Name one game where this gun isn't completely outclassed by other submachine guns

Name one game where this gun isn't completely outclassed by other submachine guns.

Protip: you can't.

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The vector is a fucking meme gun

Killing Floor 2
it is literally the highest tier SMG and you'd be fucking stupid not to use it



easy, dumbass: KF2

unless you're max level swat it blows through your ammo in 20 seconds, and the damage output isn't even remotely worth it, it's almost the worst smg in KF2

R6 Siege

>always has a tiny magezine size
>either spews bullets extremely fast for next to no damage or is slow as fuck for mediocre damage and accuracy

never played it you could be right

disregard that, I'm an idiot, misread op

Modern Warfare 2
Killing Floor 2
Rainbow Six: Siege
Combat Arms
Far Cry 3
Far Cry 4
BF: Hardline

This wasn't even hard.

nah, he's wrong, it sucks ass in KF2, this user is right
it's ok if you're high enough level swat, but even then the other smgs are just better because they don't use all your ammo halfway through the wave, it has high dps but can only sustain it for a very short time because it fires so fast

ump is better in MW2

in fact I would go as far as to say the UMP is the top tier smg in almost any game it's in, especially CSGO

Yep UMP always seems to be the best smg or near it.
And the UZI always has that niche of extremely good in close combat but not good for long range
and in some games its just straight up the best

>Those days on MW2 before the UMP got nerfed



what the fuck are you smoking
Kriss is op as shit in KF2 as SWAT
you can smack the fuck out of Scrakes better than Demo or Sharpie can
you can 1 shot Crawlers and Stalkers
2 shot Clots and Gorefasts w/ headshots
Husks are dead with 2 bullets to their tanks
Sirens die in the blink of an eye
either you are misinforming intentionally or you are bad

UMP is only the best SMG in CS:GO because of price/performance, if you have the money MP7 is better.

Ump was for people who couldn't handle recoil and needed a crutch with a broken weapon.

The Vecter was an absolute powerhouse if you were good with it.


UMP is still better, even after the nerfs
penetration is the most important stat on guns in top level CS, eco rounds the mp7 is better just because of the mag size, but that doesn't count because any gun can perform on an eco round and the only thing that matters is kill reward

what gun do you think is the best SMG? It has a killer fire rate, good accuracy and great recoil. Not to mention it has the most attachments out of any of the smgs.

what gun do you think is the best smg in PUBG?

On PC perhaps.
>aim just SLIGHTLY off to the side for a split moment while firing
>half your clip is gone
>5bullets with stopping power

It's my favorite gun but it sucks and you know it.

UMP for all around, UZI for close range.
Ill pick up a vector of a shotty but its still an awful gun. Would drop it for an uzi even if its my only medium+ range weapon

Short magazine size and even worse ammo type

UMP was undoubtedly the best SMG gun and possibly best gun in the game next to SCAR and the bolt-action sniper.

Kriss kicks ass in both KF1 and 2

i simply anally love video games. shotguns have 2 metre range and kris vector does as much damage as a water gun

in real life both guns can dig thru cement at a 100 metre range

Consoles don't really count since nobody in their right mind plays shooters on consoles.

.45 ACP would have trouble digging through a paper bag at 100 meters.

When The Division came out that gun was literally the best gun to use for pvp, and one of the best for pve. I think it eventually got nerfed, I dunno.

It's also the best smg in KF2 imo. Anyone who says otherwise is fucking retarded.Swat sucks compared to other perks though.

SWAT is literally the most OP class with Heavy Armor though
Real worst class is Survivalist. If you play that in Suicidal or above you are worse than trash and I wish you never-ending suffering

Rainbow Six Siege, the gun is fucking amazing.

Rainbow Six Siege UMP is pretty low tier.


get that shit with extended mag and it is god tier in close range

also god tier in real life since it takes glock mags, best gun with glock 17 as a sidearm in a shit hitting the fan situation

Aren't glocks shit?

shits awful in pubg
>subpar mag size unless extended mag
>worst ammo type
>ump is better regardless

>best gun with glock 17 as a sidearm in a shit hitting the fan situation
Sounds like a bad combo, two short-range guns, and what's the point in having a pistol if you already have an SMG?

It's a grenade for when you need to blow through something/someone.

Seriously, that gun was great to use with the holosight.

have you ever shot a glock? if you want an overrated gun in a bad situation it's the 1911

try it with a friend and see who kills each other first

you'll see what i mean

because i don't expect to engage targets over 500m

this, but only as a meme

>because i don't expect to engage targets over 500m
.45 ACP effective range is generally considered to be about 100 yards. Unless maybe your Vector is in 5.56 somehow?

because it's a ridiculous distance, and no I'm probably gonna give up shooting someone beyond 200m but it's not impossible to hit something at 500m

and no I'm not even going to be carry 45 ACP, 9mm is all I need

It's not impossible to hit but the bullet wouldn't have any energy. 9mm hits at 200m probably won't have much energy either. I had no idea they make Vectors in 9mm though. What's even the point?

It's pretty fun when fully decked out, brrrts through enemies like they were paper
UMP is a better all-rounder though

9mm Vector is THE Vector to get in my opinion.

Pairs perfectly with the Glock. Just only carry Glock mags because Vector takes Glock mags.

9mm loses energy and becomes unpredictable after 200m but it definitely has enough energy to kill even at 500m.

What's the point in carrying both a pistol and an SMG? SMG has longer barrel, shoulder stock, bigger magazine (potentially), semi-auto and full auto functionality. The only reason pistols even exist is that they're easier to carry, but you've already committed to carrying an SMG...

>mobage Not even the cutest SMG

>single magazine



In case the SMG suffers a catastrophic malfunction in combat.

well it's all situational, but I live in a fairly metropolitan area

1. most common caliber is 9mm
2. SMGs are easier to carry around and vector is largely polymer so even better
3. I do not trust myself running and gunning with an AR or AK, they lose effectively in urban settings
4. why do I have to give up a sidearm? it's nice to have a light backup weapon if I run out, especially in real life since I don't have an ammo indicator in my field of view

Maybe don't buy/make a Sten then?

What? Vector is the best smg in PUBG.

Carbine length AR>SMG

>3. I do not trust myself running and gunning with an AR or AK, they lose effectively in urban settings

Isn't that why they're trying to develop smaller versions of them?

Far Cry 3. Custom version is the best gun in the game at all ranges.

i have to disagree with you on that, if I were at the range sure, but lugging a heavy fucking AR15 around everywhere, talk about impractical

i imagine a backpack with like 300 rounds of 9mm and that's it, that's already heavy as fuck

no way am I going to make room for some 5.56

i still need space for food and other supplies like laptop and chargers

making them smaller makes them easier to carry around sure, but they aren't much easier to shoot, and worse if accuracy is important

FAMAS is the best burst shot AR in any modern firearms game.

Not him but,
Do you even db shotty + crossbow bruh? hell with the extra 5 weight slots ya can even go rail/RPG + AA12 and be the demise of all scrakes.
still worse then if you'd just go for a notmal perk though.

reading comprehension

Payday 2

With silencer perks there's no reason to use any other SMG

What? The Kriss is fine as the natural Tier 4 SWAT weapon and the entire perk itself is debatable on whether it's more useful than a Commando or not. You have a selective fire mode for small zeds (a single P90/Kriss/Commando bullet can kill a HoE Crawler with a body shot at Lv25) and full auto for anything bigger, ammo management isn't that hard though is expensive. And while it's a max level benefit, the Kriss's very high RPM lends itself perfectly to the infinite ammo ZED-Time skill. Otherwise yes the perk does start off mediocre until it gets some skills and passives really going, but it's not the first to do so either.

WebM was before the skill got nerfed into 'near-real time'.

the actual game that is war.

pretty shitty considering half the ops with it are garbage

I do mean shit ass Castle of course

I'd take 40-round extended mag UMP over a fully kitted out Vector in PUBG. I don't know why they even added the Vector to the game if they had no idea how to balance the high damage and small magazine. It's just awkward to use.

But rifles are easier to shoot. This is not a role-playing game where pistols have low level requirements and assault rifles need lots of experience.

Also Vector is pretty heavy, I'm pretty sure a modern SBR would be much lighter and handier. M4A1 weights almost as much as Vector, and it's not really an SBR, you can go much lighter with modern components.

while it is good i wouldn't say it is better than anything else, if you need concealment it isn't that great due to 23 being maximum. the micro uzi i would say is great if you need lots of concealment and the ability to spew bullets or the krinkov for heavy single fire damage. it is really good but it can't substitute some SMGs

Isn't that the 25 round mag?

Zed-time Kriss audio is ear candy

Maybe for you. I find ARs and AKs too large and heavy. Vector feels a good few pounds lighter.

I disagree completely that an AR or AK is easier to shoot than a Vector. Imagine trying to place multiple shots on a small moving target 50m away with that thing. You simply haven't shot if a Vector if you are saying that.

Real life is HARDER than in video games. Running around with an AK in a video game is like nothing. But in real life that thing is huge.

What the fuck are you talking about you mongoloid? I don't think I've played a game where this was a bad gun. Often it's one of the dominant submachine guns

Far Cry 3 and 4, where it makes the best SMGs and as far as FC3 goes, the best weapon, period.

>COD devs in charge of gun design

What if the gun has two barrels

I don't know what's more hilarious, the second magazine in the place where the firing mechanism is, or that third magazine in the stock which doesn't even fit the Vector.

that barrel to gun length ratio though, why is this allowed

Dirty Bomb

Bitchcock is the worst SMG. It's also half Vector, half Thompson.

vector with extended mag is plenty ammo, and having it fully kitted makes it a beast medium range weapon

Because the only design priority was recoil damping.

It has a 5.5inch barrel, which is slightly longer than your typical pistol barrel (and again, this thing is firing pistol rounds). By comparison, a standard 1911 has a barrel length of just over 5 inches.

>the only design priority was recoil damping
just use a 9mm lmao
>a standard 1911 has a barrel length of just over 5 inches
The standard 1911 also fits in a holster and is obsolete!

Does any agency use the Vector currently?

Because due to superior ballistics, the .45 doesn't suffer from the awful spread that 9mm does.

>just use a 9mm

It can be chambered in that caliber.

>1911 is obsolete

Yeah, but not because of its barrel length.

>awful spread

Can't speak out of any experience because I've never shot the damn thing, but I don't think the Vector is known for its accuracy. Watch a high-speed video of it firing and you'll see how much the whole gun wobbles with each shot.

The simple fact is that the Vector wasn't really designed to be super accurate. It was designed for two things: have a high firing rate and low recoil. If you're shooting stuff at a distance where barrel length really starts to matter then you should probably be using an actual rifle instead of an SMG.

>It can be chambered in that caliber
Does 9mm really warrant a fancy recoil dampening system? Especially in a gun as heavy as Vector (wiki says it weights well over 2.5 kilos).
>Watch a high-speed video of it firing and you'll see how much the whole gun wobbles with each shot.
I've watched a lot of high-speed firing videos of various automatic firearms and they pretty much all wobble. The last I saw was Ian from Forgotten Weapons firing some Vickers-Bertier (hope that's how it's spelled) LMG and the whole thing wobbles like crazy (its in .303), and yet it's supposedly a nice gun to shoot with good accuracy for an LMG.

Leveling SWAT increases mag size, the vector ends up having plenty. It's strong as fuck if you can track heads. I think SWAT rivals commando just because it has less reload down time, you can carry 3 weapons too

>not the AN-94

>With heavy hearts we announce that Nexon’s Combat Arms service will be terminated on November 22, 2017.


>Modern Warfare 2
UMP heavily outclasses it there.
even MP5K and G18 do the job better than the vector.