Why are nintendo fans so excited about western garbage being ported to Switch?

Why are nintendo fans so excited about western garbage being ported to Switch?

>Why are people so excited about more videogames?
Gee I don't know


Why are people excited about a good game?

Gee I wonder

I'm not.
I'm excited about it being a 3rd party game so I can shitpost about Sup Forums being wrong about the Switch getting 3rd party support.

>lol switch will never have third party multiplats!!
>lol why are you excited over third party multiplats??
>Uh, stop being excited about the first party games too please

Damned if you do damned if you dont huh

>No exclusives!! Enjoy your Mario #2817
>Lel why are Nintenbabbies so happy over some third party games?

because i want western garbage on the go

Because it's the only thing that will keep their console relevant.

Dude, come on. I know where we are but DOOM was actually a really good game. Why post this??

passive aggression

Just started playing this after backlogging it for a while now. Game's fun. Reminds me of my days playing Turok or Duke3D. This is definitely a good Switch game because of how the game is structured. Only problem is that it's 30fps. Nintendo fans wont probably care as much, they're just used to what they get, but everyone should play this on PC at some point.

>but everyone should play this on PC at some point.
if you are a 85 IQ FPS gamer I agree with you

Because it's one of my favorite recent shooters and I want a handheld version so I can play in bed and lounge around, why is this hard to understand? There are a ton of pc games I would rebuy on switch

>wojak posting
And for the record Sup Forums loves moving goalposts when it comes to anything Nintendo.

I'm happy it gets more third party western cancer because it will help it sell more, attracting more actually good Japanese titles.

>selling western shovelware helps japanese companies

>Not wanting Doomguy in Smash

>good game

Because for years people have complained about Nintendo either not having third party support, or their support ended up being just really old third party games. When Skyrim was revealed, nobody cared. That game is over 5 years old. Its clearly just Nintendo getting throw a ancient bone that nobody hasn't played yet. But Doom is only a year old. Its a CURRENT GEN game technically. There do exist people that haven't played it. This is a big deal for Nintendo as a whole, just like when the Switch was revealed to be region free to everyone's surprise. Nintendo has started to finally come into the current generation, and put its outdated business practices behind. Things can only get better from here.

why would it? Nintendo fans won't buy third party stuff that's lesser known/unproven. plus it's underpowered. portability isn't a selling point.

shooting demons is fun


Funny thing a month ago fps "trash" was the cancer killing the industry.

Just curious if Wolf 2 will be 480p as well, or if it'll have better treatment since Doom was outsourced to a 3rd-party to port.


>this guys nitpicks speaks for everyone on how they feel about the game

Fuck you and form your own opinion rather than copy pasting someone elses.

>I haven't enjoyed a single video game since the 90s yet I somehow consider it my hobby: the hit post based on true events from the book of the movie

It’s third party, portable and takes twice as long to complete since it’s running at 30fps. Switch wins again!

I'm excited for this season. That dude is hilarious.

Holy shit! A portable 30 minutes of doom? Oh man and if my battery runs out I lose my progress? That's so cool!

PSP is the only system that did portable gaming right. And was backed up by a shit ton of devs to boot.

>takes twice as long to complete since it’s running at 30fps
That's not how it works, user.

>PSP is the only system that did portable gaming right

No games.

Didn't the Wii U have more third party support? AND it was exclusive?


Because DOOM 2016 and Wolfenstein 2 are games that essentially have no business running on the Switch at all.

>read this and kek

>Switches only 3rd party support is from Bethesda
I guess its better than nothing.

>It's a shitpost about a game I've never played episode

aww, the nigger is upset. what a droll sight

It makes little sense considering Nintendo games are made with Japanese heart and soul while """"""DOOM"""""" 4 is the very definition of mass-market focus-tested design-by-committee assembly line extreme Hollywood budget AAA corporate machine product for the westacuck dudebro masses that at one time comprised the audience of Nickelback and Creed.


Pretty much

>owning a switch

When you're starving you're grateful for scraps and crumbs other people throw on the floor for you for you to eat.

Same with Switch-fags

evangeline lilly is my waifu

>It makes little sense considering Nintendo games are made with Japanese heart and soul
Holy fuck you're delusional

>2017 owning a switch

Because, it shows that the Switch might actually get 3rd party support. Which if you want Nintendo to survive is needs.

Compared to literally anything western, they are.

Id tech engine games are designed around frame rate so it'll literally run at half speed.

Fuck off, Jack. You're never going back.

Nintendo consoles are for games, not movies.

They would still have tons of 3rd party support if it weren't for the fact that they basically went all in on the casual market with the Wii.
They couldn't hold the casual market because casuals just started using tablets and smartphones so here Nintendo is with nothing but the same 1st party franchises they've been rehashing for the past 30 years

Go back in time to when the Wii was flying off shelves and you couldn't have called the move a bad business decision. Who would have thought it'd turn out like this?

No they're not and it won't. I mean they design their games to have good frame rate even for lesser hardware but they don't tie the animation to framerate or anything, so no it won't run at half speed.

>old ports
>3rd party support
let me know when a few new AAA games like RDR2 come to Switch

Wolfenstein 2 is coming to the switch and it's not even out yet, user.

>the virgin food analogy

my comment stands


>can't refute
>le funny reaction faec

whatever helps with your coping process.

So you basically just like Red Dead Redemption or what?

>the chad reviewbrah reaction image

>source: an autist on a mongolian basket forum
Wow, you sure convinced me.

Its all they have. Let them enjoy it.

Is that why Sup Forums was shitting itself in anger over mario and zelda for the past year?

It got a handful 4-5 ports of two year old games at launch then support pretty much died.

I get that they had to make console war threads not banworthy with the release of the ps4 and xbone and all that but it's been years now. Please make this console war cancer banworthy again.

Console wars, all day, every day for 3 years now at least...

It has Mario+Rabbids but most people here say it doesn't count for some reason.
It's also a recently released console so its not going to have a large amount of games for quite a bit.

Sup Forums has been angry from its inception

finaldoom vc
doom 64 vc

Neck yourself fatass otakuck

We have had 24 hours of non stop harmony before

>can't refute my false narritive anecdote
Lovin every laugh. Have a (You)

You've seen too much war friend. It's time for you to retire. We'll keep the fight going. Go over to /vg/ and live out the rest of your days. Thank you for your service all these years

>check point system because shitsoles
Fucking casual.

>best game in switch's library is going to be western
seems ok to me

I tell you I have cancer and you tell me to go to work in the asbestos pits

Aaaah yes.... I hope we can get there again some day.

Somebody should chronicle them. We should have "cease fire" holiday, were we take a break from fighting. You know, just to recharge so we can come back strong


Holy shit user! Sorry about that.

That shit made my day

>implying v hasnt always been like this

I doubt they are even gonna get 30fps. Probably gonna be closer to 23fps. Also playing WAHOOM on sbitch is gonna be the absolute worst way to play it. Such is the way of the cucks, i quess.

God, I love you.

>2017 game
>in 2018
>at the poorest fucking quality ever

Guaranted a flop like every non toddler thing on shitch

I love you too!

I have never played Skyrim or 2016 Doom before and I might actually buy these games for my Switch

KYS cuck

Good argument

You need mods for skyrim to be good thought. And i don't even mean porn mods. And doom works on toasters too, you will definitely get more than 720p 22fps

Very good for imbecile not playing cheaper, better and older PC versions. Seriously kill yourself fucking drone