I still miss him.
I still miss him
the gamecube-wii-wii u era was the worst era nintendo ever had. the n64 may have been pretty shitty with a library of worthwhile games being in the range of 10-15, but iwata's leadership was awful.
hopefully this is reversed soon, but I'm doubtful.
Literally who
The GameCube era was the last truly good Nintendo era.
This. He left for a greater good.
First of all, Nintendo's power was only relevant in the 80s and early 90s because they held a fucking monopolistic, vice grip over developers for their systems. If you made games for Nintendo, you couldn't do shit for anyone else. That slowly changed with the advent of Sony and the death of Sega.
Without Sega and a competent release schedule, and the bluster of releasing a cartridge based system instead of disc based in 1996, basically two years after Saturn and Playstation, Nintendo fucked up. They lost third party support and lost the ability to maintain dominant.
The GameCube/Wii/Wii U were products of a stupid fucking mistake they made in the late 90s. They didn't release early enough to compete, and released the wrong type of media with their new console. GameCube also was a fuck up due to using mini-discs, so they further alienated game creators to the point where they had to come up with a good gimmick quickly or sink.
Their handheld market never really suffered. Iwata had nothing to do with Nintendo's "bad" era.
the gamecube era had some of the worst installments in mainline hardware and fleeting 3rd party support. it was a rehash of the n64 era which wasn't particularly good.
>the gamecube-wii-wii u era was the worst era nintendo ever had.
>two of their best consoles ever and a kinda bad one that made them a fucking truckload of money
>worst era
yeah okay
NES: 60 mil
SNES: 50 mil (loss)
N64: 34 mil (loss)
GameCube: 22 mil (loss)
Wii: 101 mil (outlier)
Wii U: 14 mil (continued loss trend of GameCube)
Nothing to do with Iwata.
Nintendo fucked up overall.
>no games
>several year long droughts
>the worst zelda, worst 3d mario, least new IPs
yeah it was fucking awful. NES-SNES was the only period Nintendo was good.
Gameboy: 110 mil
Gameboy Advance: 81 million
DS: 150 million
3DS: 65 million (still selling)
He was the father I wish was never there and now he isn't.
why would you miss him? its not like he did anything.
Iwata basically made the DS and Wii. The largest sellers for Nintendo.
it's almost as if nintendo's handheld and console development was separate and now it's not and they're relying on their handhelds to keep them afloat
oh wait that's completely accurate
It's almost as if tons of people always said "Can we play our handheld games on our TV" so they launched the gameboy player for snes and gameboy advance player for gamecube
>Single-handedly rewrote the code for EarthBound and Pokemon Gold/Silver so they could actually fucking release the games and was able to get Kanto into GSC since he freed up so much space
>Head of the company for the DS, Wii, and Amiibo, massive financial successes
Friendly reminder that Iwata was president when their best selling consoles of all time, the DS and Wii, were released.
>tfw you finally understand
Are there even any execs with actual experience making beloved games or being a master at coding (or at least competent) like Iwata left? At least in terms of business power, not "creative director" like Miyamoto.
What's his name again?
Saturn Idaho?
its called the super gameboy you philistine, you don't even know what you're talking about jesus just stop breathing
Does Kamitani count
>remember goy- I mean guys, it's not about the quality of games released or the number of good games released, it's about money! If they made money, you should be happy even if it hurts your experience!
Shawn Torres In Water
I guess
he was a subhuman mongoloid that paid the price for fucking and ruining good old Nintendo forever.
I hope he yiffs in hell.
giv edge
>yfw he kept Nintendo out of mobile solely on the principle of mobile gaming hurting the industry