Why do you like it

Why do you like it

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Why do I like it

A2 is a miracle of the universe.

Because Sup Forums told me to lol

I don't

it makes my peepee feel funny

Because I enjoyed it

Because 2Bs jap voice is cute!

It was a worthy follow up to one of my favourite games. It's a miracle this game exists in the first place

it is a masterpiece

I liked the story and characters. The gameplay was the weakest part of the game which is probably why most threads of the game revolve around 2B and her behind. Still, I wish more people were open to having open discussion of the game's story. I find waifu-posting embarrassing to read and look at.

You shoud probably ask the opposite question OP

Two things: Yoko Taro and Platinum games

Why did they make it so annoying to upgrade the pods? I did 80% of the sidequests and all endings and I only got 2 upgrades

Been a fan of Taro's games for awhile now. So alittle bias to it's faults. But a decent game that's not for everybody. Combat is pretty shallow and the ending feels pretty rushed. Was expecting a fight with the two brothers at the same time at the end, so abit disappointing.


>shitty PC controls
Thanks Taro.

I take it from pic related that you preferred DoD 3?

Because current trends in gaming increased my demand for anything that feels fresh.
Gameplay could be better, but it's a solid game

Its a unique game and i like that. Everything, the gameplay, story music and ambience have a very distinct mark. Sure, it has its share of flaws, but it also hit very high notes too.
All in all its a game that shows its a work of passion rather than greed, and there are very few of those. I enjoy that.

After ending C you can buy most if not all materials from the vendor machine in the amusement park, but i agree about being too hard. Most upgrades arent even that strong to begin with.

I don't need to tell you why I like it but, i'll show why I respect it. Pic Related

Even as a huge weeb I can't defend it.

I didn't, but I can see why others do. To each their own I suppose.

Good story, nothing new or original it's just good and works.
Cool characters.
Cool lore.
Amazing music.
Gameplay is solid.

I bought both to be honest

I don't, it's shit like all games made by PG

Thought the gameplay was fun and the writing was sad.

Did you enjoy Mass Effect Andromeda?

It was okay, on par with the first game
Nier 2 is a masterpiece

Why do you ask question?

........ did you stop at ending A?

Nothing new or original? Really?

What is something the game did that you think is completely original?

>Nier 2 is a masterpiece
This is the kinda statement that makes me want to punch people in the face

Emotions are prohibited

Because it made me get the feels
Don't really remember other games that do that

Didn't cry or anything but it made me sad for days
Especially Pascal's fate and her village children's sudoku. Fuck man

I never seen a action game use camera that intensively, thanks to the third person shooter / bullet hell elements on it.

I never seen such a good sound direction with multiple versions of the same song being switched seamlessly to fit the situation.

It was an artistic piece made by masters of their crafts :^)

Just because he is voiced by Aoi Yuuki, it doesnt make him female. The kids call him uncle.

The game story is ok the soundtrack is good but the rest varies from mediocre to absolute trash, the open world is ugly and empty, the sidequests are terrible fetchquests for the most part and most importantly the gameplay is just too weak plus the difficulty is badly balanced.
I can understand people liking the game
I can understand people loving the game
But god dammit i can't understand people calling it a masterpiece.

>ending E is the best bit of design in the game
>can't experience it properly on pc without paying SE for their piece of shit port

I've been playing video games for 30 years and I've never played anything remotely like this game. The setting, the super cute robot slaughter, the upgrade system, the cheeky ability to buy trophies directly, a karate robot, the soundtrack (which is literally original.) But most importantly the multi-ending structure.

oh yeah, my bad, forgot it's a guy

the girl voice is very memorable to me
and his character is very motherly too

Nier 1 already did camera angle swapping+ bullet hell and other games have dynamic soundtracks

>implying ending C and D weren't rushed
A shitload of plot twists gets thrown at the forefront without giving the player or the characters any time to breathe.

>the open world is ugly and empty
Wow it's like it's really a post-apocalyptic world...................................

it doesn't really matter... for robots

The beginning of route C during the fight after the other androids turn and they are hacking your systems. Absolute GOAT sequence

Im not gonna defend the shitty port, really, but depending on your luck, it might be just a minor inconvenience.

What is THE BEST song in Nier: Automata and why is obviously Sound of the End?


*Wretched Weaponry

I dont think they were rushed, as in lack of time, but actually poorly paced.
Taro should have given us some more in-game novels like the A2 and P&D, specially about 2B and 9S background.

I enjoyed the optional endings the game had, also liked the robots overall, they were fun. The Theme Park was pretty nice. Revisiting the library was a great moment. Ending E was cool.

Good pick
I like Adam boss battle theme (JP), desert theme and factory theme

But the best part of it is how the interaction with other players ties into it. I couldn't even try to solo it because it kept fucking crashing 10 seconds into the credits

Because everything it is so beautiful:
The music
The animations
The characters
The world
The art direction overall

Oh for fuck sake don't try to dismiss the problem by saying shit like "it's artistic choices " or "it's supposed to be like that" , if you can't fucking design an open world and fin it a purpose aside from sucking fetchquests don't make one. This one is bland, ugly, and empty and serves no fucking prupose, and not because "it's supposed to be like that hurr durr"

>shit like "it's artistic choices " or "it's supposed to be like that"
Brainlets, when will they learn? never

Its hard to say the best, but i like End of Unknown, really fits Adam and Eve.

Fortress of Lies is the best ambiance music, and Crumbling lies is pure hype. You can feel that taro is laughing at you from somewhere in the distance.

Because it's a good game with fantastic writing and compelling characters and that uses the medium (video-games) cleverly in order to relay some of the moments in the story and to relay it's message.

If you're the kind of guy that likes your games to be artsy and be a bit more than just fun games, Automata is your shit. Otherwise, that's fine, you're not better or worse because of it. Automata is still an objectively good game, but it's nothing spetacular from a purely "gameplay" perspective, just serviceable.

Good writing and OST, interesting setpieces, serviceable gameplay. I don't think it's phenomenal, but I preferred it NieR at least. Haven't played any of the Drakengard games yet. 2B's ass is overrated.

it was fun

Ass, gameplay, music. JRPG's in general have jarring dialogue (imo), and the antagonists were dumb as fuck. Solid 6.5/10

>Fortress of Lies
>not the Tower theme

I can fucking smell the pcbro odor

>Why do you like it
Nice hack-n-slash with RPG element
Appealing visuals
Good gameplay

>What I DONT like
Faggot ass emo ''muh 2B'' 9S
Force to play as shitty edgelord 9S
Confusing and somewhat faggy storyline

>The game story is ok

I suggest you research a little about writing before saying things as stupid as this with so much confidence.

Nier Automata's writing is a few tiers above the industry's standard, and reaches the level of most movies, something almost unthinkable for video-games five years ago.

Platinum + Yoko Taro

sup A2

>If you're the kind of guy that likes your games to be artsy and be a bit more than just fun games
I don't know that I'd say that. It'll appeal to you in some regards more than it would somebody who doesn't care for artsy stuff, but if I were to think of games I consider appealing to people who want something that's more than just fun, NieR and Automata wouldn't be the first things to come to mind. I think it's just more appealing if you like a good story.

Okay, you're acting like a fag. Stop.

>But the best part of it is how the interaction with other players ties into it.
I know.

>I couldn't even try to solo it because it kept fucking crashing 10 seconds into the credits
I had SOME crashes in the ending credits after a playthrough without no crashes, but the chapter selector helped me out. Nothing too frequent to actually ruin my game. If the ending song started, it wouldnt crash.
Also i know for sure that there is a glitch. The game WILL crash on your 21th death in the ending if you are trying to solo, so you need to do it with less deaths.

who the girl

>a shitty waifufaggot weren't ready for bait and switch protagonist

9S was the best part of the game. Also, Kaine's outfit looks retarded, I don't care why she's wearing it, she still looks extremely silly.

Does Kaine's outfit actually have slits where her nipples are?

Great soundtrack.
Good gameplay
Amazing way of telling a story that only works as a video game.
Solid A game.

I don't like it. The combat is shallow, it runs like fucking ass on PS4, exploring the world is no fun and the music didn't appeal to me. From what I can tell all the praise is because of the story which is not what I play games for, and you have to beat the game several times to fully experience it

I should have known I wouldn't like it going in but the combat seemed fun and also 2b's ass, goddamn. Also playing it after botw probably didn't help

Yeah but she has no nipples, same as 2B.

I guess that the city ruins werent aesthetically great, but the desert, the forest, the amusement park were all good looking set pieces. They arent ugly.

About the open world, it doesnt really fell empty (except the desert for obvious reasons), its always full of enemies and quests send you pretty much to every corner in the game. Im glad its a relatively small map. I actually remember the goddamn game, unlike much shittier recent maps such as Just Cause or GTAV that think size is everything.
Before automata the last open world game i actually managed to memorize most locations was fucking San Andreas. Everything since was under used, too large, and boring.

I like how you change from shot em up to melee combat to hacking and the controls remain the same.

Enjoyable story, interesting world, fun combat (for a while at least) and 2B/A2.

+Probably best sound design ever in any videogame
+Simple but decent combat, galaxy above other YT games
+Good themes and storyline

-half of side quests were not really needed
-9s gameplay is not fun
-Less personal impact than Nier in my opinion

Great game, but not as amazing as I thought t would be.

first game or form of entertainment to ever draw tears from my eyes
Ending E was too perfect

>If you're the kind of guy that likes your games to be artsy and be a bit more than just fun games
I actually am the opposite but i like Automata. I think a game should focus on the narrative too much unless the person behind it knows full well what he is doing.
Another series on this level is MGS (at least till 3). The games would be fine without all the story, and yet it has 30 minute long cutscenes and it feels great.

Taro knows how to tell a story in a game, so its good. Otherwise i would rather games without stories.

>want to replay Nier Automata
>remember the hacking dungeon with 9S

>and reaches the level of most movies
Automata might not be that amazing, but it still several orders of magnitude above any recent movie. The cinema industry is THE MOST stagnated and rotten industry today.

God, people who act like this when they lose an argument piss me off

9S Really ruins it for me,so a typical emo Japanese faggot character

I wouldnt be surprised at 2B having nipples.
Unlike a vagina that requires an entire entry and design change, rubber nipples can be easily placed on their fake skin.

I seriously can't fathom how people have issues with the hacking, shit was piss easy, and overpowered to boot.

>Taro knows how to tell a story in a game.
I think it's a bit more than that. Taro knows how to make a game through gameplay tell a story. He does put a lot of focus on the narrative outside of gameplay but he's one of the few game creators i know of that makes what you're doing in the game push the narrative.

I dropped the game before I even reached his part. I played a bit thinking he would be interesting, but he's not.

Relax, nerd. I wasn't the guy he was replying to. While I agree that Nier Automata's story is a step above a lot of the usual trash that plagues JRPGs, the writing could still use a lot more polish and better pacing before it'd ever be literature/film tier.

9S is the best character, mostly because he is pretty much Caim-lite, but his gameplay is boring.

Fuck these feels.

Same here, absolutely perfect.

It might have been my controller or something but the shitty aim made everything a pain in the ass.

Did you fulfill his request?

Gameplay-wise he has way more fun things going for him than light attack button mash.
Fuck, i only discovered heavy charged attack on second full playthrough.
>fists fly away as far as his spear to deliver telekinetic ora ora even if enemy is on the other side of location