Dark Souls+Wind Waker

Would you play it, Sup Forums? "Difficulty" of DS with WW aesthetics?

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Why can't retards understand that difficulty is not what makes dark souls good?

because its the hardest game of all time xD this has to be it xDDD

fucking bamco's marketing

Prepare to DIE

pretty bored with the dark souls formula. I assume the creators are, too, which is why they stopped making them.

Why can't retards understand that Dark Souls isn't fucking good, period?


unfortunate its being called a dark souls formula since dark souls was just a worse/easier version of demons souls

honestly it wouldn't have been enjoyable if it was easy.

>implying it wasn't

I'd gobble up any souls clone I could get my hands on

>Why can't everyone have the same opinion as me?

Forget DS' gameplay, I just want giant, horrifying fantasy bosses

its not

>WW style
No, but if it's that sort of brush-stroke painting then that'd be pretty cool.

The series isn't hard to begin with, the controls and how to approach things just take some time to get used to, but usually after your first souls game you're fine. People just haven't played enough games.
Also blame Namco for PREPARE TO DIE. At least BB didn't pull that shit

How about Okami aesthetic with souls level design and world building? Can I get that instead?


>world building
So, vague as fuck references to things for people to piece together in head canon and Vaati or whatever his name is to make a billion videos on?

Dark souls gameplay sucks, choose a better game.

Yes. Or convoluted Yoko Taro stuff that I can only understand if I've read the Japan only novel series and seen the stage play.

I want to FUCK Ozen so bad

I'd cut off my nutsack just for the chance to even glance at some Made in Abyss videogame gameplay, let alone play it.

>dark souls formula since dark souls was just a worse/easier version of demons souls

Demon Souls was a beta test. Begone Nostalgiafag.

I'd play an Abyss Souls orLoZ style adventure game.

There was a kickstarter for exactly that a couple of years ago maybe. Didn't seem very good in practise.

I would fucking give up one of my kidneys for a Made in Abyss game

I would play the fucking shit out of a shotasouls game, and I would suck no less than twelve dicks for the privilege.

>WW is not as hard a DS?

Yeah I would play it.....

I would also play

>Zelda but with regular zelda stuff and no stupid cinematic narrative motion control gimmic transformation bullshit

>Skyrim with mount and blade combat a rts elements

>dark souls with horses



That's basically Etrian Odyssey except without a story.

This, for the love of god. They have a good art team and have good presentation. This is the reason you dont like those "knock off" games that come out and are just like it, they lack the presentation, atmosphere and tone of DaS, and people vastly underestimate these aspects of games.

Also check out Necropolis, its kindof what youre looking for, game could be vastly improved but it wont get the chance because the devs just shrugged and moved on.

Why did Dark Souls go from having good sword fight bosses like Sir Alonne to this fucking autistic shit?

>dark souls

this needs to stop. the only thing DS does that's worthwhile is the stamina gauge (which it didn't invent) and the ability to switch between 1 and 2 handed weapons (which it also didn't invent)
everything else is just a tedious waste of time.

>letting yourself get juggled
You only have yourself to blame

Can I get sauce on that pic OP?

>ds2 bosses

I stopped playing d3 when I realized...there is a moment in d2 when you confront Old Dragon Slayer for the first time and go " awesome, that's like from d1! cool reference xD " except instead of just being a reference like in d2- the entirety of d3 is just " le dark souls 1 bro bro dark souls 1!!! even final boss is dark souls 1 reference bro!!!! Like our game cause its nostalgia n shit!!!!!! "

reg doesn't even win this fight, what's the point of using this scene

He would have if he got gud

fuck that, let mitty fight her

why the fuck do people post images from some obscure anime and act like everyone knows what the fuck it is, like fuck faggot it's 2017 this is a Sup Forums dominated board now stop acting like everyone here is some asian little bitch. Men are here now, men who like Hitler and Guns and Paganism. So fucking stop posting anime. Grow up.

Fuck off Varg.

Necropolis is too short and easy to cheese

This is actually amazing, most complete and coherent stories are boring shit.


What are some video games that let me be fluffy?

Fuck off newfag

So dont cheese it and take your time I agree with you, Im actually dissapointed they dropped working on the game, with some things like bosses every other level, more "builds" and enemies it mightve been more than it was. Loved the aesthetic enough to at least finish a run

no the Sup Forums for technology is cause technoloGy

this show has been making some waves lately user, also google/saucenao is a thing so usually everyone catches on very quickly

bait or no bait, Sup Forums is merely the Sup Forums of tomorrow. anarchists yesterday, conservatives today, grey emotionless crabs tomorrow. don't let anyone force you to think in the now because now is always bullshit. all you can do is deal with it. you will grow old, die, and either dream forever or wake up elsewhere if you simply don't cease to exist.


Etrian Odyssey resembles Made in Abyss the same way Eureka Seven resembles Gurren Lagann

>best of passing season anime

fucking casul

It's from Made In Abyss

I want Ozen to destroy my dick

The difficulty is the thing every praised about Demon's Souls and Dark Souls when they came out. "Hard but fair" is what got the series popular. If it was of normal difficulty no one would have cared about the mechanics or how "every death is your fault". So difficulty is 100% related to how popular Dark Souls is as a series.

Granted, but its not because the game was a "hardcore" game, it was more difficult than everything else around at its release and was a welcome change. Remember the time when the games come out and what was considered popular and made the most, the time when devs though QTEs were a good thing and that players were fucking retards that needed their hands held for everthing, people werent use to a game that actually required a semblance of attention and initiative to beat. So DeS and DaS got this reputation as being hard when it was people who were just not use to games that required real input, and a market that wasnt making good games.

Games that came out and were popular around DeS were Batman Arkham Asylum, Dragon Age Origins, Assassins Creed 2, Uncharted 2.
Games that were popular when DaS were Batman: Arkham City, SKYRIM, Uncharted 3, another Assassins Creed, Dragon Age 2. Do any of these sound difficult at all to you? This kind of thing is what was being pumped out for years before DaS got popular.
All the while Gears of war is in its prime and hte brown and bloom shooter is the theme of every developer. The Souls games coming out when they did is mostly why they were considered hard, not that they were actually hard games, that novelty to these games has worn off, the games are just considered good games now, not "hardcore" games.

I meant the art. Google/IQDb ain't helping

Souda neeeee ~~


I played this game once and it was a sequel. You might not believe me but it had similarities to the previous game. I was disgusted. I returned the game the first opportunity I had. DMC is a good game.

the challenge was a welcome breath of fresh air in an ocean of braindead easy games though

but yeah, the varied gameplay and atmosphere are more important

ozen's va sounds downright goofy