Litteraly perfect
Litteraly perfect
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If you like cinematic strategy-focused platformers, sure.
I like the game but it literally isn't, in fact I'd say it's incredibly flawed - mostly due to poor controls.
I miss when that word described games like Another World, Oddworld or Heart of Darkness and wasn't code for "basically no gameplay".
>Heart of Darkness, Another World, Oddworld...
Damn, the good old times
very flawed in a lot of ways but it adds to the charm
made that once
never got to post it a lot
shut your frucking whore mouth
youre right though, thats why i enjoyed the second game alot more since it fixed alot of the issues the first game had
this, Abe's Exoddus is god-tier, the first one is a fantastic first game tho
Yeah, as much as they actually make tile-based platforming work, it's still kind of clunky. Oddysee is also brutally difficult and even regular save files only take you to the last checkpoint. Call me a modern crybaby, that's just bullshit for me.
I prefer Exoddus desu
I like the nature more in Oddyssee. There's not enough of it Exoddus, too much urban/industrial stuff, even both Temples feel "dry". And the farts thing is just dumb.
But the controls are literally, actually perfect though. I hate this 3D N64 shit where you start sliding for 10 seconds after the slightest step.
>I hate this 3D N64 shit where you start sliding for 10 seconds after the slightest step.
People praise original Super Mario Bros. for fluid, simple controls. But it's slidier than ice levels in many other games, what the fuck?
Anyone knows whats the status of the remake of Abe's Exoddus? They announced it ages ago, but no release in sight.
I was hoping for much shorter developement than the remake of Odysee, as the Engine and lot of animations etc. are alrey in place...
I'd rather wish for a new game in the series or a Munch's Oddysee remake, possibly a darker one, more akin to the first two games. New 'n' Tasty looks weird, both from the gameplay, animation and music standpoint.
they've shown the next episode, Soulstorm
which is a sequel to Exoddus, so I don't know if a remake is still planned
>And the farts thing is just dumb
What about it? You literally do fart simon says in Oddysee
it's called momentum, it's important for the flow of platformers but takes some getting used to if you don't normally play platformers. Anyway, that's not really relevant to the thread - the reason I feel oddysee's controls are wonky is because there's actually a delay to each jump. Takes about a second before abe actually jumps due to the windup/animation beforehand. This would be fine were it not for sections where you're chased by scrabs and have to run+jump, meaning you have to press X around a second before the actual jump. IIRC this was improved in exoddus, though.
Another issues is the throwing controls, which were finally addressed in New 'n' Tasty, aiming was virtually impossible in oddysee (forcing you into trial-and-error). In general, I'd say the main issue were the controls and, as a result of them, the game frequently turned into trial-and-error as you fought against the control issues.
>comfy Oddworld thread
feels good, when do we have news for the next game ?
>it's important for the flow of platformers
The flow of running away from Scrabs was pretty damn good in the games.
>This would be fine were it not for sections where you're chased by scrabs and have to run+jump
Jumps weren't delayed when running, only from standing/walking stance, where the tight timing wasn't as necessary.
You get plenty of time to exercise for the jump, I rarely have trouble in both games, and throws are hard to predict, but not impossible because once again everything is precisely tile-based. I was able to get throws right on the first try a number of times. And the difficulty contributes to the realistic aspect.
When you play the second one and realize you can hail all the mudokons with hey yall. Only thing it was missing, but then again having to do them all one at a time is a different experience.
What are your thoughts on New'n'Tasty? At first I didn't like where their were going, but after some playing, I thinks its a very good remake.
Who picked this up when it was free?
I remember my father bought me this game when I was just a kid on the PS1, it was the first game I ever played that had any kind of mortality system in it. Literally felt awful as a kid any time I couldn't save a mudoken from death.
Oddworld was my gateway drug to mortality.
tfw saved every mudoken except one. Rest in peace my brother
Think it was okay, graphis and atmosphere were great, but if felt way easier than the original. Don't know if it was just the quick save system or also the more tightend controls. Anyway, remake was great!
I didn't like New n' Tasty, I prefered the original due to its technical limitations actually help really bring a lot of its style and substance. I think it's a good remake and a good hand off to someone who is young and never played the original, but for an old timey like me, I rather just play the original.
That being said I DO think a updated Stranger's Wrath would be the bee's fucking knees. Get me that shit STAT.
they were delayed when running as well, though I found it easier to adapt to it whilst running than standing still.
the jumping isn't too bad, I just wanted to explain what I meant - the throwing is by far the biggest control issue and nearly every time I had to throw things I'd get the angle wrong first try, sometimes resulting in my death. There's no indication at all over where you're throwing towards, and on top of that the controls themselves for throws aren't clear either.
it drastically improved the gameplay (by fixing the controls), at the downside of killing most of the atmosphere and artstyle. I actually prefer playing the orignal but I could understand people preferring the remake.
I just stumbled across this project which is kind of cool, hope it sees completion
Don't limbo and Inside fall into that category?
>There's no indication at all over where you're throwing towards
there is. each arrow is a different direction. it's not *clear* like an indicator would be it's there.
I am pretty sure HoD is responsible for my vore and goop monster fetishes
i somehow managed to complete this as a kid, got the good ending.
i recently tried to replay it and its fucking impossibly hard.
Kids can adapt faster.
I played this game so often that it has become too easy for me. I wish I could go back and play for the first time again
Dark as fuck
>lifetime employment retention
So the vykkers are trying to make perfect, non-rebellious work slaves?
Working to death then their body are used for food/new drink probably
I really hate bald mudokons
Not a big fan of all the secrets. They'd be fine, but it's sometimes literally impossible to backtrack, so it makes actually playing the game a real chore if you want to rescue everyone.
Soulstorm brew is apparently this very addictive drink that the baddies use to keep the Mudokons loyal.
Id imagine that trailer shows how it was created
are you sure it's a sequel to exoddus?
i thought Soulstorm's meant to be an alternate re-imagining of the "exoddus" time period
as in you go to the necrum mines, feeco depot, slig barracks, bonewerkz, and soulstorm brewery, but the story and levels will be changed in places
most notably the head glukkons appear to be different
4/5 is pretty good, and if New n Tasty did well enough, we might get a conclusion.
mmh, maybe I missed something
for a moment they were saying each game would have one or more "bonus" games, for example Exoddus was a bonus to Oddyssee. so that was even more in the plans.
Games like Uncharted are basically just cinematic platformers translated into 3D with their own attached 3D combat mechanics. That is, Uncharted is to cinematic platformers what Dark Souls is to metroidvanias
>Dark souls
>a 3d metroidvania
I see your point, but that is literally the first time I have ever heard that comparison made.
I wonder if it's just nostalgia that makes me like oddworld and crash and such while disliking Uncharted.
The suits really do wonders for them.
>that is literally the first time I have ever heard that comparison made.
really? I've heard it quite a few times
The first time I played one of those games (BB), I kept thinking to myself "Why didn't anyone tell me this was like Castlevania SOTN translated into 3D?" The only thing it's missing is the high-jumping around everywhere, which was only necessary because the game was in 2D