Anyone else really liking the reversible covers of the switch games?
Anyone else really liking the reversible covers of the switch games?
Yeah, of all two
There's 4 games in the OP you disingenuous moron.
This isn't some switch exclusive thing, my borderlands and skyrim on 360 do this.
Fucking retard.
He never even suggested this, reading comprehension you stupid fuck.
I didn't notice. I figured most of the games had only the control layout on the inside.
The only game I've got that does this is Disgaea 5 though.
Nintendo drones only play Nintendo games so they think its some huge deal when something like this happens
Wait, what the fuck. Are you memeing on me with european games or do american copies do this too? I never noticed
All of OPs and Disgaea 5 have reversible covers
>if dey have the artwork on the udder side, that means itda reverdible cuver :D
Off yourself, you fucking inbred retards. Splatoon 2 and The Binding of Isaac are the only two in OP's pic that are meant to be reversible. I guess you think Mario Kart 8 Deluxe's is also reversible. Tie a rope around your neck and jump off a cliff, you fucking waste of oxygen.
Still the best reversible cover Ive ever seen.
splatoon 2 isn't meant to be reversable
it's on the wrong side
none of these are reversable save binding of isaac
>"""front""" cover is on the back of the box for Splatoon and Pokken
>guys i-its reversible I swear!!!!
I hate reversible covers that remove the logos on the spine and the name of the console. What's the point? It looks out of place compared to the rest of the games and it barely looks like a game cover at all, just a random art piece related to the game and put on a box
The splatoon one is 10 times better then the real one what the fuck
>What is Japan?
i like the idea but they usually look like shit when you have them lined up a on shelf
an irrelevant thing to factor in since this is the na release?
You can't seriously be this retarded
They're a Japanese company adding a Japanese flavour to things? Seems like a pretty obvious design choice.
>In a pawn shop game hunting
>See a copy of Dead or Alive 4 on the xbox 360 with this cover
>Buy it
>Note falls out of manual... (see next picture)
dumbest post of the day folks
You can't honestly be so fucking retarded not to see that the art featuring Japanese fucking TEXT isn't deliberate.
Fuck off retard game cases aren't like that
Always makes me laugh my ass off when retards on Sup Forums try to act like some smug authority when they clearly know nothing
>art featuring Japanese fucking TEXT
uh, user...
Opps the part covered by the light says "Deadly Kounichi"
What is this unwilling/confident shit?
I know the food is from thier bios and of course DOA Xtreme
This is why you dumb shitstains will never have a career in anything.
the jp gc boxes were so cash, I'm glad the switch ones are similar
>get BTFO
>reply with non-sequitur in an effort to save face
I only buy physical Switch games with reversible covers or interior artwork, whichever name settles down the autism I'm seeing in this thread.
Anyone know what paper the covers are printed on? I'd gladly make my own with some bare switch cases.
PAL region games often don't do it as a cost-cutting measure. The PS4 version of Ground Zeroes had a reversible Shinkawa cover on the American and Japanese versions, but not in Europe and Australia/New Zealand.
More games need to flat out give posters and maps.
stop this
what did OP mean by this?
They should just have a boxsleeve that has all the legal and technical info at this point.
Sometimes I forget unironic weeabos actually exist, you are fucking pathetic
Name on this ladyboy?
look at those fakes
Oh, a cum covered chick on a blue board in the middle of the day. Nice.