Please apologize for making me buy this piece of shit

Please apologize for making me buy this piece of shit.

You having shit tastes isn't anyone else's fault.

Not my fault that you hate genuinely good games.

Except no one made you

>he listened to the shills non-ironically

I did, I bully people into buying games.

lol owned

yes it's the most shilled game on Sup Forums


this and


Nah, it was a nice game.

This scrawny looking nu-male has made the best game of 2017 and basically you are fucking stupid.

i reccomend people here to buy

please buy my game

I can't get past the artstyle, it looks ugly as shit.

I know taste is personal but you're just wrong

you're ugly as shit

It's mediocre. Hard to say something bad about, hard to say something good about it.

please buy hollow knight

i warned you .
you don't listen

You listened to Sup Forums, now you pay the price.

Hollow Knight is pretty good tho, how come you don't like it?

Nobody "made" you buy anything, jackass. Stop following people like a dumb brainless ape and think for yourself you stupid mindless fuck.

Jokes on you I refunded it

please stop and buy hollow knight

I'd say it's a good game, it just doesn't do anything new or add anything to the genre. It does absolutely nothing unique, but what it does it does well.

stop with this bullying and just buy it

>buying indie flash games at all
and soulsbait shit at that. you have only yourself to blame

I bought it during the summer sale and it was trash. No thanks.

>buttblasted apebrain bullied into buying a game he didn't like and now filled with regret

every thread like this filled me with abstract kind of feeling


Well, "good" as no broken and let you play itself? Terrible times.

Get owned

Indie games are unique and hating the genre was always a meme that Sup Forums took so far.


lmeo suck my dick fag

please speak english sir


Not* broken? Is that your problem?

>buying hollow knight

As opposed to what, pirating? Talented folks at Team Cherry need your support.

>not buying the Joseph Andersonand Dunkey approved perfect game

You literally might be retarded desu senpai

this, buy the game and stop with this childishness

The upgrade paths and bosses are absolutely, tiresomely rote, that's a fundamental fact.

But Hollow Knight does go balls to the wall with world contextualization and quieter pacing, incorporating absolutely everything into the world while still letting you explore it all.

I'd say that adds at least something.

The only thing I hate about Hollow Knight is needing Cornifers map to start charting an area.


But you don't?
You can explore as much as you like, and when you have bought the map your previous journeys will be added.

sorry bro

After you buy the shit from his wife's shop you should be able to chart any area by yourself.
Without Cornifer's map you cant see shit.

I don't get it

Oh yeah. It's especially sad since you don't need them on multiple playthroughs, so they just sort of exist to dick over new time players and keep you lost for longer.

I could see what they were going for, trying to keep the game from becoming a fill-in-the-blanks while still giving you that opportunity, but it was handled in an annoying way.

Please apologize for making me buy this piece of shit.

What does that even mean? World construction is the absolute worst part of Hollow Knight. Everything is too constrained to the point where getting around from point A to point B requires repetitively going through every single obstacle. This is what leads to the game's biggest problems. Movement options don't feel satisfying or powerful because they basically only work on specific gates due to the overly constrained world. Even after getting every upgrade, navigating is just as much of a chore as it is in the beginning. This makes the clean-up phase of the game feel awful, which is a cardinal sin in the genre.

If you look at Metroid, once you get upgrades like Space Jump and Screw Attack, you're empowered to demolish the previous sections of the game. You can smoothly and swiftly go through previous obstacles and enemies and the pace of the game massively picks up. This is the kind of liberating progression Hollow Knight totally failed to capture. Ferrying the flower across the map at the end of the game perfectly captures what they did wrong.

Maybe it's something you only pick up on multiple playthroughs, and I'm sort of biased since I don't even remember the first one, but I've really felt at no time other than transcending to the Abyss that getting from A to B has taken the amount of time that even your fasted Metroid has. You can hit everything in one clean clinical motion.

But yeah I guess if you're wandering around batshit lost, probably would annoy you. Not a game I feel particularly strongly about, not gonna yell you down.

Anyway I was mainly referring to stuff like contextualizing the City of Tears with the lake above it, the relationship with the Mantis Village and shit like the quieter moments on the benches with the views.

Aside from horizontal zig-zag corridors I didn't really feel like traversing the world was much of a chore once you're about fully upgraded.

gameplaywise it was pretty good.
storywise it was lacking. the mystery kept me going and it was great and all, but in the end it was very bare bones.

there is nothing in this game to make it really good, only standard elements which keep this game from being bad.

You're the one who failed to properly research a purchase before making it. You deserve none of your money because you're an idiot.