Are there any online games where people won't be mean to me?
Are there any online games where people won't be mean to me?
Yes, just play Overwatch sweetie :)
No. I'm scared I'll screw everything up for my team.
If you are skilled in action games and bossfights in general you should try Monster Hunter, the community is always pleased to get skilled players online.
But if you suck then you can fuck right off.
Could try Forgotten Lore, comfy card game that needs more players
What are some games where I can RP as Loco Bandito?
Warframe's community isn't the worst, and you can just solo if you hate dealing with pubs.
Play Overwatch. They have more devs working on making it a safespace than they have devs making actual content for it.
Stay away from MMOs then. I went on a nostalgia trip and logged into almost all of my old game accounts and every fucking chat was "Sup ForumsvsTumblr"-tier for some reason.Kinda glad i went back to single players desu.
Why do you need to be involved with people to play? I never talk with anyone in my games, unless I'm already playing with friends.
post the rest of the comics
Splatoon, with no voice chat.
I know swtor and eso have chill communities. Join a /vg/ guild and ask there.
Single player vidya with always-online DRM.
There's no thrill in these games. If you're too afraid to take on the challenge and risk being ridiculed, you just sentence yourself to a similarly soulless grind as if you were on a streak of ineptitude in a game with actual competition.
i liked that game depth that was free to play last weekend, everyone was pretty chill
these Loco Bandito comics are tame and not nearly as offensive as the comics you could buy in stores in the 90's - 00's
>the comics you could buy in stores in the 90's - 00's
such as?
That doesn't matter, because if anyone says anything mean to you they'll get reported and banned from the game. Just be sure to say gg after every round, or you might get reported for antisocial behavior.
Have you even played the game
You sound fat.
>Turn off VoIP
>Disable chat box
>Everyone becomes an NPC with shitty but unpredictable AI