Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization

Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
I was playing 2 weeks ago and found no latest patch
now it's downloading patch 3.20 which is 20GB! I never bought the DLC
what's going on? are they giving the dlcs for free?

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Games across the board often include the DLC in patches, with buying the DLC basically just serving as an unlock.

Is the game worth buying? I'm slowly going through the anime. Reminds me of my time spent playing phantasy star online and phantasy star universe.

>Is the game worth buying?
Do you genuinely like SAO? If so, you might as well. I wouldn't pay full price for it though.

Keep in mind that the games follow their own canon and that this the third game in the series.

If you liked FFXIV you might like this game.

The game canon starts from the middle of Episode 14 and becomes its own thing. If you like the show then yeah you'll like the games.

As someone who does not like the anime or really anime in general i say if you can stand the horrible story, retarded pandering, long as fuck cringe inducing shitty visual novel cut scenes that last 40 fucking minutes of nothing but retarded fucking filler retard shit that has nothing to do with literally anything story wise..... and the weeb as fuck aesthetic you will have a very solid RPG game with great combat mechanics and decent graphics.

I have bought and played all the SAO games purely for their gameplay mechanics. they are solid games just on that alone.

It takes places from an alternative Episode 14 where Kirito and the other guy don't finish their battle and they have to finish the rest of the game.

I couldn't stand HR's story. I ended up skipping 80% of it. The whole "save the NPCs!" story was genuine cringe.

>PC port announced
>only for the third game in the series

The fourth game is already on PC and the upcoming game (that looks like the best) is coming there too. With all of the DLC released for HR, it could get a PC release.

>that looks like the best
Heh, I wouldn't bet on it.
Hollow Realization now, with all DLCs out, is damn good.

Gameplay wise, yes. But other than that, I didn't like HR as much as HF.

The Gun Gale Online game looks good because the Freedom Wars team is making it and it has similarities with that. It looks like the most ambitious title of the series.

You're talking about Accel World vs. Sword Art Online? That game is a fuckin terrible PC port holy shit i prated it and it's fuckin awful. Story is fucking retarded and the combat is like Lost song but shittier because the developer is not the same so it feels off. its just a filler game.

>the combat is like Lost song but shittier because the developer is not the same so it feels off
They're both made by Artdink (and yes they're both garbage).

Lol Fatal Bullet looks terrible, they should really stick to the Fantasy setting.

Nothing wrong with the writing

this explains it:

>Two years worth of semen made a glopping noise
there it is

Ha, you're right i thought someone else made lost song that was not Aquria or dikdink. I guess it just feels shitty to me then i liked lost songs mindless combat after playing fragment for the change up.

haha god that's fucking terribly hilarious.

I was able to overlook the weird phrasing until that line.