Are you having hxppy thxughts, Sup Forums?
Are you having hxppy thxughts, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
"There's a little devil inside all of us."
Beneath their manufactured perception - their artificial reality - is a
writhing, twisted mess of dread. Loathing. Judgment. Elitism. Self-doubt.
All thrashing to escape the feeble hold of their host, seeping through every
little crevice they can find. Into their willpower, starving them of all
motivation and desire. Into their stomach, forcing them to drown their guilt in
comfort food. Or into a newly-opened gash in their skin, hidden only by the
sleeves of a cute new shirt.
Such a deplorable, tangled mass is already present in every single one of them.
That's why I choose not to blame myself for their actions.
All I did was untie the knot.
I didn't start enjoying the game until Saori killed herself. In fact I'd go as far to say that Saori killing herself increased the quality of the writing and made the game thoroughly more enjoyable.
Did all of you buy the bonus Doki Doki Literature Club™ Wallpaper Pack™? If not go do it right now! But that's not all soon we will launch the Doki Doki Literature Club™ Store™ with Doki Doki Literature Club™ Keychains™ and Posters™!
Your resistance only makes my penis harder
If you think Yuri is a better girl than anyone then you're objectively fucking retarded.
I have a question for the other anons who went into this blind.
At what point did you realize Monika was self aware?
The poem confused me at the start and I thought her thing was going to be that she was being stalked or whatever, but when she accused me of cheating because I was doing well with Natsuki it clicked.
That's the intention
The moment she started talking about saving my game I knew she was aware that she was trapped in a VN.
I thought that she was some sort of cthullu-like creature at first
>tfw I'm actually scared to finish the game
Should I just read the spoilers
so what obscure shit do I need to do to see all the routes and endings?
Where are you?
get all cgs
Second run of the game, day 3
To get both endings, you have to save scum to get all the girls cgs in the first arc before finishing the game.
dead game
>day 3
Oh, you're just about over the hump then. Just finish it.
there's not much left
all CGs up to which point?
Sayori killing herself. Each girl has 3
Is there only 2 runs or there's more?
Just two.
What the fuck is this?
Hate to be that guy, but what's this game called?
A comfy little VN about /lit/ cuties.
babbys first meta vn by people that dont play vns for people that dont play vns
Doki Doki Literature Club™, be sure to buy our Doki Doki Literature Club™ Fan Pack™!
Contain your butthurt.
I liked it but they're right you know
Discussion isn't shilling, and it's obvious the creator reads VNs and that this VN can appeal to those who enjoy VNs.
They're just shitposting.
Making threads constantly by the dev is shilling, and it's obvious creator doesn't read VNs and that this VN appeals to streamers and youtubers.
They are just shitposting.
/vn/ are just really mad right now
I'm not the dev dude, if I was there would be a sex scene with Natsuki.
How does this compare with irisu syndrome?
>not Yuri
>not wanting to sustain the malnourished loli with your cum
>vn by people that dont play vns
H-How can you tell when a vn dev doesn't play vn's?
Yuri is a pretentious cunt who thinks the word she plucked out of a thesaurus make her poetry inherently better. She's also insanely mean and vindictive.
It takes much more skill to create a deeper meaning with fewer, simpler words. Natsuki has the right kind of idea.
When she wrote that Save Me, Load Me poem.
Well...the generic childhood friend just offed herself, can I save her?
Click new game and find out.
You just know it after reading through it, especially because of all that wasted potential. Some people will say it because it's one guy but he was making this shit for 2 years, so there's nothing stopping him from working on it longer and making better, since it's free anyway.
Also googling his name didn't pop up anywhere discussing vns, and he didn't play any vns except one otome game on steam.
I only managed to play about half of this game before I couldn't... it was too disturbing for me... but I watched someone else play the rest so I know what happens.
Anyway, I went back into the folder and found a couple of interesting files. Two text files, and an image file;
Also, looking at all this third eye stuff, I had a thought... what if the third eye is related to awareness of game files and such? I'm probably way off the bat here but it was just a thought.
>doesn't play VN
>but he plays VN
Do you even read what you write?
And most people doesn't discuss VN online with their real usernames as it's basically porn.
Welcome to 10 generals ago
The third eye stuff tying into Monika's awareness is something we've discussed before. The general theory is that Libitina is Monika and the next VN, if they're actually making it, is going to be about her.
>play one vn
>suddenly are an expert on a topic and can make a deconstruction of the genre
>moving the goalposts
Yo, she got deleted from the files...
What if I reinstall the game?Also what if I accept her confession?
no i said he doesn't play "vns" not that he didn't play one vn, s means multiple
She still dies, no way to save her. Keep going.
>quoting your shitpost on /vn/ four hours before you actually make it
I'm sorry you have to go back
Katawa Shoujo is still the best EVN.
You're all small time
The girls look cute but no H no read
english vn
Is this new meme games worth it? I like VNs and suffering.
Its Katawa Shoujo all over again. Its a little nostalgic tbqh
>That song at the end
This hurts really hurts.
its short and gay
Can't wait for DDLC general getting to 4k threads on /vg/!
>Thinking that song at the end was anything short of cringey and horrible
Man. Sup Forums is hopeless when it comes to good VNs.
Like bad gay or yuri gay?
Won't happen. Katawa Shoujo is actually good.
This game will be forgotten about a week after its release on Steam, once the dev stops shilling it.
It's othing like KS tho. The characters are plot are very shallow and only exist to further the meme meta twist.
There's a reason why this isn't getting as big as KS.
>This game will be forgotten about a week after its release on Steam, once the dev stops shilling it.
Doubt it, there's already retards eating it up just like there were retards eating up undertale.
I'm just gonna text skip to edgy twists and shit.
To be honest undertale had a much bigger reception especially on Sup Forums and got tons of attention.
These threads barely get 60 IPs so it's obvious it's just a small group of shills/fans forcing it. It also failed to catch on with the normal fag weebs on Twitch and Reddit.
>failed to catch on with the normal fag weebs on Twitch and Reddit
Didn't Trihex play it?
People still care about that ironic niggiweeb?
Yuri is the bad kind of gay.
>It also failed to catch on with the normal fag weebs on Twitch and Reddit.
You say that like it's a bad thing. I'd rather DDLC have a small dedicated fanbase rather than become whatever the fuck KS turned into.
Beats me someone posted in one of the previous threads.
The difference is that Katawa Shoujo and Undertale both had several characters that people could latch onto. DokiDoki has five, counting protagonist.
While I don't think that the base game is going to get much of a long-lasting following, it did create pretty good foundation for whatever the writer/designer might do next. Yes, the story wasn't anything special, but that can just be blamed on this being tiny freeware game meant to establish the dev.
I really enjoyed the RenPy tricks and atmosphere, and if he can create something like this on larger scale with better plot, I'd be all for it.
Yeah, and cirno too. But even after the biggest weeb streamers shilled it it's still not catching on.
This is flavor of the week material.
im too scared to play this its interesting but can someone summarise this please i am not good with horror
>No scene where Yuri forcefully rapes you against your will to satiate her obsessive lust
>No scene where you bend over and fuck Natsuki over your kitchen counter while baking cupcakes
>No scene where you pity fuck Saori to help ease her depression
>No scene where Monika shows you just how well she treats her club members
Wasted potential the fucking Visual Novel.
But hey at least there's trigger warnings so we don't accidentally get PTSD flashbacks from the mere mention of depression.
Yes. Trihex is such a bad speedrunner that he can't even beat one route of short as fuck VN on one sitting.
He also got the name of the girl he was pursuing wrong, and for some reason calls his viewers "weeabs".
The KS fanbase is mostly Sup Forums actually. It's undertale that is mostly reddit/Tumblr.
Dokidoki has 5 "heroines" just like most other standard VN. The difference though is that they are shallow caricatures meant to exist solely for the twist. You can argue that this is the point, but it also explains why not a lot of people are latching onto it.
If this was a Japanese game, it would have all of that.
I hate trihex so much. He's the type of guy who has seasonal waifus and only watches the most popular seasonal anime.
>Dokidoki has 5 "heroines"
>has seasonal waifus
nigger he's worse. He's the sort of person who calls any girl he likes in anime his waifu.
He's waifu harem filth.
One or more cute girls kills themselves. No big deal. Sounds like drama forcing or edgy tryhardness. I'm blazing through as fast as I can so I'll find out.
>he was making this shit for 2 years, so there's nothing stopping him from working on it longer and making better
>it's free anyway
I don't think you realize that investing two years of your life into making something just to give it away for free is a good reason why the game is short, not why it should be longer.
I agree the VN would've benefited greatly if it had more people working on it for a longer period of time, especially to flesh out the beginning and to give Monika real character development, but for what it is, it's pretty great. The only other EVN I can think of that matches or exceeds DDLC is UAB.
And is is why I watched Cirno's run
>Monika just comes right up and tells you about Yuri cutting herself for the high
Jesus christ, the bluntness of it caught me off gaurd.
you are the best girl all along
is there a choice map available somewhere to get the desired endings? If there is anything I hate about VNs its reading forever just to get a bad end.
>watching somebody else play a visual novel
>especially one as fucking short as this
off yourself