my eyes are up here m8
My eyes are up here m8
Why the fuck would I want to look at those?
fuck off you fucking disgusting lesbian
Giver her the D, she can just time warp to before climax.
Literally everyone only cares about Mercy or Dva.
those feet are traced or real feet photoshopped in
Filthy dyke, die in a fucking fire.
I don't care about any of those three, I'd rather fuck Ana.
>fucking used goods
Look it's that fucking porn hustling bot again.
Yes, I would love to fuck a virginal wet fish that has no idea what it's doing. Not a confident older woman with experience that knows just what to do.
those feet are too badly drawn to be from a photo.
Look at how triangular and blocky they are.
have you ever seen a real human foot in your life?
>rolling up the sleeves of a leather jacket
Ass too spread
That's a cute tracer
>knows just what to do
What have a vagina? I think they all have one. I prefer the ones that aren't old, gross and used up.
I'm an artist so yes.
Bone structure nigga, her talus is too high.
IS there going to be Winston x Tracer in this, or is Tracer going to be the nice girl and not do anything?
god damn. What is wrong with gook eyes? I dont mean the slanted eyes but what the fuck is with those eyelashes?
fuck man, now i cant unsee it.
those feet look fucking terrible.
Winston probably smells like shit, that ruins the boobs for me
fixed the image for you OP
Did tracer get any buffs in the recent patch?
Nice butte.
I masturbated to that comic
Im not paying for your shity patron, your art is not even good fuck off
You do realise that not every older woman is good in bed right? The wet fish tend to just get older and learn nothing
I wanna fuck Tracer
stopped fapping to this whore as soon as it was revealed she was a dyke. rot in hell.
Do you have a link user?
sorry cocker i was distracted by that big old bottle and glass.
>makes a retarded statement while posting the virginlover par excellence
can we get some sauce on these comics?
reverse search only turned up websites with more viruses than a nigerian prostitute
This is one of the most pathetic things I've ever read
>implying that there's a such thing as "good in bed" for women
Literally their only task is to be a hole. If you're not enjoying it, it's because YOU are doing it wrong.
i know where your eyes are you stupid bitch!
Why would I ever care about your eyes Lena?
>eyes are up here
>butt, eyes, and tits are all at the same height in that position
Found the virgin.
it's implied that the viewer is a shy shut in virgin who is constantly looking down at the ground
The classic cuck argument.
Well I, like any other straight male human, would prefer to put my penis inside of a vagina. Doesn't really matter what kind of vagina. Just any vagina will do. Old vaginas, young vaginas, smelly vaginas, discolored vaginas, tight vaginas, loose vaginas, black vaginas, white vaginas. Doesn't really matter, as long as my penis is inside of a vagina.
t. Nervous Virgin
You know the difference between a vagina where the woman is lying there and a vagina where the woman is doing an upside down handstand splits?
It's the same
is it fun to play a game with a 100% winchance on Sup Forums? we all are
Why do they each have 2 boners?
I've come to the realization that the only guys who actually believe that older women are more experienced with sex are virgins.
almost all korean women and a lot of men have surgery to mess with their gook eyes. It's one of the leading countries in plastic surgery solely due to this.
Bitch is ruining my fucking chair.
This. You faggots need to quit putting the pussy on a pedestal and pretending that there's some magical female secret to sex. Her pussy is going to feel the same no matter what she does. No woman has magical sucking labia lips.
Tracer doesn't want a single one of you, she only likes the ladies
Man-wise, she's pretty exclusive to this boytoy from that first trailer.
Ok, well yeah.. but the energy is different, and energy adds lot.
I'm not that user, and I agree with you for the most part. But fucking a dead fish is way less fun, you may as well just jerk off.
>you may as well just jerk off
Once you've had enough sex, you'll find out just how true that statement is.
t. Married 8 years
No one likes smelly brit feet
Its on the panda, I don't have the link here but its called The Girly Wacth
spotted the underage
>yfw Sinner does commissions for 0.06 bitcoins per character
>roughly $235 for one character
Plastic surgery+make up+contact lenses to make the eyes appear bigger
That's what I needed. Thanks user!