Mass Effect trilogy
Gameplay gets better
Everything else gets worse
Wasted potential: the series
dumb phoneposter
1 was great
2 was great, fuck the haters
3 was just okay, except "galactic readiness" requiring online co-op play was shit and the ending was complete shit
Andromeda should've been abortioned
one was fun. two was poo. three makes me ___.
I'm on PC m8
garbage from day 1
only underate retards whose first gaming experience was the xbox 360 like it (ie americans)
Overrated as fuck. Ugly as sin, plays like shit, story is mediocre, etc... 1 was good and laid out some potential for a god tier sequel but ME2 fucking BLEW
you dont even need to play multiplayer since galactic readiness at 100% is pointless. 50% is all you need.
multiplayer was fun also.
They all had serviceable gameplay that only got better as it went on. Shame story and exploration took a back seat. Fun dialogue if you play the right way.
Which is the renegade way
To be fair the galactic readiness only served to circumvent the side quests. If you did every side quest in the game you got the same result as 100% readiness.
I know that doesn't fix the broken mechanic, I'm just saying you could ignore the mechanic and the game wouldn't change.
>pic related
>giving opinions when asked for them
>If you did every side quest in the game you got the same result as 100% readiness.
That was only because DLC added more points. On release, you couldn't get the most points ending without multiplayer.
My thought is why the fuck isn't there an HD trilogy re-release with all DLC? I want to play through it again on steam with my 1080 TI.
I mean I can't necessarily prove you wrong, but I feel like I got the best ending before the DLC.
If they do, how will they sell you all the DLC (that uou have to buy with their own fun money, and never on sale)?
Well I only played it after all DLC released, so I may be mistaken. I just remember reading on the wiki that on release, there weren't enough points without multiplayer.
>OP asked for opinions on a game series
>bu-but not those
? And even if he didn't I still would have said what I did because this isn't reddit or a pathetic /vg/ general
I genuinely love the series, but I'm not blind to its blemishes, and they're doozies. ME1 has the copy/pasted environments, the shitty UI and terrible inventory, the trash gear, and the long boring sections with the MACO.
ME2 shits all over ME1, basically doing a soft reboot of the series because for some reason they couldn't write a story about how the Citadel species, now alerted to the Reaper threat, were trying to find bits of Reaper tech (and all its attendant problems) and precursor records to find a way to beat them. Instead we get a pathetic attempt to whitewash Cerberus, Shepard being killed and resurrected for no real good reason, and the weapon variety is pared down to a handful of weapons. Also ammo powers share a cooldown with all other powers, and heatsinks are now a thing. Hooray. Now the setting stands out less from every other future setting with guns.
ME3 takes a long hard dump on the series with a literal deus ex machina/chekov's gun dildo. Does an about face on their Cerberus might be good guys after all plot, renders tons of choices essentially meaningless (did you kill the Rachni queen? Well, fight her clone dumbass!), Kai Leng, and then there's the ending which amounts to:
>identity death
>synthetic death
>transhuman tyrant of SPAAACE
At least some of the characters got half-decent send offs, and they added some more guns and put upgrading back in.
You forgot the best one desu sempai.
You know what now that I think about it, I got the best ending because I did play the multiplayer, and only played the multiplayer for galactic readiness.
>I genuinely love the series, but I'm not blind to its blemishes, and they're doozies.
That's pretty much how I feel.
I suppose I should mention the DLC, which makes the ending even dumber.
Leviathan wold have us believe that ancient spacefaring elder gods ruled the galaxy millions of years ago through mind control. They noticed that organics would inevitably reach a point where their technology would allow them to purposefully or inadvertently create synthetic life, and these two forms of life are incompatible to the point where war and genocide always results with the organics being on the losing side.
So, the Leviathans, in their infinite wisdom, create a synthetic to "solve" the problem. It immediately begins murderizing them, and then creates the first Reapers, whose whole purpose is to preserve organics for all time as synthetic life forms by murderizing them, and forcing them to repeat this cycle endlessly for all time. Eventually, they've done this enough times that they have it down to a science, and that's where the 50k year cycle of galactic exctinctions came from, and how the mass effect tech is essentially Reaper tech guiding civs down a predictable path.
Did you play through the entire series and you did everything right to make the Geth and Quarians get over their bad blood? Too bad. Picking the only option that actually destroys the Reapers also undoes all of those choices.
By making me rebuy the game?
>on steam
That's not going to happen.
If they released the trilogy with all DLC in one bundle, they couldn't get away with selling it for over $60.
Buying the DLC right now costs way more than that. They would probably make less money buy releasing an upgraded bundle, rather than making anyone who wants to play them shell out the ridiculous prices they ask now.
Yeah. Definitely not. I remember when DA2 was very briefly on Steam either right before it came out, or just a little bit after. But it isn't available now.
>waiting for the quarian ark DLC
holy shit, why the fuck would anyone try to shoot themselves at that angle?
You should watch the movie. It's called The Mist. I don't really want to spoil it for you, but he's having a serious emotional breakdown and is not thinking clearly at all.
It's a movie, it needs to look good on camera.
To sum up the original trilogy I would say it's about the journey and not the destination.
...And don't be an asshole and skip the first one. Grind through the gameplay just for the sake of meeting and understanding the amazing characters (not Ashley) that this game introduces to you.
If you met Garrus or Tali for the first time in ME2, you fucked up.
>It switched from killer Science Fiction to shitty Drama in a Sci Fi universe.
me1: fantastic
me2: fantastic
me3: good until the last 10 minutes, which were so terrible that it retroactively made the ENTIRE trilogy absolute dog shit
>prove humans are big boys now
>track down and deal with the traitor blackops agent
>discover an ancient evil
And then...
>daddy issues: the sidequestioning
>"suicide" mission that's really hard to actually fail
Nah. More like opening hour, ending hour, and a bunch of the bitch work sidequests in the middle were shit. But yes, the ending is so bad it taints the rest of the series forevermore.
i loved it, despite the issues with 3
im really sad about what happened to andromeda. there was so much potential, and now it looks like mass effect is officially dead
1 is great
2 is great
3 is a dumpster fire
Andromeda is eh
It won't stay dead. They'll wait until Andromeda isn't still fresh in memory, then make another. If Anthem flops, it'll probably be made after the next Dragon Age.
1 had clunky as shit combat but it got better throughout the series. I loved 2 due to the loyalty missions and just the general cast. 3 is where you could tell EA was getting the anal beads ready
When Anthem flops, you mean.
At this point either kill the series for good or get off your lazy ass and put some work into the sequel. Or give it to someone else who can.
I'm fine with either of those outcomes
1 have a decent story with great worldbuilding but suffers from clunky combat
2 have decent combat but absolutely retarded story
3 have even better combat yet the story this time is so absolutely retarded that people get upset over how retarded it is
>(not Ashley)
She was the only interesting squadmate in ME1.
He's going to call her a racist. As if she was wrong, and that there's not tons of characters who are racist to humans in the game.
Femshep Bestshep
She had only had that one game to be interesting
Objectively the best space-rpg games ever made
I've played 1, 2 but couldn't stomach 3 and I genuinely can't fathom why people think these games are anything else than a waste of discs they were printed on and bandwidth it took to pirate them.
The only people who actually like this shitty, awfully written garbage have never played a pre 2005/7 Bioware game let alone a decent RPG/TPS before. These games have no redeeming qualities. Mass Effect 1/2 are the worst RPGs I've ever played, no exaggeration.
Is there a better quest than Noveria in all of gaming?
>I may be mistaken.
You are, I had it release day and there were enough points without DLC and without having to dick around in multiplayer
there is not
The throw spam is a little irritating though.
At least they dont stasis you
It's the little things.
And at leas they dont Lift you either and instakill you by flinging you out of bounds
I liked 1 and 2 a lot, felt 3 was mediocre comparatively even ignoring the endings. Liked all the gameplay changes made in 3 compared to 1 though (except, was there an inventory system?), and can't really play through 1 again without remembering how much better of a cover shooter 3 was.
2 is my favorite because the smaller scope felt like it let everything get fleshed out better, and I really liked how Garrus evolved from 1 to 2
>reading planet explanations and listening to uncharted worlds
Solid 7's for me.