Now that the season is getting to an end.. How did you do? Did you hit your goal for the season...

Now that the season is getting to an end.. How did you do? Did you hit your goal for the season? How many of is are still playing

Personally I wanted to hit Grand Champion but I keep yoyoing between champion I and II. So I still have to rock the season 3 GC tag which people like to make fun of

Also my elo is like 200 points higher than when I hit gc in season 3. So at least I like the bigger challenge

I went without playing for most of the season, but still managed to grab Platinum season reward, so I'm satisfied. I have a full team now so I can try for Diamond next season.

Got the plat reward, but dropped down to gold.
Oh, well.

I have determined that I will forever be a gold shitter, so I gave up.

I hit diamond in a couple of playlists but I play unranked most of the time anyway, everyone’s more chill.

thats what I thought but I just got plat. Sitting on 6/12 for the reward. Not sure I even want it though.

This. I hit champ 1 and stopped playing ranked and just played unranked for the rest of the season. Genuinely can't be bothered dealing with the type of players you encounter in ranked. The problem with playing a children's car game is, well, the children.

>Platinum II in Ranked 3s
>Silver III in Solo 3s

pls halp

Were you carried?

>Mate leaves midgame
>you stick around because you believe that maybe you can win on your own and he was actually holding you back.

>see through goals

Its even better when you win.

I secretly want for a 2v1 mode

When does the next season start? I really want to get back into Rocket League.

>good at positioning
>good at clearing
>good at rotating
>pretty good at blocking and saving
>can't hit the fucking ball into an empty net


28th with a soft rank reset
Accuracy is a bitch

Why isnt there a free alternative to this yet with cash shop? Literally unity "how to ball physics" and "unity race game tutorial" and earn bilions.

Why play a shitty unity copy when there's a polished UE3 version? It's going f2p with cash shop in China anyway.

I managed to reach gold so I'm happy about that
Silver 3-2 in 2v2, Gold 1-3 in 3v3
Good enough for me

I didn't play a single ranked.

I started playing las month because I purchased a computer by parts and it was free with my graphic card.

It's pretty fun desu, but I feel like I'm really bad, specially in the air.

Takes many hundreds of hours of practice to be able to aerial well

>steam playtime
>400 hours
>in-game actual playtime
>60 hours

I got my Plat reward. Need 8 more diamond wins but i don't see it happening. Stuck in Plat3 div 3 hell.

how the FUCK do you get that high?

You git gud

Made it to Platinum 1v1 this week and got the reward. Feels good man.

Once the reset comes you should place where you belong. I was sort of in the same boat. I kept going from silver 3 to gold 1 in solo standard no matter how long I played. But I recently bought rocket league on a different platform and after my 10 placement matches for solo standard I placed plat 2. Once you get stuck in a rank for long enough Psyonix refuses to let you leave.

I got banned.

This season I made it to Diamond 3. About the ban, I tried to go on today and it said I have a 24 hour ban for offensive language, I did call 2 guys boostfags yesterday, as they were friends and the guy was Diamond 3 and boosting his gold 3 friend. I am surprised it took them so long to ban me as I have used offensive language shit loads of times, even called people niggers and faggots all the time and this is my first ever ban with over 800 hours of gameplay.

I've accepted that I will always be stuck at plat

>every game, win or lose, I'm at the bottom of my team
yet I'm in gold 3
should I just give up

I'm the opposite of you.
Can't save for shit, can't rotate for shit, but I swear I will aim that bitch to the goal in any possible way.

They introduced an autoban recently. If you're reported several times and your messages contain certain words, in this case it was probably fag, you get banned automatically.

I gave up because I never got better and was always bringing my team down.