Is it the most consistently GOAT shooter series?

Is it the most consistently GOAT shooter series?

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not while blue shift exists

Blue Shift was just inoffensive though

HL and Opposing Force are GOAT
None of the rest is

>HL series
How's that HL3 treating you?

Maybe if they completed the story first. HL1 10/10.
This was p cool find.
>Until the cowadoody radio chatter kicks in...


i love HL because of all the mods

A lot of people didn't like Gunman Chronicles, but I thought it was fun as fuck. Some of the locations were super comfy, like that whole rusted-out part.

i never played that is it a single player mod? i actually have never played any single player mods and now i feel like i missed out on a lot

>retards that still hoped finally have to cope with the fact that HL3 isn't in the development
>hasn't been for years and most likely will never exist
>VNN last upload 4 weeks ago
>Sup Forums starts dickriding original Half Life and Opposing force
>starts saying that Half Life 2 and episodes were shit

Never change Sup Forums

That has always been my opinion of the HL series, and Sup Forums has always loved HL and Opposing Force
What now?

Its okay, but 6-7/10 at best, and notlots of longevity.

>tfw a playthrough of HL 1, Op For, Hl2 + Episodes is roughly 35 hours long
holy fuck I love this series

HL2 is a good game, VNN is a massive faggot with shit tastes.

Opposing Force is OC Donut Steel fanfiction shit

I don't know why anyone on Sup Forums likes it other than fedora tier gas mask operator aesthetics

it also has some pretty fucking terrible level design. Way too much inconsistencies with environment interaction and a reliance on the worst AI pathing I've ever seen in games

HL2 feels like fanfic more than opfor 2bh

inb4 the autism video complaining about hl2 having a mild sense of humor

You shoot a variety of different enemies with a variety of different guns that are fun to use
You know, like you do in shooters

There will be a marked difference in AI because you're not fighting the HECU any more

no I mean the AI pathing for allies is garbage. Scientists, guards, and soldiers. Getting them to follow you or pushing them where they *need* to go in order for you to progress is a fucking nightmare

Ah right, don't think that ever happened to me but would be frustrating
That's Goldsrc for you, comfy as fuck but it has its downsides

M249 is pretty cool, it's like Gluon Gun turned up to eleven and with more ammo.