>Game has silent protagonist
>"Strong silent type, huh? I like that."
Game has silent protagonist
>Characters are silent protagonists to help the players self-insert into the game world, perhaps come up with their own idea of who the character is
>Maybe my Link is a no-bullshit hero, maybe your Link is a lovable goofball, maybe his Link is the one from the DIC cartoon
>Faggot autists on the internet who can't comprehend this screech and stomp their feet over OMG WHY DOESN'T HE TALK I DON'T UNDERSTAND
Better be silent than play as a character who says cringey one-liners.
The only one who can do that well is Duke.
>>Characters are silent protagonists to help the players self-insert into the game world, perhaps come up with their own idea of who the character is
>Maybe my Link is a no-bullshit hero, maybe your Link is a lovable goofball, maybe his Link is the one from the DIC cartoon
I think you're the faggot autist in this situation.
>game has silent protagonist
>silent protagonist actually says one word towards the end of the game
>man of few words aren't you?
>Game has silent protagonist
>"Say something! Just this once!"
>start game thinking protagonist is silent
>turns out they can talk but they hardly do
>the four lines they do have are hilarious
>Player-controlled protagonist is silent
>When not player-controlled protagonist talks normally like everyone else.
reminder that only jak and daxter (original) happened
everything else was fake
>Yo can you speed this shit up? I wanna go to Freckle Bitches
>Game has silent protagonist
>Results of a Faustian contract
I think you mean Nah
What he said is literally the reason they have silent protagonists.
>game has a self-insert protagonist
>they give you any compliment at all
>get accused for rape by a woman who was about to get killed if you didn't intervene
>don't say a thing
>thrown into dungeons
Screw you guys, im going home.
>play game with a semingly mute protagonist
>Stumble upon by accident halfway through that the default sound setting for the protagonists voice is on 0 and you have you manually turn it up
>Protagonist actually talks now
Shit bugs me, like in real life no one says shit like "quiet type". You're just fucking weird and people ignore you when you never talk
>game has silent protagonist
>in the sequel he becomes fully voiced and talks constantly
fucking dead space
>silent protagonist
>says exposition during loading screens
Man of few words, aren't you?
And then he proceeded to cite Link, the most pathetic excuse for a "self insert".
Here's a hint incase you haven't realized it yet, silent protagonists are almost always done to save time.
There is no higher bullshit reason.
>game hires an expensive voice actor and records a shittonne of lines and dialogue
>none of it is used in game and he may aswel be a silent protaganist
>need to listen to mixtapes to even hear his voice
>still rarley used and he only sayas a few things if at all
Although I think having Isaac voiced in 2 was the right decision, it makes the first one weird in retrospect and subsequent playthroughs. Maybe he had a bad case of tonsillitis.
>You're just fucking weird
>and people ignore you when you never talk
Unfortunately not
What game?
And if you say "Boku no Pico" I'm going to find you and fight you m8.
Swear on me mum.
or maybe because it's an RPG, fucking dumbass
there is literally nothing wrong with being introverted
Saint's Row 1, Player only speaks at the end of the gang arcs and the ending. Four lines.
I never said introverted, i said it's weird to never talk. Most introverts speak
fucking Artyom
Don't be mad at Artyom, he just prefers to talk in reflection to himself.
You alright there user?
>game has big guys
You're retarded, your character in RPG's doesn't have a voice but that doesn't mean they're silent.
Zelda is not an RPG, what the user was talking about was the main character being MUTE with absolutely no dialog, not about some RPG
Mute protagonists generally suck, it's outdated shit. Why the fuck wouldn't the guy I'm playing as talk? For what moronic reason?
That really pissed me off in metro, there's no reason for it
>zelda is an rpg
el oh el
>you will never find that one reaction image