When's the last time a game has truly challenged you?
Where you've hit a wall, and used your adaptation, cunning, and good motor skills to surpass it.
Bonus round - no dark souls
Bonus bonus round - seriously no one say dark souls
When's the last time a game has truly challenged you?
Where you've hit a wall, and used your adaptation, cunning, and good motor skills to surpass it.
Bonus round - no dark souls
Bonus bonus round - seriously no one say dark souls
Therevare no games like that past the age of 13.
Salt and sanctuary was really challenging on the first playthrough. Binding of Isaac can get pretty challenging in the later levels
Maybe try playing games on a harder difficulty than normal??
The only time a video game is truly challenging is if you're doing high-level competitive play.
The Hell stage in Cave Story as well as the boss. Took me a lot of tries but eventually got it.
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
Hard mode took me time but i actually had to use my reflexes and fucking parry, felt good.
Every good game I've ever played. I always play on the highest setting. Being easy's the worst crime a game can commit. No challenge? I'm not having fun. I don't brag. My shit's private. That's what I enjoy.
games dont challenge me, its other humans.
Monster Hunter 4U
Dota 2
Etrian Odyssey 4
Probably a lot more but those are off the top of my head
>video games aren't hard once you're a big boy
Play pretty much everything hardest difficulty.
>inb4 "mr. tryhard"
Yes, I am.
I feel that way more and more these days.
Good shit my nibba, that one was pretty good. Took me like 45 fucking try's.
When I played on hard mode myself, I felt like they gave bosses too much health. Because it started to feel a little grindy, and I couldn't help but be a little annoyed when 3/4's through the first big fight it turned into a cutscene and insta killed it.
Wooh boy go soft on the edge
I can't remember.
Fighting Games are about the only challenge.
Dark Souls and Nioh are pretty good but can be circumvented with grinding.
I also don't really consider harder difficulties to be any harder it's just how can you find the best way to cheat the system.
Etrian Odyssey IV
I was never big into JRPGs, so that game made me have to think about how I was approaching things
cRPGs are great for this. Most encounters are as much puzzles as they are dice rolls. Abusing the map, enemy AI, it all becomes part of the gameplay when you're playing at a higher difficulty or trying to cheese content at a much higher level than you are.
I love the feeling of clearing a dungeon several hours early and wiping through the game with some OP weapon.
Ys Oath on Nightmare
Great game
Literally only fighting games give me this feeling anymore.
Metal Gear Solid 2, on E-Extrreme
Fatman took me around 40 to 50 tries before i got gud
Father Gascoigne or however the fuck you spell it in bloodborne
Father Gastrointestinal
Crash Bandicoot N Sane
Nioh. I had a crappy build and didn't really upgrade my equipment that often, so it offered a nice challenge.
Also, I just beat Battletoads today after about 25-30 hours of trying. Such a relief to finally have it done.
serious sam
Ori and the Blind Forest gave me a bunch of trouble when I first played it 2+ years ago, but to be fair I am (or rather was) really shit when it comes to platformers
I've since then gone on to beat it with no deaths and generally have far less trouble with platformers, so I guess it forced me to git gud
Going through The Old Hunters for the first time and fighting Ludwig
on NG+
if it that doesnt count then I have no answer, BB was the only game as of late to actually challenge me
any dark soulsesque game
Super hexagon is hard af
It's Dark Souls of danmaku.
>no darke zouls
Cheeky cunt
Well Dragon's Dogma challenged me not to fall asleep during that borefest. It was also a serious challenge not to laugh at its shitty plot and completely random accents or be vaguely unsettled by the apparently completely unnoticed and accidental implications of the entire concept of pawns and the pawn system.
Does that count?
Hitman Blood Money, only because it's my first entry to the series. Its starting to grow on me though.