will this function?
also, city builder thread
Will this function?
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the two intersections will back up pretty quick.
connect them with a roundabout
You need as few junctions as possible.
Why are yanks so bad at city builders?
>connect them with a roundabout
do you not understand that roundabouts is the fucking devil
every time I try to build something with roundabouts it always backs up because everything has to go around.
>exit before an entrance
you're basically asking for congestion
please help me
roundabouts are fucking awful
they brought them to america and they fucking suck dick
keep them in europe
here's a nice beginner guide on traffic
how play dis gayme freinz
is not functionally a service interchange?
fucking hell
it works for a small town
however it doesn't work on a big city
you're going to have to replace it at some point since it can't handle too many cars
at least it's better than highways going directly into a roundabout, right?
>t. Never driven on the road before
Traffic should always flow smoothly. Try to avoid building intersections if possible
it works if you entire city is based on roundabouts
only because americans are too stupid to use them.
Making a highway run through a grid is so annoying. It seems easier to do this IRL than in the game.
Not nearly obnoxious enough
Its fine for low traffic but if you have alot cars crossing under the freeway you're in for alot of traffic.
this is my general plan, with heavy traffic banned for large areas of the city to avoid it congesting the highway going through it
industry is wherever the fuck else, and as such town don't have to suffer from it as much.
if possible I'll link it with train to remove some of the strain on the roads, and use public transport to get people off of the road
I hate this game and traffic.
I cannot make super populous rich's person city because MUH TRAFFIC FUCK YOU.
That's how most highway interchanges function with regular roads, at least in Burgerland. The only way it wouldn't is a broken traffic simulator.
can i create this masterpiece in this game?
I tried a plan like this once, it's pretty aesthetic and feels realistic but i did have some traffic problems.
Imo the best plan is to distribute zones around your city, it's when you have a huge amount of people going to one spot that you get massive traffic problems.
this game assumes that every household has a car so its easy to exceed the traffic limit of certain intersections
the best way to deal with it is building a proper public traffic system
Yeah, no matter how well you build your roads, once you reach a certain size it all just shits the bed and can’t handle it.
I’m not positive about this part, but it seemed to be happening to me on my island map city. It looks like it sends service vehicles in the order you built the buildings, instead of based on what’s closest. So my highway was constantly clogged up with cops and ambulances going to the 2nd island instead of just sending cars from a closer building.
This game looks interesting. I would probably suck ass at the management portion but the building aspect looks pretty fun. How hard is it to get into?
It's pretty easy, the main challenge is traffic the rest is pretty simplistic.
But that's amazing.
Is there terraforming or do you just have to build off of whatever map is given?
Not really. Pic related someone tried to do a five-stack as Houston would do it (just pick any given interchange on Beltway 8) but you can see the problems readily apparent. They tried to add turnaround lanes so that you can make a U-turn on the frontage roads without stopping at the two stoplights as well as additional yield lanes, but in the process tripled the number of interchanges. Combined with the fact that you can't do things like give stoplights dedicated turn lane cycles, it ruins the functionality of such a beautiful interchange. A shame too, because I do like those interchanges and the thrill of one wrong move sending my car hurdling off a 100-foot cliff.
You can terraform, there is a level editor thing and bunch of maps on the workshop aswell.
Those exchanges needlessly add several hundred feet of distance for each commuter to travel. It doesn't need to be so large. It's shit.
Cool, good to know. I'll consider picking this up in the future, once I get my PC back.
And? Do you somehow get exhausted driving your car an extra few hundred feet? Does the extra fuel cost ruin your personal economy?
It looks far better like this, and being in the middle of nowhere, the ""wasted"" space is no one's loss.
First off, that is real life, and not C:S, and yes, it takes up an enormous amount of space but it does it without huge elevation changes or overly sharp turns. That's one reason why things like pictured are not so great because if you've ever driven on one anywhere close to rush hour, people will slam on the breaks when they approach the curves at the top, which backs up traffic all the way down to highway level, not to mention braking or accelerating due to the elevation changes. With that circular thing, you don't have to slow down for sharp turns or go up and down giant ramps. The downside is that it takes up way too much space and impractical in urban areas.
So fuck the accumulated costs? You would make a shitty civil planner.
The problem is not the design, it's the size. It simply does not need to be that large. It's ridiculous. Any savings you may have from a cluttered design are lost to the extended travel time for anyone on the exchange.
Architects get to go ham too.
Seriously, though, do you even drive a car? We're talking literal seconds because you're on a highway to begin with and the slow turn lets you keep your speed.
has anyone autism'd up a Skylines version of this?
I will literally cut you m8
if you're sure everything is clear, can you just cut straight across this fucker?
If I never have to drive on 635 again, that’s still too many times
Nice beach you go there, just like in India.
yes but the lines are guide so you can just use it as intended if necessary or jsut use the RULE #1 of drivign, which is RIGHT of way - right side goes first
>We're talking literal seconds because you're on a highway to begin with and the slow turn lets you keep your speed.
Think of it from an cumulative point of view. It costs an individual driver an extra 20 or 30 seconds but multiply that by the thousands of drivers that use it every day and you are talking 10s of potentially productive hours wasted every single day. Exchanges are about saving time, not wasting it.
>implying the burger road system isn't an underfunded, cheaply built, badly designed mess
There's a reason your road fatality rate is so high
Without the location of that interchange, it's a little hard to tell what the exact hard distance is added. But again, you'd be wasting more gas by braking and then re-accelerating on hard turns. At this point, I can't tell you're if a dense moron who has never driven before or an asshole being deliberately contrarian for (you)s.
They're great when people know how to use them. Stop yielding to people getting on, you mouthbreathing retards.
Do highways with gateway systems work well in Cities? I've never played it, but road optimization is something that interests me. I live in a larger city that has a major interstate highway cut it down the middle and it has a gateway that seems to function pretty well.
i remember that in driving class here in america. and that pic looks like a regular 4 way stop except our stop signs are on the right side of the road
who /landscapingautism/ here
You can tell the scale by the vehicles in the picture. And again, you don't seem to quite understand that the design is not the issue, the sheer size of it is. It's unnecessarily large and that's a pure detriment. You don't need roads that long to get a sufficiently gentle grade and curve. I'm starting to wonder if you are the one that has never driven.
proper slips lanes and right on red would solve so many traffic issues in this game
I indulge my landscaping autism with Planet Coaster.
But it isn't. We certainly don't have escalators that have a taste for human flesh, or don't understand that a marking for a lane is supposed to fit only one car; all of the European highways are designed after ours.
You'll notice that proportionately states like Texas with a well-built highway system have a tenth of the traffic fatalities per capita of say, Tennessee, because the highways are better built and there are things like car inspections so people don't go out driving with brake lights and headlights not working.
In Texas, half of the traffic fatalities were in rural areas, which don't really exist in Europe like they do in America, with miles of backwater little roads.
No, you must make one full rotation otherwise you'll get arrested and thrown in with the people who have butter knives.
is this how we do it?
>Well-built highway system
Ahahaha epic post my dude.
t. League City
As opposed to being stuck in traffic jams for minutes at a time?
Keep in mind there is no machine in the world that exists that is 100% efficient. I get what you're saying about cumulative cost over time, but it's still alot less than what it would be with the alternative.
Why are you acting like I'm claiming it should all be replaced with an intersection with lights? I'm just saying it could be a lot fucking smaller with only positive effect.
>implying anyone gives a fuck about league city
Ahahaha epic post my dude
Roundabout m8. Removes a ton of intersections that the 4 lane connection under the bridge creates and helps keep traffic flowing.
reminder that if your intersections don't look like this, you don't know SHIT about video games
>t. butthurt Pearland nigger
of course you dumb fucker
*british music starts playing*
bitch I live within the loop in Houston. Go back to being poor and far away from civilization.
Most of us are too, to be fair.
>lives in the nigger-infested inner city
>calls anyone poor
lmao alright champ, i'll go back to being poor in my 2.4k sq. ft. house. maybe i'll go swimming in my pool to help cheer myself up.
>lost to the extended travel time
I fail to see how driving an extra hundred feet is anyway going to offset the savings from significantly reducing jams. People breaking like that isn't a problem in itself, its what it can do further back in heavy traffic (potentially cause a completely stand still).
I haven't played a city builder in eons, what's the best recommendation guys got?
Recent games of course
i love cities skyline but i gave up on it long time ago, im just too bad at roads
What country mad such a massive waste of gas?
How do people not get roundabouts? If something is not coming on the right (or left depending on which side of the road you drive on in your country) you can just go. You don't need endless intersections and traffic lights.
This is proof positive that it's not a bad design but C:S's traffic simulation sucks. There's TWO right hand turn lanes, yet everyone is avoiding the inner one.
>waste of gas
It takes far less gas to let off acceleration and go at 50 mph then to slam on the brakes to 40 or less and then re-accelerate. That's not how motors work.
What game is that? It looks really aesthetic.
It's because most of America doesn't have roundabouts and the parts that do all have concrete medians in the middle that you can't drive through so seeing something that looks like a 4-way stop with no stop signs confuses people.
yes because stuck in que or stopping your car is better than straight driving
Emperor rise of the middle kingdom.
It's inline with Caesar, Pharoh and Zeus series of Serria city buildan
>traffic simulation has drivers acting like jibbering idiots
>sedans cutting off trucks
>trucks blocking off two to three lanes at once
I'd say its a very accurate simulation indeed.
What retarded drawing is that?
You have them driving on the right side of the road when not on the highway while they drive on the leftside on the highway
Doesn't matter.
You could literally follow the design plans of the most perfect real world interchanges and this game's AI would fuck it all up. But, hey, maybe you can halfway patch it all together with dozens of mods.
These small ones are fucking stupid. They started appearing at small, relatively quiet intersections and I'm not sure why. Maybe as a way to slow traffic in residential or rural areas.
I drive on this road frequently and I never realized it's considered so weird.
>All of yurops were designed after ours!
So it was refined? You have exits on both sides of the road ffs. Plus no dividers in the centre of the road to stop crossovers in huge swathes.
I agree, the American system is decent for the time but Europe is that x10. Here in bongland it's argued our motorways are outdated compared to the mainland (I've driven in France - Frogs know how to motorway). Yet America lacks so many basic aspects and has outdated tests for drivers and in some places none existant tests for cars.
fuck it
Anyone use trams? I feel they're outclassed by everything else.
Will we ever get a successor to SimCity 4?
With very few exceptions, no one builds left hand exits anymore, and recent construction has largely eliminated that. Heck, within the last two years, I can think of three left-hand exits eliminated. Most major highways no longer do, even. Yeah, you can find an example somewhere. So what?
could you please present one fucking case where this has helped once