Can we talk about The Evil Within? Or if you prefer, The Evil Within 2?
I know this game was controversial, a lot of people hated a lot about the first one, but I think the new one looks good and I admittedly am enjoying the first now that I'm finally playing it and have gotten further than chapter 3.
Levi Barnes
>a lot of people hated a lot about the first one...
Because it was shit.
Mason Johnson
The movie was fucked up.
Carter Gray
What in your opinion was specifically quite shit about it, compared to contemporaries in the genre or what you were expecting from it? I'm genuinely curious.
Nathan Scott
>buy the complete Evil Within game and all DLC on sale for like 5$ >play the base game >awkward, boring gameplay with sponge enemies and generally slow-paced creeping around having to painfully deal with every single enemy and encounter and fucking up even once means kissing half your items goodbye in the resulting firefight
>play the DLC >Stomping around as some safe-head Punisher motherfucker with a giant hammer beating the everloving shit out of enemies in a goofy, hilarious 1st-person Mansion party
>spend 5-6 hours just having fun with the DLC and never touch the game again
What a strange game this was.
Joshua Hall
>Mishmash level design, to the point the game feels like it's ducktaped together.
>Enemy and game balance was godawful, to the point of not even being enjoyable (love that tedious trial-and-error 1984 NES eara gameplay!)
>Game couldnt decide wheter it wanted to be a survival horror, or a full-blown action game, so it tried to be both, and it failed at it.
Game was shit.
Jose Young
my bad
this was for ya
Camden Morris
>trial-and-error How garbage are you
Leo Hernandez
>ducktaped It's duct-taped reeeeeee! What trial-and-error gameplay are you talking about, though? You shouldn't have to retry anything if you just watch where you're going to avoid traps.
Jason Richardson
>failed at it Game is at its best when it's an action game with satisfying headshots and weapons.
Thomas Stewart
Evil within 1 was an okay game with a horrendous goofy unorganized phoned in story.
Evil within 2 looks like artsy style horror with maybe a better story.
But the game is taking place in nightmare matrix and its all a dream so im not interested really.
Zachary Evans
Evil Within was great, actually felt like one of those PS2 era survival horror games, only the end boss was a letdown because of how retarded it was.
Isaiah Cooper
Look at all the 400lb 1337 Hax0rs ITT, enjoy your shit, 75 metacritic game guys :)
Yeah, if its good it's not though and it's (badly) bastardized survival horror at best.
It's still a shit game, you all lose.
Jacob Russell
Keep on crying.
Brody James
>lel "crying"
Keep on losing.
You guys are acting like its Vanquish or RE4 or something, lel, fuck off.
Noah Bell
>just shitposts instead of backing his argument bye
Parker Hall
Buh-bye now.
Landon Young
>acting like its Vanquish or RE4 or something Literally where, you strawmaning dumb fuck
Caleb King
TEW takes the fun shooting gallery mechanics from RE4 and turns it into this indecisive thing that is never as action-y and satisfying as RE4, nor as interesting as classic RE survival horror gameplay.
Traps are a boring gameplay mechanic.
Aaron Harris
>Look at all the 400lb 1337 Hax0rs ITT, >enjoy your shit, 75 metacritic game guys :) How fragile is your fucking ego that you have to imply I'm an obese edgelord for asking about any trial-and-error gameplay? Can't give an answer because then people will know how retarded you are? I bet you consider minesweeper a trial-and-error game.
Nolan Lee
By defending this shit, deeply-flawed, low metacritic game you dumb fucking asshole.
God you guys are retarded, I'm out, I don't want to catch your fuck-awful taste in videogames, it's not even worth it.
Matthew Barnes
>generally slow-paced creeping around having to painfully deal with every single enemy and encounter and fucking up even once means kissing half your items goodbye in the resulting firefight Wait, that sounds like a pretty amazing suspense/horror game style. Can you elaborate what you didn't like about that aspect? I still have some ARK refund money and was thinking of getting TEW when it goes on Halloween sale.
William Taylor
Shit game is still shit, cry moar, I'm out, peace.
Wyatt Foster
Please don't drag Mr. Bean into this.
Grayson Gonzalez
tew was great but ran like shit. Most people not liking it were put off by difficulty, fuck them.
John Lee
I liked it a lot, I think the best segment of the game was the funhouse. The problem was there was just some really garbage areas I assume the producers forced in, like the whole final 90 minutes.
Upgrade system being generic vague goo was disappointing, being able to savescum the lockers was too tempting to not do, but I will say the game has one of the most satisfying bolt action rifles in vidya.
Also fuck the mansion where you periodically have to hide from the evil tetsuo guy.
Jose Gutierrez
Mikami is a one-hit wonder trying to become a one-trick pony, but failing since he can't repeat it.
Isaiah Hill
That is quite the logical leap you fucking idiot.
Owen Bailey
>But the game is taking place in nightmare matrix and its all a dream so im not interested really. That's fair, but I think as long as a game is upfront about it, the "it's all a dream" thing is a fine angle. Like Neverending Nightmares was a fun game for what it was.
Ian Ward
Not that user, but the games inventory isn't done like RE4 where you have storage space, instead it caps the amount of each kind of bullet you have, so you always feel low on ammunition but the game did a good job of making sure I could get through every encounter.
Levi Rogers
>Trying to become a one trick pony >RE4 >God Hand >Vanquish >The Evil Within
He went back to his roots with a safe bet, makes sense for a new company.
Landon Cook
>God Hand >Vanquish
I'm only talking about games that matter here, not forgotten cult titles.
Dominic Gonzalez
It's not his fault people only bought his survival horror games.
Cooper Rivera
But it is. And he knows it, which is probably why he went back to survival horror. Blaming the consumer will get you nowhere.
Carson Green
How big of a role do you feel Mikami's involvement with Shadows of the Damned had on the gameplay of Evil Within? I feel similarities and wonder if it's a coincidence.
Michael Johnson
What does the popularity of his games have to do with anything? Seems to me like you're backpedaling. Also, the PC port of Vanquish was pretty big and there were a lot of videos and articles released when it came out. The Digital Foundry video in particular has over 100.000 views, which is largely unexpected for such a niche game.
Aaron Parker
Enjoyed the base game. Currently stuck on DLC because it's forcing stealth gameplay which isn't really fun in TEW. TEW 2 looks like trash though. Yeah, I sure want ubisoft "open world" treatment for a horror game.
Robert Brown
It's one of those games that if I hear someone doesn't like it I instantly cut all kinds of communication with that person for how shit their taste in video games is.
Josiah Evans
>What does the popularity of his games have to do with anything? It has everything to do with his business decisions. How am I backpedaling? I'm saying the same thing since the beginning.
Vanquish PC port happened after a whole lot of moaning, and even then, let's not pretend it's a hit. It's a good game, but RE4 is still Mikami's only real hit title.
Ryan Young
Hospital. Hospital! Hospital! HOSPITAL!
Jaxson Clark
wait, 2 is open world? oh for fuck's sake
Jordan Perez
hard as fuck surprised its not banned in most countries
Cooper Scott
Would you consider Evil Within scary though?
I'm perfectly fine if the game goes into a sort of "STEM diving from scenario to scenario fucked up artsy in your head dreamspace occasional Silent Hill-esque shit", with open world elements. I think that sounds alright... And they're going with a daughter seeking storyline because we all know how those grab the gaming community.
I think it will be good. If I could put it another way, though this might just dissuade you and others from it even more, I'm getting a "Evil Within is to Dead Space as Evil Within 2 is to Dead Space 2" kind of vibe... If that makes any sense.
Matthew Jones
Scary? Not really. But I want a journey, not mucking around backtracking, doing fetch quests, crafting shit and hunting random spooks with a radar. TEW 1 was linear and cinematic as fuck, I enjoyed the pacing, always moving forward and few crazy sequences along the way. 2 sounds way more boring to me.
Zachary Cook
What the fuck?
Alexander Ward
Julie Kidman and her see-through white top and jeans combo is really underrated.