GoG is working very hard to bring oldschool games to the modern systems and hardware, please support them

>GoG is working very hard to bring oldschool games to the modern systems and hardware, please support them

Talk to me when Nox gets an active online scene and I'll go buy it from GoG.

>raiden 5 is coming to PC
there is now zero reason to get an xbone

90% of the old ass games on there have been available for a long time.

You won't see classics at the top of the charts unless GoG just re-released them and they were beloved. Otherwise they'll be in the shadow of all the current games that are actually releasing DRM free.

everything was bound to go to shit after cdprojekt became a publicly traded company

>they don't accept any of my payment options (not even ones I use for other international transactions)
I can't.

>Hey were offer old games and are going to continue trying to offer more
>Everything is fine
>Hey you can also buy some of your new games DRM free here, this will help us grow and give you more options
>Everything has gone to shit

Explain your logic please

>upcoming tab
Back to your containment store and stay there, steamcuck.

'old school' is an excuse to make something on the cheap and excuse 20 year old graphics

>Cuphead is getting a GoG release.
Neat, I'll actually buy it now.

They have most of the old games they could get already.
For the rest it's very hard to get license.

>Jap games
>DRM free

What the fuck kind of eldritch currency is that?


Will we ever get an official modern release of Oni?

The first 3 Nep remakes are on gog, if I recall correctly.

What third world currency is that

Isn't that an imaginary video game currency?

>Third world currency
Adds up something fierce. GOG has no straight up free to play titles, does it?

"""free to play"""" no
free yes

Jap games have started popping up there. Didn't know NISA was using it now. Xseed puts many games on there as well Trails and all the other YS games Xseed localized are there.

>Purchase recent game
>Patches takes forever to be released in GOG

>businesses don't change

They're just steam now, but with some semblance of curation and drm free, which makes them infinitely better

>Raiden V on GOG
WEW I thought gog hated shmups

>GOG doesn't just sell old games anymore
Nigga you make it sound like more DRM free games aren't a good thing. GOG abandoning the strictly Good Ol Games strategy was the smartest thing they ever did

No it's what they use in Asia wherever dragon ball is set I forgot

My Rune-Midgard bruh
Polish Zloty

Is this a thinly veiled Steam/Valve shill thread, like the "what did YOU guys buy from Steam, hahaha, buying things specifically from Steam is so much fun!" threads?

This, FFS

Upcoming means "upcoming GOG releases" not "upcoming game releases" dumbass.

Yes, and there is no reason for old games to ever appear on that tab as they might as well just release it you doublenigger.

He's a retard user.

I await Battle Realms being sold and a sudden surge of multiplayer going on.

You do realiz- actually, nevermind, you're legitimately retarded and incapable of learning.