So what happened? it was the most shilled game in Sup Forums history and then....gone

so what happened? it was the most shilled game in Sup Forums history and then....gone.

woopeety doo turns out some fakeoverhyped TRIPLE A piece of shit is actually shit woah who would have expected that

Game is doing ""good"" on pc and doing well on consoles
Got a 3rd season with 2 more maps and heroes and on the pts there is a new gamemode
We cant talk about this game on v because people shitpost about uplay and steam numbers

Ubisoft marketing machine is very effective while they scrapped their games because of deadlines unable to be meet.

>most shilled game

In what universe? I just like the idea of Vikings,Knights and Vikings going at each other. It reminds me that with Ubisoft, there's people that have ideas and wanna do shit. >inb4 (lol, he thinks they're unique and "try new things".

And then they remember that they're Triple A scumbags and dilute their products which could've very well been great if not for the shittiest, most corporate Decision making you can do to a game (unless your Warner Bros with Shadows of Mordor or Gearbox with We Happy Few).

I genuinely believe Ubisoft has it in them but constantly run up the same fucking walls. Kinda like Bethesda does with its penchant for buggy/broken games and it's more recent issues with mods. Except there's slightly more split personality madness and malice going on that's just underneath the scummy-ness of their Rivals like Warner Bros, EA and Konami.

i bought it thinking it was a cool game to play with friends and it ended up being something i play for 45minutes until realizing its the most repetitive game in existence with the most boring gameplay ever made

Evolve'd too expensive for what it was. Really wish publishers would learn their lesson but of well

Did you post in the wrong thread?

I'm just waiting for the defense rebalance and the no guaranteed grab after parry before I get back into it.

Dumb honorfags ruined the game with their unwritten rules, Ubisoft didn't help any by listening to their complaints on Reddit and addressing them. Fans almost never know what's best for a game. Also it probably has one of the most immature communities I've ever experienced

>most shilled
That isn't BoTW/Witcher3/TLoU/Uncharted4

and i guess i actually put 7 hours in the game, what a waste

How's the player pool? I've been thinking about picking it up on the ps4 because it's been under $20 a lot lately.

t. shitter who never learned to parry


most shilled game in Sup Forums history has got to be undertale

I had a beta key. I was thinking it was so sort of Dark Souls multiplayer game, after few minutes I was like >Oh, I know where this is getting at.
Never touched it again.

Ps4 has biggest playerbase for sure

Its coming out of player-tested beta real soon. Next year or something


>ubisoft baited fans in for honor and division because of gwaphix

retards deserved it

>Game is doing ""good"" on pc and doing well on consoles

Im finding the same people on Xbox everyday. I recently switched to pc and im finding the same people in dominion everyday.

The worst part is that all the other gamemodes are dead.

Nigga don't dodge to the fucking left then dodge backwards how hard is this to figure out
>try something
>it doesn't work
>keep trying it over and over again still not working
>wow this game is shit!!
An I talking to dsp?

I can smell you from here buddy.

The game does get repetitive after a while but I mainly blame the players, when I go into tournaments its usually just the most OP characters in the game which I really dont have a problem with since I main gladiator but everyone just waits for me to fuck up, like wardens will throw zone and start shoulderbash only, good thing I can catch the zone.

I hope your not the same person because
>I've only played 7 hours
>when I go into tournaments

>Paid $50 for the game
>spent money on steel impulse buy
>Uninstalled the game a 2 weeks later

I hate myself to this day.

There's gonna be a dualwielding ronin in the next update, so I'll be back then.

I meant ranked, sorry.

You play all the most complained about characters so I don't really get why you're bashing people for doing the same shit. Why don't you just not play ranked if that's what bothers you?

Why is it that the male-only characters are also the shittiest and cheapest characters? Really

Only cent is bad and he's not even as bad as he used to be what are you on about

I just started playing like half a month ago when the characters dropped, I've been maining lawbringer because of the new execution and gladiator plus a little zerk on the side.

I play duels and ranked only since team based modes are just cancer with stacked squads running around.

Obviously you're not always going to get put up against stacked teams, I've had many balanced matches in 4v4 where the timer runs out because both teams keep breaking back and forth each refusing to lose, some of the best matches I've had in for honor are dominion. There's it's own fun in big 3v3 and 4v4 fights, it tests your skills how you can handle yourself against multiple opponents, makes you manage your attacks more and be careful. Doing things like guardbreak throwing one enemy into another to make the back one stumble off a ledge, or just so you can get an opening on both of them, is one of the most satisfying things ever. Or parrying 3, 4 enemies at a time an zoning every single one of them. 1v1 only is for shitters to afraid of an uphill battle.

>some of the best matches I've had in for honor are dominion.

I dislike ganking one person with 3 other teamates or enemies doing the same to me, Im not an honorfag because its how its supposed to be but I'd rather prove my skill in 1v1 gamemodes.

You were the one saying the game feels repitive, I just tried to show you it's only that way because you're limiting yourself to a single game mode, not because the game is that way.
Also it isn't always gank fights, there are tons of fast paced 1v1 battles, especially when you play the objective and don't run head first into a wall of 4 enemies when you don't have back up, can't believe how many people will just do that over and over again.

Enyojed beta but I wouldn't pay full price for it. Let's hope Mordhau doesn't commit the same mistake. Its shaping up to be a good game

I have 805 hours and I've played my fair share of dominion. I wouldn't mind playing Elimination or brawls but both of those are dead as shit. And if you haven't noticed, literally everyone went to dominion because it gives the most experience and because its easier to gank one person since revenge nerf.

If only ubi shit would fix the xp/Steel Gain
Good thing another gamemode is dropping soon
one way to revive the dead gamemode would be to drop more event orders for those gamemodes

>Played all of season 1
>Game felt like Ubi didn't really give a shit
>Long ass queue times to find games
>Always the same people
>Gear stat bullshit got tiring
>Mained Nobushi and would pick her up again in a heartbeat if I still had interest in the game
>Experience now makes me cautious of other games going the way of For Honor
>Wanted to get Absolver because it looked similar and had drunken boxing
>That games now dead too
Maybe I'll update For Honor and check it out again when I get bored of my current stuff. Never finished the campaign.

I knew that from seeing 5minutes of gameplay, anyone who paid money for this has no honor

did they fix the core problem with defense being better than offense?

I was really glad they had an open beta. I had two friends bombarding me with basically shilling for months, telling me to buy it, it's fucking great, whatever. Played a bit of beta, found it rather meh (but pretty looking) and that was it. And they both bought it, played it during it's first week for a bit and never touched it again.

Strange, I thought Peacekeeper was female. Unless they nerfed her, she was the most broken character there was. Had way too much of everything, with practically no cons. Made fighting them annoying, not because you might not have a chance to fight back, but because if you do end up winning, they fucking cheese it. Good luck catching them.

Got this for Xbone day one and aside from the connection issues and Peacekeeper, found it pretty fun. I stick mainly to duels though, so I'm only rep 8 or so.

Want to buy it for PC since I finally joined the masterrace but like I am poor now and it's still full price right now.

Is it at risk of dying anytime soon on PC?

>so what happened?
Publisher made their profits and now they are gone

Game is a good idea, but poorly executed and the more you play, the more dull it becomes due to retarded design choices. Sup Forums was hyping it when the beta dropped, mainly because it wasn't enough time to figure out if it's trash or not and the game leaves a good initial impression that quickly fades -- it's like the opposite of a fighting game. This is what I remember though before I dumped the game:
>Too slow, especially feints.
>Parry not dedicated to an actual button meaning you can option select feint and parry.
>Not enough moves.
>No actual blockstrings.
>Combos are 2-hit at most.
>Zero execution.
They might have changed some of this, but it's too late. It's literally a watered-down Soul Cal2.

The developers haven't abandoned the game yet even though the player number is sinking every day, so that's cool in my book. They got some nice idea, I just wished they didn't fix things at a snail pace.

literally the same thing as the division.
The betas were an unbelievable amount of fun while people were still learning the game and had a set level cap(so matches were completely skill based rather than gear based).
once people learned how to exploit various mechanics though, the whole thing became a nightmare

Witcher 3 is and was the most shilled game on Sup Forums.

>going maximum overshill does not guarantee success
I wish someone somewhere learns something from this.

That's okay if the game is good though, and it is.

Watched a few gameplay videos of it when the hype was raw. It looks boring as shit and i passed.

they did a pts with a lot of changes,i think you could fail to parry if you press the button too early and you couldn't parry when out of stamina,other than getting a fuckton of chip damage
warlord got nerfed,same for warden shoulder bash,i think it became slower or something

I like it


They fix the severs like they were going to do?

Why do you think it was shilled so much?

>For Honor crashed and burned
>Ubi still supporting the shit out of it for some reason
>The Division bombed hard
>It gets constant updates and shilling for the dozen players left
>R6: Siege has literally not stopped rising in player count since launch
>Forced to cancel maps, operator videos, no advertising, eleague barely supported

Eat shit, Ubi.

Sometime, early in Year 2, they will add dedicated servers. You can google it, if you want more information.

>Marketed out the ass then dropped by everyone for being messy shit
Ubisoft happened.

Yeah I am waiting for that. Got frustrating working on achievements when I'm bored only for the game to crash and undo the progress I made that match to doing whatever 50 times.

Do you still get kicked from matches like crazy? I loved the game but getting kicked from matches so frequently was too rage inducing for me.

its because the devs are literally incompetent. to the point where it's alarming. i'm almost 100% certain not a single one of them has ever actually played for honor.
the whole defensive meta thing exists entirely because the devs didn't think parrying was easy. they thought it would be years before we mastered it. now it's the entire focus of any duel.
they release characters that are absolute trash, without realising. highlander couldn't get a gb off a parry when he was released. how the fuck can you playtest your game so little that you miss that the CORE FUCKING MECHANIC of almost ANY duel doesn't fucking work on the new character.
conqueror still only has 1 move
centurion still gets 4 parries worth of damage per 1 parry
peacekeeper is still the best in the game, as she was when the game first came out
flicker zones still exist
unlock tech abuse still exists
how they can be aware of all this shit and not have fixed it after all this time is fucking unreal.

>most shilled game in Sup Forums history

>it was the most shilled game in Sup Forums history
lmao bullshit. people dropped it right after the first open beta, including me 2bh

I can tell you that they're fixing the flicker "next patch"
when it's coming out it's still a mistery
Can't talk about cent because i still can't fight him properly so i may say something stupid and trigger the centfags
for the other stuff,you're right,hoping that the first PTS we played will "fix" part of the defensive meta