Sit and play a bit of Halo 3 today for 10th anniversary, alone, no Xbox Live, no bros playing after school...

>sit and play a bit of Halo 3 today for 10th anniversary, alone, no Xbox Live, no bros playing after school, but sitting in the same room, holding the same controller as when I played it for the first time

What feels are vidya meant to evoke?

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Halo 3 had the best vidya community of all time.

Have you seen lately?

>Cried at the end of Halo 3 the first time I played
>The second time too
Hopefully this playthrough I will as well.
Don't get me wrong, I'm no thin-skin, but Halo 3 is just so fucking beautiful

>playing halo for the campaign


>some kid shot his father and killed his mother for this game

They let me pick, did I ever tell you that?

wtf? rabbit?

Key word in his sentence was "had"

Wow, I completely forgot about that.

>not playing halo for the campaign

Halo 2's community was better, as was it's campaign, MP, maps, and music.

The only thing Halo 3 has going for it over 2 is forge.

You blame him?

>Could you sacrifice me to complete your mission? Could you watch me die?

The same community that played Halo 2 played Halo 3. Can't really say objectively that one was somehow better than another.

hes just a retarded 2fag
you have to be fucking delusional to believe 2 was better than 3

You didn't miss anything, user.

>play matchmaking
>400 players online
>wtf it's the tenth anniversary
>wait 15 minutes to find a lobby
>finally join one
>get annihilated due to shit combat mechanics
>proceed to log out after two matches and decided to enjoy a few campaign missions

halo 3's multiplayer aged like fucking milk

You still live in your moms basement?

I think it's just the backwards compatibility. One on the 360 runs better.

>playing halo online
>reliving halo day but not as good
still feeling bad but I'm coping

I wish the vertical sensitivity in halo 3 wasn't so low

I was playing it earlier. It was still fun to play with friends. It's strange though, they've only ported a couple of the map packs onto XBone.

>Roommate I played with day one went to watch football today.

Kinda sad, we also only had one controller.

>Covenant had to split it's attention fighting against 2 splinter groups, humanity, and the flood
>still nearly won against all of them
Literally the most OP faction relative to it's universe in all of vidya

Its sad that more people play Reach instead of 3. Especially since Reach has horrid motion blur and in some cases looks worse than Halo 3.

Halo 3 had a big problem with input lag on HDTVs so that's probably even worse on the xbone

People like combat mechanics that don't rely on pure skill.

That depends on what "pure skill" is. Sometimes knowing the location of power weapons, meleeing at the right time, or getting a few shots in with the battle rifle before your opponent realizes is enough to get you by.


My friend and I booted up my 360 the other day to see what kind of maps and game types I had created in the forge.
We found a game type called "Happy Hammers"
>spawn into middle of the pit
>explosive containers constantly raining down on us, throwing up around
>all weapon spawns are inside the blast radius
>300% speed
>low gravity
>300% health
>everyone starts with hammer and random weapon
>can outrun vehicles and leap over the buildings
>match is set to first to 50 kills wins
>game becomes endless high speed cat and mouse game of intense sniping attempts, lucky sticky shots, and energy sword saltiness
>literally 3 hours later I emerge victorious from this 1v1
>put 360 deep inside closet

Grow up, manchild.

>comes into a halo thread just to tell someone to grow up

Imma replay ALL of the good Halo games this year in honor of Halo 3. I became friends with people i still talk to daily on this game.

I'm planning on doing this as well. On one of my weekends off i'm going to go through them all in one go.

I'm trying to finish gravity rush 2 before i start. debating if i wanna do halo wars as well .

it fucking hurts

Halo Wars campaign is kinda meh to me. Doesn't have the same feel as 1-3 and Reach.

Did the multiplayer have a jump in population? I'm tempted to get a membership just for custom games.

>trying to play the H3 classic playlist on halo 5
>keep getting connection issues
>the few times i do get into games it puts me into ones already in progress

did 343 fuck this shit up AGAIN

We have groups we've formed to set up custom games. Only difficulty is working around job schedules and so fourth.

>never owned an xbox but even im extremely nostalgic for this game because i played it all the time at my best friends place
>tfw after well over a decade of being stuck to each other like glue we drifted and moved very far away

Other than that how is base multiplayer? I played Reach awhile back when I signed up for a free trial to get Bayonetta and it still had an active community for Invasion and BTB.

I didn't have a 360 but I am nostalgic as fuck about Xbox Live 1.0 and all the pre-Halo 2 things.

So many hours, day, and weeks spent playing Whacked!, Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six 3, and Splinter Cell Pandora/Chaos Theory. Or just sitting in the dashboard chatrooms and talking to strangers.

Makes me sad that there were only 400ish people online today. I was hoping for maybe a close peak to the 10,000's, but that's a lot easier said than done. Either way, I had fun remembering the time we all finished the fight 10 years ago today. Godspeed to all of you anons, thanks for making it fun for me.

Community on Reach has gone down a bit more. Back in December the population was averaging like ten thousand. Now it's more like five thousand or less.

>it's been TEN (10) years
wtf bros?

I know man, I just thought about that today.

I never got to play original Xbox online but I feel like shit since I missed out on playing Halo 2 and Star Wars Battlefront 2 online. Did get to play splitscreen with my best friend but I don't know if that makes it worse since I haven't talked to him in such a long time.

I feel you user, but for me it was conquest mode in Mechassault 2 that I will miss the most.

brehs we have to go back ;_;

>halo as a franchise is 18 years old

>Every friday night
>head out to the city to meet up with my friends at their apartment
>carry our tv's into one apartment, 4 tv's, 6 people
>order Chinese from the place up the street
>play until 8am
>custom games, big team social, rotate in and out of ranked TDM

I talk to one of those people still, and even then it's shaky and weeks pass without a "hello"
One turned into a raging SJW
The other fell into thinking playing video games meant he couldn't accomplish anything else and literally gave up his passion out of guilt
One got married and his wife hates it when he goes out or plays games
The others I don't even know where they live

Fuck, it was some of the most pure fun a bunch of guys could have together

Can we have a game night?

. goddamnrit.

Why pit away

I was playing on the 360.

>you ever wonder whats up there

>like what

still in contact with some of my halo boys. some fell off but the rest are some of my closest friends

his father recovered

>got Masterchief collection on Xbone
>go through remastered Halo 1 and 2
>both look great
>get to normal Halo 3
>looks like dogshit

It's okay to cry lads

reminder Halo 3 is mediocre and Halo CE/Halo 2 are better

No, there's a difference. 2 was during the early days of xbox live: People were more open to joining random custom games then, and it was easider to do so thanks to the friends list menu. There were also modded lobbies that Halo 3 didn't have nearly to the same extent.

I wouldn't say "agred like milk". It's still a good game, but I admit that after playing Halo 5 that going back to CE-Reach I wish their physics were closer to 5's with faster movement speed, less floaty jumps, and more movement systems.

5 in general has great core gameplay, great weapon balance, and the best forge/customs in the series, Ijust wish the campaign wasn't ass and it had more of the soul and feeling that the bungie games have in terms of their tone and visual design

>Halo 3 is "pure skill"

Top fucking lel, every gun has so much innate random spread out thre ass in Halo 3 you can be more on target then the other player for every shot and still lose the DPS race.

At least with bloom in reach you could control it via pacing your shots.

>remastered Halo 1
>Looks great

It doesn't. They fucked up the artstyle big time messing with the lighting, colors and mixing Halo 3 and Reach models. Halo 2 remastered looks like sex, though.

I went back and replayed Halo 3 a while back. I went and got every achievement, because I wasn't that good back in the day.
Then I realized, I had no one to show off my security helmet or my katana. That the only thing anyone was playing anymore was lone wolves.

I went to try and play eldewrito, and that satisfied my taste for fat kid and some MP play. There will never be the original fun of meeting random people in custom games though, just to play campaign together. Cracking jokes and avoiding your abusive parents.

The only area I feel CEA really looks iffy is parts of 343 guilty spark. Everywhere else the visual update is fine.

CE is so old that a lot of it's visuals weren't even the result of intentional visual design but just the result of limitations at the time, a lot of the forerunner stuff in CEA outright matches concept art for CE more then the original game did.

Have you even been this hyped for a game since this trailer?

Have you ever been so disappointed at an ending?

>get to normal Halo 3
>looks like dogshit

m8 Halo 3 still looks fucking great for a game from 2007. How the fuck did they get H3 to look so good?

Good lighting, textures and overall great artstyle.
Basically what's missing from 343's shitshows.

I'll never forget finishing this fight with my cousin one summer. Played nothing but Halo 3 everyday with every friend I had for 3 months straight. Good fucking times

hey bro that game of slayer was fun, wanna watch some smosh?

Anybody wanna play customs tonight.




>halo 2
>smosh was the number 1 channel on the planet
damn those were strange times

You may post in this thread only if you have Halo 2 stats tracked on

>you will never join a custom lobby and play the following with your friends again:
>Monster Trucks
>Halo on Halo
>Duck Hunt
>Trash Compactor
>Old People on Scooters

One of my best gaming memories was playing through the whole Halo 3 campaign in a day with my brother. I can't believe it's been ten years already.

No, 343 has bad art style (for the UNSC anyways, a lot of their environment and skybox work is great) and textures, but Halo 4 and 5 have actually fantastic lighting.

4 legit looks like an xbone game, I don't know how they squeezed as much as they did out of the 360.

You can do all of those in Halo 5 with how good it's forge is, or play MCC or the original 360 release/backwards compatability.

You have no excuse to not be playing those customs now.


Is it a good spiritual successor?

Sounds like inane bullshit only underage americucks would enjoy.

no its pretty much shit.

There's tiny bits of Halo sprinkled in it there's a level where you drive a tank that feels exactly like Assault on the Control room but it is still a very different game. An alright game but definitely nowhere near the grandeur and mythos of Halo

I was underaged, user. It was 7-10 years ago

Oh, so just like any video game?

What's the easter egg? Am I missing something?

>Literally the most OP faction relative to it's universe in all of vidya
Naw, Forerunners in Nu-Halo are stupidly OP to the point where I can't think of another faction in anything that could beat them outside the Chozo and even then it would probably be a tie.

>manlet forerunners existed 100,000 years ago

No. It could be good if it was just fucking Halo in another universe with some new powers but they made it a spongeathon like Borederlands.

Everything forerunners can/have done in 343 era lore is pretty much stuff they've implied to be able to do in bungie era lore, it's just shown/explained in more detail.

The forerunner novels in general are some of the best content to come out of the franchise, even if it did ruin a lot of the mystery

The Forerunners should have never been fleshed out.

>Get BTFO by Cthulu monster dad

I just hate the Forerunner trilogy because it explained the flood. Everything else is fine, even if the forerunners being pokemon trainers is a bit silly.

>even if the forerunners being pokemon trainers is a bit silly

excuse me?

I have never played Halo beyond ODST, what the fuck happened to the forerunners???


hoo-boy you're in for a treat.

It all started 100,000 years ago...

I completely understand your stance but also completely disagree.If you told me the flood and forerunners was going to be explained, how the forerunner books did it is exactly how I would have wanted it. It's an insane far future esoteric ride that just spirals further and further into cosmic horror the farther in you get. Silentium is legimately terrifying in a lovecraftian way and the actual forerunner flood war comes off as this biblical scale conflict.

I get it sucks how much was explained but the actual explanations and detals we got were 11/10. My only wish is that they would have waited till they were done with the franchise to release them.

I'm not sure what he meant by that either.

>sitting in the same room, holding the same controller as when I played it for the first time
nothing ever changes user

> old people on scooter
Love sending people across the map with the grav hammer and watch the mongoos explode instead of landing on their wheel and carry on as if nothing happen.

Anyone else here think the figurine monument was the best part of the H3 marketing campaign? I remember repeatedly watching its "making of" and promotional videos.