I seriously hope that you have at least 144hz monitor and 144 fps to get the smoothest civilized way to play video games.
>30 fps or lower
>garbage TVs with sub-60hz
I seriously hope that you have at least 144hz monitor and 144 fps to get the smoothest civilized way to play video games.
>30 fps or lower
>garbage TVs with sub-60hz
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are you such a snob?
Too much of his life consists of this trash and feels too strongly about stupid shit. 144hz is pretty sex though.
convince me to buy a 144mhz 1440p instead of a 60mhz 4k monitor
You're probably the same person who thinks that 1080 is some how irreverent now.
I would get one if it wasn't so fucking expensive.
Are you from the far future? We're still far from megahertz monitors here in 2016.
Look at those poor and uncivilized monkeys and laugh because they can't afford good hardware that makes INSANE difference even with 60hz/60fps standard that is basically unreachable for modern console peasants anyway.
Here, convinced you.
Shitty marketing meme that doesn't have any real support same as VR.
Go outside.
>I would get one if it wasn't so fucking expensive.
144hz is fucking cheap even with IPS now.
Not an argument, monkey.
>wooo things look a bit more sharp that's cool
You're not worth arguing with. Get a life you pretentious tool. Don't expect another (You) from me.
You are not arguing but acting like a fox with grapes because you are actually poor, dumb and jealous.
Honestly trying to explain how amazing 144hz / 144fps to consolebabs is like trying to explain quantum physics to a bunch of disabled kids from stone age.
it's literally just a bit smoother. difficult to notice if you're not focusing on it. 4k on the other hand blows blurry dogshit 1k away. If you actually care about how your games look, you'll go 4k over 144hz every time.
>972x639 random marketing pic somehow comparing resolutions bigger than itself
>1080p is just desaturated a bit with no other differences
4k niggas are so dumb
160hz monitors when?
Sorry to hear can't afford a 4k display, user. Maybe some day when you get a job you'll get to see the work the artists actually put into making the game.
I already have one dumdumboi
>literally just a pic getting blurred, not even looking like what a lower resolution actually looks like
>160hz monitors when?
>posts 165hz monitor
Dumbo, what are you using? A crt monitor?
my PC can barely run everything at 60hz as it is, I'm waiting for icelake and the next generation of GPUs to even consider the 144hz meme
>it's literally just a bit smoother
It's not "a bit smoother", the difference is gigantic even with 60hz.
Not a single person would want to return to 60hz after playing with 144hz.
Depends what you play but I vote 144hz
>not even 1080ti can run games with 60 fps in 4k
>console brainlets actually believe that their notebook-tier consoles can run 4k with "30fps"
jesus fucking christ and this is Sup Forums's Sup Forums
a place where you expect people to be at least slightly intelligent and not completely retarded normalfags.
daily reminder that 4k has four times the number of pixels of a 1080p display. daily reminder that 4k is 25% as clear as looking at something real with one eye closed, whereas 1080p is 94% less clear than reality.
>Sup Forums
>slightly intelligent
>not normiezone
>a place where you expect people to be at least slightly intelligent
Its a fucking TV. Who cares as long as it plays Vidya? If you want to waste a couple grand on the same exact shit be my guest. Meanwhile I'll be using that money for important things such as rent and survival costs.
I guess it's a quality over quantity type thing. Have fun with your hundred shitty looking blury images, I'll be enjoying sixty frames of crystal clear renderings, basking in the full graphical fidelity painstakingly crafted by a team of developers. But hey, you get to look at a lot of shitty blury little images! im so jelly!!11XxxDDD
>stopping at 144
Is 144htrz that thing that makes movies freakishly uncanny valley these days? Because if so fuck off. I like my TV looking as it should, not some freakish demon spawned mirror where you can see the red cracks of every actors eyes.
>Its a fucking TV. Who cares as long as it plays Vidya?
You care if you are not a fucking retard.
>he fell for the 144hz meme
snake oil
what the fuck are you even trying to say
so this is the so-called "at least slightly intelligent" Sup Forums
>You care
No, I don't. I don't give two shits about the fidelity of a fucking TV. This isn't a CRT Vs an LCD. This is LCD vs LCD. I'm not paying anything just to have a TV with a slightly higher color saturation and you're fucking nuts.
I now have a desire to play Ace Combat titles in 144Hz
but I don't have a 144Hz monitor.
Of course you don't, that's why I called you a fucking retard.
Wait for 4k 144hz HDR
>one plane ghost vs seven
>get 144hz panel and have almost three times as much ghosting
no thank you
i'm using vr headset like every other civilized first worlder
Compare a TV from say 2009 to today and run a movie on it. For example, a doctors office was running the movie "Enchanted" a few months back, but the movie didnt look like it did in theatres, it was freakishly clear quality, and the speed in which people moved looked horribly off, like all the effects the camera added were gone, and you could see every pore and vein on the actors. It was so gross I physically walked up to the TV and turned it off. Is thats what TV looks like nowadays then I'm glad I threw out the old idiotbox.
but there will be affordable 8k displays by then, user-kun
>tried 4k 60fps
>tried 1080p 144fps
>neither significantly better than 1080p 60fps
I'm sticking with 1080p until 8K becomes standard. 4k is nice but the pixels are still too large from normal viewing distance.
this nigga has it figured out
200hz monitors when?
We're not even close to 8k going mainstream, let alone affordably. 4k HDR 144hz monitors are coming out in a few months.
>>neither significantly better than 1080p 60fps
Next time try to play something that actually requires a change in Hz, retarded autist.
>not being able to afford $8K-10K CIA montioring device
stop being poor
already out dummy.
>We're not even close to 8k going mainstream, let alone affordably. 4k HDR 144hz monitors are coming out in a few months.
We are not even close to get 60fps performance on 4k, buddy.
Consoles forcing 4k meme is the most hilarious thing I've seen because it's incapable of running 4k even with dogshit 30 fps in god damn 2017 (and 2018), not even CLOSE TO 60fps 4k.
This literally looks no different than my PC or PS4. No idea what you're on about, and if there really is a difference its so minimal that it shouldn't even matter. The fact people get swelled heads over this is just silly.
>This literally looks no different than my PC or PS4
You're so dumb
>4k 60fps
>1440p 144fps
>1080p 240fps
Which one is true master race?
Is that the only thing you can say? Because given your vocabulary for these past several psots, I'm inclined to believe the opposite.
16:10 master race
It doesn't. Sorry you seem upset by this.
4k. There's not even an arguement for the other marketing schemes
After a while you realize it doesn't make a big enough difference to justify the increased power consumption it demands
>muh competitive hardcore gaming
>muh terminal virginity
>muh video games are SERIOUS BUSINESS@@
>4k 60fps
>not even top PC can achieve that with max graphical settings
>can be achieved right now with mid tier pc in FPS games where it matters
144hz obviously.
The difference is gigantic and only full blown retards changed their perfect CRT monitors to dogshit TN garbage with 60hz.
No wonder nu-generation of Sup Forums full of retarded consolebabs is advocating for 60hz because they were not even born when we used CRTs with 120hz+ and now you underage idiots are thinking that 120/140hz is some kind of NEW TECHNOLOGY that is supposed to compete with "4k" while in reality we are getting the same civilized option to play games as we had with CRT monitors.
Fucking underage Sup Forums subhumans
>Lacking knowledge in one subject means you lack knowledge all together
What I lack in modern television frequency trivia (useless information) I make up in Social skills, /The knowledge to take care of myself, and Astrophysics. Your move.
>reddit spacing
>Calls people subhumans
>Posts FOTM Sup Forums anime
Pot meet kettle
>Social skills, /The knowledge to take care of myself, and Astrophysics. Your move.
Upvoted, Reddit! Pickle Rick! Neil Degrassi Tyson!
>reddit spacing
>reddit spacing
>Indentation is "reddit spacing" now.
Oh fun, another new hot meme i'm unaware of? My apologies. Next time I'll cluster all my sentences together into a mishmash of unreadable garbage. That better?
>reddit spacing
Because I have my computer hooked to a tv.
Maximum comfy.
>reddit spacing
>Not a minute apart
Hey look, the kids are on past bedtime again.
i remember when we called it "de hippy spacing"
>reddit spacing
>Common sense and decency is somehow "reddit"
Oh Sorry, was I supposed to say I'm an unhygenic loser who sits in his basement typing up useless TV trivia like you? Yeah, sorry but thats not happening. I like roleplaying and all, but you're just such a bad role to emulate. Not worth the time nor effort
>FOTM Sup Forums anime
More like flavor of the decade.
>reddit spacing
Why not both? You can just use super res with AMD and force 4k on your regular 60hz monitor and have a 144hz monitor
Oh look, Spam! I do believe we have a global rule for that.
Epic! Pickle Rick! Pickle Rick! Pickle Rick! Gay anal sex! Undertale let's plays! Hillary Clinton!
Oh crap, I think I broke it. The poor user is sputtering gibberish!
not him, and I think 144hz is a little bit pointless right now (best to wait until its priced more reasonably and more adopted in the marked imo), but no shit you can't see a difference as you're watching it on a 60hz screen you fuckwit.
>announcing your reports
Enjoy your ban, reddit!
Wait, you're not actually so new that you think a space after greentext is some new/reddit thing, are you?
I don't have a 144hz monitor because refresh rates are things that are easily retroactively ruined.
Cheaper to never try.
Funny, I don't recall announcing anything. Could it be that you sir are incapable of reading?
>being this triggered
Hello, Reddit!
Fucking wat
I'm not, I'm just messing with that other guy who was complaining about it
I bought a 1080p 144Hz ultrawide ips monitor to replace my 4k tn panel of proud the same price, and I don't regret it one bit. I'm actually really surprised by it, console games especially look a lot smoother and the lack of aa is less noticeable compared to my loungeroom TV.
I mostly play single player games so 2k 60fps is fine for me. When I get a better GPU I'll go 4k.
>user cant hold his argument so he shitposts the thread with reddit memes in hopes he'll derail it, all the while making himself a bigger fool
>tfw 21:9 1440p 144hz 34inch curved
>people getting distracted and derailed by 'reddit' spacing' memes
fuck me why is Sup Forums so shit you're worse than /gif/ at recognizing bait now.
I too like to burn money
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