What went wrong

What went wrong

What went right?




The sequels.

It was a solid start to a new series. It had a couple bits that felt a bit dragged out but it was a solid start.
It could have been imrpoved in sequels by world building, choice, improvements to combat and ai, etc. Instead they took a step back in nearly every area and just kind of floundered about

>"""Dark""" Fantasy
>Has a good ending possible

Not a lot. Dragon Age 2 could have very well been GOAT but they fucked up and ruined everything.

I really enjoyed killing her but BW hates fun so they brought her back as some kind of ghost zombie thing. Whatever, DA:O is the only DA game that exists in my book,

It was the last game that was made before EA fully took over Bioware.

EA may have it's logo on it, but it was not very involved, as the purchase was near the end of development.

DA:O was truly actual BioWare's parting gift. Name one game after it that wasn't trash.

EA has nothing to do with it, it was the last done before identity politics infiltrated video games. The writers are by far and wide liberals and progressives, they always have been. Now that identity politics are liberals' main platform, that's all they care about putting on display. So it's all about diversity quotas (which isn't even bad if they didn't wholesale replace historical figures or established protagonists with black people, and ONLY black people, never Asians or even brown), sexual orientation, and female privilege.

Nothing, it was the last truly great AAA WRPG until the Witcher 3 was released.

Mass Effect 2 was good and Inquisition was ok.

Oh but this is Sup Forums right.



Not but it was still 5/10 forgettable trash that took 0 risks and brought nothing interesting to the table. It got some virginal elf fangirls hooked through romance bait and that is about it.

nah the story was good and there were some great side quests, plus the presentation was top notch.

Combat gets absolutely retarded late game and in the DLC without a Knight Enchanter at higher difficulties though, literally 5 minutes to kill any enemy because of how much HP they have.

Deep roads felt really long and shitty to me, everything in denerim leading up to the archdemon fight was kind of the same way. Other than that the game was awesome, it sort of reminded me of playing dungeon siege back in the day

The first DA is awesome we could use more rpgs like it today

>An ancient evil awakened lol I mean come on it worked in the first game guys
>Good story

they made a second and third game.

It started.

>great side quests

You're joking, right? Most of the side quests are your MMO shit fetch quests and collect 10 bear asses, not to mention that literally the only thing they accomplish is increase your power meter to spend on perk points for the Inquisition.

Please set yourself some standards.

With that game. Nothing in particular.
It gave me a false sense of hope that Bioware would still be able to function as a great rpg developer. DA2 is what shattered my delusions on the subject.
They must of fired over half the staff by the time DA2 rolled around. I can't even fathom all the people who got tricked by EA over the years.


Idk but dragonage 2 was the best dragonage age game

What's the best party setup and why is it Morrigan, Wynn and Alistair?

>not Shale, Oghren, and Morrigan

name one "great" side quest.

the only decent thing about the game was the main story and even that was okay at best. and also heavily weighed down by the awful antagonist. almost every other aspect of the game was bad.

that's the point though. Deep Roads was supposed to be this horrible trek people never return from. i liked how it also became more horrific and disturbing the deeper you went.

>using a DLC companion and a boring generic dwarf

Disgusting user.

Its just so generic. And the MMO meets D&D 4th edition with just three classes is too limited of a combat system for something that has like 120h of content, mostly composed of the aforementioned combat.

free day 1 DLC that was intended to be in the base game to begin with.

do not bully Shale

I can't imagine how many people got the hardest case of buyers remorse with DA2. They must have bought that game based on the trust built on DA:O. It's some top 10 anime betrayals shit.

> Make a game with mages being the only class that has options to choose spells and abilities from
> Only give player two mages, whom both come at mid levels with mostly bad choices
> No respec option
> Mage PC has the worst origin

nothing really, it was a good well executed game even though it didn't do anything original

>dark fantasy
>it's a normal fantasy world with some cliches "subverted" into edgy parodies of themselves


EA happened

>retconned to a beast race

>What went right?
The amount of choices possible to make that affect your gameplay in the defense of Redcliffe alone dwarfs most other games that advertise making choices as a major component of their game. And that's 1 segment of 1 of the 4 main quests with the grey warden contracts.

EA got involved at the end and tried to change it into edgy gore dark fantasy with "cool" cutscenes and blood everywhere.

Pic related is one of the best written video game characters PERIOD.

>Not being a band of assholes with Zevran, Sten, and Morrigan

the initial story was essentially a rip-off of the wheel of time.


Sorry I meant DA:O, not shitquinisition

Did they ever give a reason for it? In origins they were like halfgiants and randomly in 2 they're bodybuilding bull people

But alistair and morrigan have top tier banter.

>CRPG resurgence has been going on for a while now
>Nobody is stealing DA:O's combat system and making a new game with it
Real time with pause was fantastic. The movesets and builds you can make in this game are so fucking fun and varied.
I NEED somebody to carry on the torch of Dragon Age Origins mechanically.

the fade

The design we know from DA2 was the original idea. They didn't implement it with Sten, because it would've been to much work.

Nothing, this was the last genuinely good Dragon Age game.

>over the shoulder camera for more immersive exploration but also has isometric view for combat situations for more tactical control

Witcher 1 did it, DAO did it, why can't modern CRPGs like Original Sin 2 do it?

Realistically it's because its nigh impossible to make the game visually pleasing from both angles.
Dragon Age Origins was based around the top down view and looks really nice at times from a top down perspective. Looks incredibly rough on ground level most of the time.
Dragon Age Origins Awakening was designed around over the shoulder because more people used it and it looks boring from the top down but nice in over the shoulder.

It's so hard to have both that I'm fine with a dev just picking one or the other desu.

I actually really liked the DeepRoads, it's my favourite quest. I hate the Fad, though.

Oghren is anything but boring, and Shale is Solas done right, imo.

The original team leaving, EA takeover, and voiced protags.
The options

Oghren was a shitty "DUDE ALE LMAO" reddit tier character until Awakening where he's fantastic