Remember when games came with large, colorful and elaborate instruction manuals?

Remember when games came with large, colorful and elaborate instruction manuals?

Other urls found in this thread:

Enjoying precious small child?

It's a lost art and how unclear and retarded OP's image is is proof of this.

>Using keyboard as the default in a 3D platformer
This game is going to be shit, isn't it?

Nothing will top this


Remember when games could rest on more than just having a manual.

someone post that NOOOOOO tweet


>a hecking cute girl as we put her in missed up situations

Did anybody ever use the notes section in the instruction manuals?

Sometimes for when "saves" were just strings of letters, or numbers, or symbols.
Sometimes for cheat codes.
In a way, the Myst book was just one giant notes section, and I filled that fucker out.




I don't know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope it's good

Do not lewd precious child

Summoning the mediocre chill drawfag.

Can you repeat the question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to see Some Girl in a tiny and tight micro bikini.

>heart in her eye
What's she looking at?


The user that drew it was a noob-ish artist who just took up a bunch of requests from yesterday's threads.

where's her nose?

I stole it
It's right here

I was waiting for this.
You did not disappoint user.

No I kept it pure and intact like my virginity

can you repeat the question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to FUCK that precious small child

pretty much, OP's been making this thread all day long too

xDDD duUuUuUuUuUDe hahaha w0w

yea she's cute.

Umnm pedo's much?


Well, not because of that. It's better that than force people to use a controller for the hell of it.

you're not the boss of me now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was going to write Meryl's codec on it but found that it was printed in the notes already.

I demand more of the hat child


these would be really good for games like the witness or fez but you can easily just crack open a notebook or clipboard

>Who needs a swimsuit?

I'm sure they didn't mean that to come across as lewd, but it sure did.

>Does anyone ever actually use these meme pages?

Holy shit!

Everything about precious child is lewd.

Game looks like shit. Maybe not shit but completely mediocre and done before. No innovation nothing new. And it expects to compete with Mario odyssey lol good luck

>Who needs a swimsuit?!
I agree

user, take everything you see about the game and put in the frame of reference of a dev from Sup Forums.

All this lolicon shit is intentional.

I want precious small child's hat.

It says memo you dumbass.

Man there's gonna be so much porn

why is ctrl usually default over shift?

I think it changed after microsoft decided pushing shift multiple times brings up a sticky key mode window that would mess with your game.

It was awesome when you rented a game, manual was miraculously still intact AND had cheat codes/passwords/maps written down.

ah true forgot about sticky keys

Control has always been crouch, c in newer games
Shift hags always been run/sprint, dunno what in newer games

this shit game about to come out and the company doesnt have a marketing budget?

go away minus8 and shadman

They do, viral marketing shit on video game boards is the best marketing you could make since years ago.

I hope you appreciate the efforts I went to

I did this, I remember writing down a ton of notes on various bosses on the FF2 manual, explaining some of the boss weaknesses and levels I beat them at.

This never happened


Nice to see Katie Powers got her own game.

What a stupid fucking name for the game. What's it even meant to mean?

Well you go through time hence the time part of the title. As for 'Hat in" you actually play as the hat who's really a parasite controlling the girl's body

the one time younger me used them was to spite cranky kong's bitch ass, fucking scribbled all over his face too

i'll never take gaming as seriously as i did back then ever again

>American McGee's Hat in Time

do not support this dev, he's a liar and a thief

I'm buying this, Super Mario Odyssey, and Yooka-Laylee Switch Version and none of you can stop me.


Are they keeping Jontron?

Yeah, and I also remember how completely fucking pointless they were. I'm glad they're saving resources by neglecting them now.

>that spoiler


Controller is objectively better for games like this. Keyboard should only be there as a fall back.

They better not or I"m canceling my preorder. Zero alt-nazi tolerance!!


Probably, he has a major voice role compared to just a cameo in Yooka

the gen z don't know what the fuck this is

Wait, Jontron is in this one too?

>You may have a pretty face but you ain't got no suit.

>Alt Right

Hello NeoFag

When did Darth Vader get here?

Remember when prince of Persia needed you to lookup codes in the manual to play the game?

When he heard A hat in time was coming soon.

>gonna be

Is there a pdf of the manual for this game?

I used it for Super Paper Mario when you needed that long-ass code in the caveman world.

>bada bing bada boom get that black guy outta my room

What were they thinking leaving this in?

It's where I'd write the cheat codes.

Is Sup Forums obsessed with this game just because it has a little girl in it?

Fucking finally.

I just hope this is game is at least decently polished unlike that duo called Yooka & Laylee.

I just want to play it because I like 3D platformers and it'll help the wait for Odyssey go by smoother



I like cute little girls

I'll be interested in checking it out as well. If it wasn't for Sup Forums talking about "precious small child," I wouldn't even have known this game existed. I just hope it runs on my toaster of a laptop.

you new here?


I remember this
