A review has been posted

>a review has been posted
>look down at comments sections
>it is filled with console war comments



>just want to play dinosaurs riding other, larger dinosaurs
>have to wait TWO DAYS

Who keeps fucking making this?`



what is this from?

The Under-Empire


>ywn a skaven
why even fucking live





I want to marry an elf!

I want to rape an elf!

>uncaring about others
>only interested in advancing themselves
>willing to stand on anyone to rise

Is Skaven a parody of western society?

With the massive corruption and back stabbing to claw your way to the top it fits

I must be tired

I laughed way too hard

Close but it's parodying (((them)))


I want Amazons DLC.

Who ready to gain slaves round the world

>implying the edgelords won't get BTFO by lizards
>as always

amazons would be great fun, love to see skirmishes deep in lustria



The last total war I played was Shogun 2 and it made me realize I absolutely suck at them. Small battles are fine and a lot of fun, but once battles devolve into 20+ stacks vs 20+ stacks it becomes a micromanaging fest.

I think the adding of the ability to take any settlement but some settlements are worth much less is a great idea.

One of the biggest disappointments as glorious DAWI in TWW1 was burning vampire cunt crypts only to find that you couldn't erect beautiful underground cities there.

The fact that this is changed in TWW2 makes it an insta-buy for me.

>looking forward to a game
>it actually turns out to be good
All things considered, 2017 has been a pretty good year.

It will carry over to the combined map as well, as well as some reworks

>Literal garden lizards think they can stop the perfect woman

alright lads which new LLs do you want most moving forward
>Alith Anar
>Ikit Claw
>Malus Darkblade

It has potential to become better as well

Ikit Claw, HAS A LITERAL POWERFIST, want him the most in a skryre in a lord pack

I barely know anything about lore, so I honestly don't know.

I want to tenderly love an elf, with lots of hand holding and ear rubbing.

Elves are only good for one thing

is the UI still shit?


As long as its BEST ELVES

Thank you for this

I have a folder of these that are Warhammer themed

>poorly optimized
>braindead ai
>pc only

This is why I will never care about TW.

Before anything else, I want my TOMB KINGS

GW might have forgotten, but I have not.


I wonder if Mortal Empires will launch alongside TK or before, because that seems like a pretty major thing, especially considering they'll be right up against the Greenskins on the combined map

Mods can fix what you dont like, this series has many great overhauls as well

Rome II aside, the recent TW games have been pretty well optimized.

t. toaster

I assume before? Its the first FLC on the content map

Tomb Kings vs Nagash vs Vampires when?

>Skaven LL
probably Thanquol
Tiqtaq'to or Lord Kroak maybe

Throw Vampire Coast in there for the ultimate 4-way

> Tomb Kings still not announced

you'd just get mad that they're announcing DLC before the game is out

I want Imrik for HElf campaign
Tehenhauin for a lizardmen
Probably Malus darkblade for DElfs

Hoping for Kroak to be honest.

People are saying Kroak might be the reward for finishing the campaign as lizardmen

I kind of don't wanna see Kroak because you could never do him justice in total war.


Two days until milf stacks


Mazdamundi and Teclis are already pretty powerful, it'd be hard to top them without being completely OP

What other games feature momcest?

A-asking for a friend.


who /preloaded/ here

>Reward for finishing games
What year are you from, time traveller? We don't have these sort of things nowadays. We have DLCs.

that's what Sarthorael was, though

Im ready for mommy-son roleplay

Every campaign features rewards when you win them.

First one had big bird, boris, and mousilin.

>pc only

We need one of those "Identifying wood, yup it's wood"-pictures for Sony-ggers.

I need memes, give me the memes

>who is Sarthorael

Im preloaded and ready

You know, I'm actually excited about this one now.
From what I've seen, it looks like I'll lose a hundred or more hours again in this game.

post more elf qtπs

I put about 500 hours into the first, lots of SP and MP campaigns with my friend, glad every race can be co-oped


That's only partially true. You could unlock the Red Duke for completing the Wood Elves mini-campaign, and Boris Todbringer for completing the Beastmen campaign.

Granted, they weren't Legendary Lords proper (in that they were acquired through confederating Mousillon/Middenland), and required their respective DLC, but they were present all the same.

Okay, I had actually forgotten about Big Bird.

I'll have to call bullshit on Boris and Mousillon though, you get those for completing DLC exclusive mini-campaigns, they're part of a DLC.

Not sure if i like the dark elf there.


How about this one?

>I'll have to call bullshit on Boris and Mousillon though, you get those for completing DLC exclusive mini-campaigns, they're part of a DLC.

The point is still that you get shit for finishing campaigns and it's consistent.

>was going to play DElfs after Lizardbois
>now kind of want to play HElfs after watching the CA streams

I don't. Her anatomy is very... masculine.
Slender hips and broad shoulders.


>elf enjoying that big fat musky rat cock
what else is new

More WElfs


why not both

but which one FIRST, user

Come to the darkside

Need mod to fix those terrible abs, I've seen this before already, but I still don't understand what were CA thinking....


Boot up the game, see which faction gives you the most hype.
If nothing else, coin flip.


I wish it was more worthwhile to take Wardancers instead of a frontline of shields and a million archers

Those abs really are out of place.

Thick thighs are decent as shock infantry