Is the Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga the most controversial remake after Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire?
Original vs Remake: Which did it better?
It's a mixed bag
Mostly good imo
>fat green woman has plastic tits in the remake instead of saggy ones
It's Sticker Star all over again desu
Remakes are so fucking retarded and pointless.
You either "update" and change the gameplay, at which point there is no longer any reason for it to be a remake at all instead of a new game, or you keep the gameplay the same, which again begs the question of what the point of remaking it was if the gameplay was already fine in the first place.
The only reason ORAS was controversial is because it forced babbies that had nostalgia for it to play it again and realize how shit that gen was.
no, Sup Forums is always love to overdo it/sperg out.
didn't stop them from pirating though.
Updated image so it's better sorted and shows the toadification.
Oh, and I guess MGS The Twin Snakes is another divisive remake too.
The remake is also most likely the reason why 3DS ambassadors didn't get the chance to even have the game. They most likely had it planned all along to extend the 3DSs life.
Also the Battle Frontier fiasco. People are still butthurt over that.
>the most controversial remake
>The remake is also most likely the reason why 3DS ambassadors didn't get the chance to even have the game. They most likely had it planned all along to extend the 3DSs life.
I don't think I believe that. The ambassador games were probably just whatever they could get working in the limited time they had, and M&L is probably more technically demanding.
I think they planned the remake after the last couple games didn't sell so well, even the Paper Mario gimmick didn't help sales, and their last idea was to just remake the game that sold really well.
Such a tiny amount of people got the ambassador games I doubt they would affect sales at all anyway.
>I think they planned the remake after the last couple games didn't sell so well
Dream Team sold fine but Paper Jam was definitely a flop.
Nothing will ever be as controversial as ORAS though.
Having said that, it's a passably okay remake. Not the best, but definitely not the worst. People who never heard of the original will enjoy it far more than the ones who already went and experienced the original game.
It's mostly people who have already gone and played the original one who are nitpicking the smallest things about a remake.
If anything, this was a quick cash grab so Nintendo could remind everyone how it all began and that means attracting the younger audience as well.
Looks perfectly fine other than the koopas
It's sad that they couldn't just sell Bowser's Minions, a concept people have been asking for for a long, long time, on its own and had to package it with this remake because they were too scared normies wouldn't buy a game where Mario isn't the main character.
I haven't played either yet and this has already decided which is better for me.
pretty dumb reason desu
Bah, after seeing this image I'm honestly disappointed by the "toadification". This remake also doesn't offer any true big change from the original (except the Minion Quest minigame), with just some QoL changes like map, save anytime etc. Considering this and the fact I'm trying to save for a Nintendo Switch, I don't know if this is worth or not 40 bucks. Seriously, would you better spend money on a controversial remake or a all-new, better game like Mario Odyssey?
this remake is better than the original due to the small improvements that it makes, but aside from that it's the exact same game. you're better off saving up for a switch and odyssey as opposed to buying a remake which is almost exactly the same as the original. it doesn't even add any content like Boss Rushes to the M&L side (despite the last 3 entries having them).
Thanks for your opinion. So, since it has just small improvements, you think it's better wait for a price cut for SSS 3DS then?
The doctor Toad wasn't changed actually but that's probably because he's basically a normal Toad with some clothes on. Also the Paper Mario part needs this image instead to be accurate.
But user, there are different dot colored Toads too. The screenshot in "Remake (2017)" shows two Toads with yellow dots.
This is true.
Can you confirm if the minigame toad is still the same, or he was also toadified? (I think it's the yellow one with a mustache iirc).
Not my image originally, but that's definitely a better Paper Mario comparison.
Yeah, it is pretty misleading actually. I guess the point still stands with the lack of interesting designs/variations compared to recolors.
only if you're interested in the Minions Mode really. the M&L side while a bit better due to gameplay, and QoL improvements. doesn't offer any new content or enough major changes to make it worth upgrading over. the remake will be my preferred way to play through superstar saga again, but i can't recommend it to people who already own the game.
Now the only thing I wanna see about the leaks is the sprite sheet. If at some point they planned to have a 3D styled Bink and varied MLSS toads like in the original, then there should be some leftovers about it.
I honestly don't like that mode, and it's definitively not worth alone to buy this remake.
This one?
Forgot to say, thanks again
Darn it, not him too. Thanks &tw.
You should have at least expected it, if one particular styled Toad gets replaced, then all of the ones that looked the same as him will be as well.
There's no escaping the Toad-ification. One could say it's a worse condition than the Blorbs.
That shit looks amazing. I don't know why everyone is bitching.
It's not that the remake sprites are necessarily bad, but I feel like the thick outlines of the original sprites are part of what made the cartoony style work so well.
>game takes place in another country
>Toads came in all shapes and sizes
>enemies are set apart from their Mushroom Kingdom counterparts through exaggerating features and details
>remake being made
>Toads all look the same save for different spots on their caps
>enemies are now just Mushroom Kingdom with beansprouts on their heads
That sums up the general criticism.
I feel like this is some kind of Disney-esque ridiculous brand-protection rules.
Or like how DC in the 70's made it so you were literally not allowed to show a picture of Superman unless it was the Curt Swan design, including redrawing Jack Kirby's art of Superman in his Fourth World books and even redrawing Alex Toth's Super Friends designs in merchandise.
Companies are weird like that.
Has anyone compared the Toad sprites to the ones from Dream Team? Is it possible they just reused those?
how are these guys on 3ds?
And the Beanies.
oh they grew
They look different to me.
From what I've seen it seems to be more of a japanese mentality thing. IIRC, both Nintendo and Sega have been very picky with how they characters must be represented.
>The whole "Bowser must hold the cup of coffee in a very specific way and not talk" episode in Wreck it Ralph.
>The Mario & Rabbids director also said Nint was very restrictive with what Mario could and couldn't do, from actions to the way the moved and reacted to things
>The whole Sonic Boom plot restriction AKA "Only Tails and Eggman can be inventors in the setting" and not being able to tackle the characters's pasts.
Huh. intriguing.
There was also Skylanders where, apparently, Peach was among the characters considered for Superchargers (along with Fox and Kirby). Nintendo vetoed their idea of turning her into a warrior princess along with barring the other "hero" Mario characters and suggesting they use DK and Bowser instead. Even then, they were originally going to have Bowser's super form be Giga Bowser, but that got vetoed and they created Molten Bowser instead. Everything else they wanted to do got through apparently though.
>They tweaked the graphics again
What. Now someone really needs to datamine the game. I wanna see the spritesheets and see how much did they reuse, edit and left unused.
To be fair, the Giga Bowser form is technically it's own different character & owned by Hal, so there's at least a reasoning of sorts behind rejecting that idea.
The Dream Team sprites IIRC were made by rendering new models from scratch and then making sprites from them, DKC style.
The new ones look like they did the same thing, except from the Nintendo stock models.
I mean, I can think of exactly four companies that do it: Disney with Mickey/Donald/Goofy, DC with Superman/Batman, Nintendo with Mario, and SEGA with Sonic. I'm sure there are others, but from the ones I know, it's not Japanese, just any company that has these massive, globally-recognized, family-friendly characters.
There are countless stories about the Disney stuff, and quite a few about how DC had crazy amounts of rules for Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman but let you do whatever with anyone else.
Honestly I find it all hilarious and fascinating.
>What. Now someone really needs to datamine the game. I wanna see the spritesheets and see how much did they reuse, edit and left unused.
Same here, there has to be at least 1 left over design based on the original that got swapped into the generic ones we got now.
The Toads in Little Fungitown WERE immigrants from the Mushroom Kingdom, idiot. There are no "Beanbean toads". That was the whole point did you play the fucking game?
Another thing I did found weird is this (kinda):
>"Toadtown Square" was renamed to "Peach's Castle".
Does this mean not even named locations are safe from Toadification? Or I'm just overthinking it?
What does the area look like now?
Pretty much the same just in the newer style & the NPCs look more generic.
I'm trying to compare them to see if the architecture was changed to look more like Peach's Castle.
I assume they figured, with the parapets, Peach's Castle made more sense than Toad Town?
>They changed Hammer bros and large loops into basic forms
Literally everything on the left looks better
>freaky sci-fi robo chomps turned into generic wind up koopas
That always looked like Peach's Castle courtyard though, never Toad Town.
I agree, I'm fine with this change personally.
Gameplay videos are starting to go up. I'll link the three Minion Quest boss fights up so far:
Of particular note is that, in the E3 demo, Iggy was known as Dark Iggy. It seems the Koopalings were originally going to change appearance after getting brainwashed, but they scrapped the idea.
The channel has most of the Bros boss fights if you want to see those. Somebody else uploaded the final boss as well.
apparently, the Mechakoopas in Paper Jam worked the same way as the Mecha-Chomps.
>Of particular note is that, in the E3 demo, Iggy was known as Dark Iggy. It seems the Koopalings were originally going to change appearance after getting brainwashed, but they scrapped the idea.
Nah, if you try to redo Koopaling fights you already beat they show up that way.
I like them both. However i prefer the sharper more colorful GBA version. If we are just speaking from a visual standpoint. Ill probably pick it up when it gets a price drop.
Oh, alright then.
Holy shit you must be the most triggered cherrypicker I've ever seen.