistic woman hating white racist nazi to understanding it
Not all.
Because calculations are shit that you take HOURS to think meanwhile you need to think actual strategies on only 60 seconds per round on fightan gaems.
You're atustic, not smart.
I genuinely want to enjoy these games, but I'm too retarded to figure out how the skill thing works and how to not grind too much and fuck up characters
This is true. But that way it's too easy, so I completely ignored any alchemy building and instead made a completely 50/50 signs and combat. Nothing more fun than melting armor with igni, turning enemies against each other with axii, and knocking down with are while twirling my sword hitting multiple enemies and reflecting arrows and bolts back at foes with perfect counter timing.
no shit sherlock
Wow I'm surprised the "Ask him to fix my car" joke hasn't caught on like Sneed's Feed and Seed.
>game has deep gameplay mechanics
>always have to listen to existential bullshit whenever I have to get my game fixed
It went something like this.
>Game has a mechanic
>Ask him to fix my car
Vagrant story ,I tried playing it but didn't understood why I was only making 1 damage per hit
>game has deep gameplay mechanics
>button mashing is just as viable
>game has several mechanics to use
>playerbase gets angry if someone actually uses them
>try to make my own path of exile build
>post it somewhere for feedback
>people point out the incredible amount of basic mistakes i've made
>this happens every time
makes me feel like an apex brainlet
I generally hate anything where you're retarded if you don't follow "the meta"
Makes CCGs and fighting games unplayable for me.
POE is a singleplayer game, don't let fags shit it up for you my dude, play however you want
>Didn't know jack about Overdrive in XCX until the final boss kicked my ass so hard I forced myself to sit down and learn it
>Mfw it finally clicks and I realize how god damn fucking overpowered it is and I become an unstoppable god
How do you even use the OD? It runs out quickly
>game has deep gameplay mechanics
>it's all unnecessary because you can just tard charge through every obstacle
>game has pretty deep mechanics
>minute it takes away your crutch you flounder
Fucking Vanquish tac challenges.
>Game allows you to communicate with the person that fuck your shit up
>all that salt afterward
Damn shame they fucked up the later soul games for PC, i fucking loved it when Microsoft was in charge of the online. I had a mailbox full of salty ass people, i especially enjoyed making people kill their Solaire or any important npc for (you)s
stop reposting this thread and fucking learn you retard
While in Overdrive, each color of art gets an additional effect, the effect being heightened by the current number on your overdrive counter (which goes up by 1 for every hit you land on the enemy, which is why multi-hit arts are pretty good for overdrive builds)
Green arts heal you and extend your overdrive time a little bit, blue arts extend the overdrive time by a lot, and purple arts give you TP back. Every time you have 3k TP stored, you can hit the overdrive button again to restore your overdrive timer back to its usual full state, so the goal of the game is to gain TP (usually via purple arts and spamming normal "gain TP" arts like Zero Zero and the like) fast enough that you can extend your overdrive indefinitely. Using skills, gear and augments that either give you more TP on art use, extend your overdrive time or raise your overdrive counter is also good.
Oh okay. Thanks. It's always confusing.
>deep combat system
>great gameplay mechanics
>gear, stat, skill minmaxing
>main story conent is piss easy and boring
>hard fights and inreresting dungeons start after finishing the story which takes around 40 hours
What game am I talking about Sup Forums?
No problem. Took me a while to figure for myself. I forgot to mention that gear that extend your maximum TP is also good, that way you can store enough TP both to use TP skills and to extend your Overdrive if need be. Anyway, the best way to really understand is to experiment for yourself.
Dragon's Dogma?
>playing classic game that everybody recommends
>having an incredibly tough time beating even the first few levels, constantly having all my units destroyed by the AI and have to retry multiple times for each one
>go online
>nobody says anything regarding the difficulty, all videos are people breezing through it like it's nothing
>there are no difficulty settings
Am I a casual, Sup Forums?
Every Jrpg made in the last decade.
>DD story
>40 hours
I had a situation like that in Fate/Extella the Umbral Star.
There's a level with a berserker servant and a rider servant casting some "buff" on the berserker that you have to dispell. I didn't read the dialogues during the fight so I just went for the berserker and always died, even when I tried going around I still lost because enemies captured nodes and claimed victory.
I was so frustrated to the point of quitting but I tried a few times again and managed to beat the stage after which every other was a fucking breeze.
Not really.
Name some.
My problem was with Homeworld. Goddamn, it's just incredibly brutal for me.