So whats the appeal of the Splatoon series

So whats the appeal of the Splatoon series.

something that isn't mario that's multiplayer.

A new Nintendo IP.

new rule 34 content


puffy vulva.


It's extremely fun. The weapons feel good to use. Unique gameplay. Catchy music. Most of the maps are good. Cute squids with clothing customization.



literally thats it


Super fast-paced shooter with platforming and strategy elements.


Unique team multiplayer game

Want to into this series, do I have or need to play Splatoon 1?

Inklings are just barely furry territory but not full furry so it's just the right amount of danger.

this is better

It's a multiplayer game. Even the Single player portion barely mentions the first game

Yes, it's heavily story driven.

nintendo and baby's first fps

I have clocked 175 hours and even when I like pearl more I wouldn't say that's the main reason why I love this game

Did they fix Pearl's face yet?

This was actually a good game, a shame Nintendo didn't advertise it.

fun movement, unique gameplay thanks to the territory control element, one of the only TPSes on the market for some reason

one of the hosts in 2 is Pennywise as a loli

Lolis, CHECK
Lewd outfits like tight bike shorts exposing puffy vulva, CHECK
Team based gameplay so people can blame teammates when they lose than themselves, CHECK
Developed by Nintendo, CHECK

It's a no brainier why it's sold out in Japan.

Squid ass

Unappealing shit that literally only targeted fedora tipping r*dditors.

Fuck no

It's the only FPS to combine territory control with loadouts. Since Arena shooters are pretty dead, it's the only FPS currently alive that deals with it well.

Real women's vagina reek of fish.
Do squid girl vaginas reek of human?

>Team based gameplay so people can blame teammates when they lose than themselves, CHECK

You haven't crossed path with a bunch of mouthbreathers or play Salmon run, don't you?


>Lewd outfits like tight bike shorts exposing puffy vulva

Shame theres no skimpy outfits for female squids to wear. I dunno if skimpy outfits were added in S2.

Fucking Salmon Run.

Fuck you

salmon run seems to be balanced in such a way that you only need 3.5 teammates desu

as long as 3 of you are doing stuff and one guy is shooting in the general direction of the small frys you're going to go 20 eggs over the requirements easily



Most people would say its fun, but thats only because theyre embarrased at the fact that they fell for a marketing trick meant for the japanese

I mean like

Americans wouldnt mix children, spats, and squids, would they?

little girls

That's what I'm saying.

Until you are a go getter there are always 2 or 3 guys who believe they are hot shit and tries to go Rambo way.

Took me almost 2 months to get Profeshional and it damn worths, so yes this is a game where your teammates ate definitely a valid cause of losing the match.


The ability to take part in vast research determining if the creatures in the games are kids or squids.

It's easy to pick up and play. It has a very low barrier to entry and you can get good enough to enjoy yourself in a very reasonable amount of time. It's also got sexy quid girls.

It's like Overwatch without the pretense of pretending to be serious.

The ones on the top left are pure sex. Too bad the final designs were so ugly

>Murricans and Japs are the only people on earth

You really deserve Trump

Anyone else just check in to see what doodle people are posting on the square, and go back to other game? These Nintendo lobbies should be their own thing.


>Invasion board
Hellllllll no

Nice buzzwords

The gameplay is pretty fun and lighthearted, but people here on Sup Forums only like the babes so they can "LUUUUL I'D FUQ A SQUID xDDDD US HENTAI CONNOISSEURS AMIRIGHT BROS"