Criticizing these games should be a banable offense
Criticizing these games should be a banable offense
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I only agree with Kirby.
You should be executed to delight the hearts of the people
>kirby 2018
So we should be banned for not sucking off a game that doesn't come out for at least a year?
Where's Dark Souls 2?
no, the entire series. every kirby game is academically flawless
t. falseflagger
Kirby games are just nothing though.
No challenge, no thought, safe, basic, nothing. Its just nothing.
>academically flawless
wtf did he mean by this?
>lists 72 games
While I like New Vegas, that (and anything else the Bethesda dev team touches) is a buggy mess.
>inb4 Obsidian
Yeah, they developed it, did a good job, but they still used Bethesda's primary assets from FO3 and ancient engine.
>he hasn't played the true arena
>posts a line
almost all of bloodbornes hunter fights are broken messes
>endless stamina
>endless poise
>20 bloodvials built into hp bar
ah yes, a single mode found in two games. btfo!!
Actually, there are only 69 released Kirby games.
Remove Fagout New Fagass and put DOTA 2
Mods please ban this poster. We seriously need to implement this rule
Go back underage
No, fuck off.
Loving these games for how good they are is completely fine, glossing over their issues and dismissing them as shitposting is not.
>calling bloodborne shit
those are all shit though
Play amazing mirror
Disagreeing with this post should get you instab&
Kirby's Dream Land 3>Kirby 64>Kirby's Adventure(NES)>Dream Land 2>Pinball Land>Everything Else>Dog Shit>Kirby "Fuck Art Direction Just Make It Shiny" Super Star
>super star
>worse than anything
lmaoing @ your life
> liking ugly things that aren't fun
Saw you cruising in your ScionXB earlier, gramps.
Yes, demon's souls rehash #3 is shit
Next question?
oh yes my man, you sure showed them. take that haha
How can someone enjoy Kirby games? A game doesn't need to be ultra hard to be good but it needs some challenge. These games offer nothing.
even as a obsidian fag I know FNV is no perfect its incomplete and buggy as shit