Trigger Sup Forums in one photo

Trigger Sup Forums in one photo.

Goddamn, literally underage.

24, actually.


I don't know what's supposed to trigger me Rick and Morty is funny stop being so anti fun.

I can't even be angry, I'm just disappointed.

Get your shit together, man.


i dont even watch rick and morty but..
>these same manchild faggots who hate on it probably watch Marvel movies as they're released

>A nigger being allowed to roam the streets freely
Yeah, this triggers me for sure.




Does this still work?

>own a wii u
>have Bayonetta 2
>still wish it was on PC


don't do this

I’d eat her ass like ice cream if you get what I mean

I don't get it

this isn't a trigger exclusive or particular to Sup Forums though, so it doesn't count for shit

Can't fap right now so consider me triggered

