Now that it's been ten years since the trilogy concluded, we can all agree that 2 is the worst, right?

Now that it's been ten years since the trilogy concluded, we can all agree that 2 is the worst, right?

No, that's 3.

2 > 1 > 3

2 > 1 > 3

I think it's unanimous that 3 is the worst.

2 is the best one dumbass

I like 3 more than 2

1 = 2 > 3

1 > 2 > 3

3 was the only Prime game that actually felt like it was trying to be a generic FPS.


hell yea

Metroid Prime 2 is the dark souls 2 of the series

>haha what if we made the map TWICE AS BIG but we paint it purple
>yeah man and then we fill it with endless backtracking for keys over and over again with no variations
Yes it is correct, 2 is the worst

3 is the only one I haven't beaten more than once, and I've beat prime 2 more than any of them so going by that alone 2 is the best.

But I like all of them so it doesn't really matter to me. Can't we just like video games?

Not really. 2 is like 1 with some additions. Some people like those additions, others don't.
I personally didn't like going back and forth between the light and dark world nor did I like the dark world at all.
Dark Souls 2 changes way too many things and to top it all off it just feels like shit to play.

Best tastes.

2 is fucking abysmal, the areas are shit, the corruption is shit, the story is shit. Didn't even get halfway through the game because it was so bland and boring.

>dark souls 2

Something can be the worst but still good, those aren't mutual exclusive.

Prime 2 is one of the finest games I've ever played.

>2D Metroid threads reach bump limit
>3D Metroid threads can't get past 20 posts

not enough autism in the prime fanbase to keep up with the AM2R shitfliinging

>Hey Samus, this path is blocked why don't you go explore previous areas for an upgrade *wink* wink*
Corruption is like a grim foreshadow of Other M

>Fusion is like a grim foreshadow of Other M


Fusion was good though.

prime 3 is better than fusion, fusion was the weakest metroid game and constantly shat on till other M came out

1 > 2 > 3

Prime is amazing and Echoes is a close second (Agon Wastes isn't a great starting area imo). Corruption is still fun but it felt way too linear for my taste.

>call prime 3 bad for handholding
>fusion is even more egregious in that regard
>"b-but fusion is good"

dumbass nostalgiafag

2 > 1 > hunters multiplayer > 3 > hunters singleplayer

3 is definitely the worst, 1 and 2 are interchangeable, but I prefer 2 because it was my first


1 >= 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3


seems right