Is the day of retribution.
shitty third-rate splatoon rip off with softcore hentai
wow i am so excited
CE just shipped. We in there boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis
They should really just give up and finally show that they just have no nipples
Whats with the Senran shilling huh? I dont want anyone else to take my Doggo from me. She's mine and I want not one else to know of her.
Doggo is Sup Forums's bicycle
shut the fuck up. Fight me.
Tomorrow Danganronpa releases! Super excited.
Wait, was this a thread about shitran shitgura? Ah, sorry, don't give a damn about this crap.
will babu get wet?
Tomorrow? That's cute, had the game since JP release.
You're going to kill yourself?
>thinking a shitty VN is above something with actual fun gameplay
"Shitty VN" or not, still better than this dogshit.
Is it that time already?
doggo is mine
>Don't even have to aim, there's a lock-on button
>Dumb card abilities worse than ults in OW
>Awful movement system that adds nothing to the game
>Shit maps
>Shit story that adds nothing to the franchise
>Terrible gameplay loop where the only justification to keep playing are dumb clothes ported from other games, low res textures and all
>People are actually hyped for this
At least SK2 tried.
Im buying it cause Honoka is in it lol
>Dangitronpaul shitter
>Talking shit about anything
You're even worse than them. You play and enjoy OELVN-tier shit and enjoy it.
Play some actually good VNs or stay in your containment board.
user, if you think there is one redeemable thing, even one, about Senran Kagura when compared to DR, you are really, really dumb. SK isn't even redeemable when compared to the poop my dog makes in the morning.
At least it has dull gameplay to slightly justify its existence, and the shitty VN sections in SK are still marginally better than the entirety of DR.
Get out of here, Mike. You don't belong.
Bad gameplay is worse than simple gameplay DR has.
>the shitty VN sections in SK are still marginally better than the entirety of DR.
You are clearly delusionary, user. Go see a doctor. I'll stop now before I get contamined with your stupidity.
Just here to say :
>Senran Kagura thread
>No body post pictures about this
Good job, gentlemen ! You have my respect.
Of course. We want to talk about the game itself to see if it will be worth playing.
It's arriving tomorrow. It should be a good distraction for a couple of weeks until Evil Within 2 comes out.
Will play Miyabi first, and then Asuka. Best girls always get chosen first.
Actually, no, not really. At least SK, for as much as I dislike it, somewhat achieved what it set out to do. DR is just an awful trainwreck of dumb bullshit that never ends, a product that fails in every regard and that requires you to be underage, crazy, legitimately retarded or self-loathing in order to even remotely enjoy it.
I dont like this shit but i'd laugh if someone drew Ice Babu getting shot there and laughed at by everyone as she stands there humiliated as all fuck.
At this point, I concluded 4 things. Either you are using me to bump your shitty thread. Or you are a troll. Or you are mentally impaired. Or you are farming those sweet (Yous), so here, have one for being ridiculously wrong.
Good job pointing why, exactly, I'm wrong. Amazing argument. Thanks for proving me right, all I can conclude is that you're a fucking retard and that's how you're able to enjoy DR. Too bad retardation is untreatable.
Keep going. You have my support !!!
Maybe we will declare this is the " Best Gold Platinium Thread of Senran Kagura of All Century "
hold on tight!
As expected of someone who likes Senran Kagura. Your taste is so shitty, you started considering bad games good, and good games bad. You're beyond salvation user, there's nothing I can do for you anymore. Have a good day.
why are there no good doujins?
In this one you have competent enough controls to shoot each other and now just in general areas. Also the entire community isn't over run with faggots and trannys.
>Also the entire community isn't over run with faggots and trannys.
>moeshit waifu trash
>not over run with faggots and trannys.
really makes me think
I don't even like SK. I go to Alicesoft and other eroge devs for my tiddie games.
It's kind of pathetic to see you struggle mustering up a reply, though. Not that I expected more of you.
So sad, so delusionary.
You want a reason why DR is better? I'll give you 6. Characters are better developed, even the ones that die really quickly. Music is miles, miles better. You actually need to think to progress on the games. The dialog is great. The story is fantastic. It doesn't rely 90% on fanservice.
Woah, a little defensive there, aren't we? Calm down bro, I was just funposting.
trannys and faggots don't play games like this because they think they're sexist
PC when