The Dark Souls of

>the Dark Souls of


Zelda II is the dark souls of Zelda.

>the new dark souls

So what should be the name for games where you lock-on to enemies to change your movement and use the principles of hitstun and animation lock for dealing damage?

>heh did you kiddos know that Dark Souls....... isn't that hard. No one's ever made this observation before especially not 6 years after release. I'm so contrarian and cool

What did Sup Forumseddit mean by this?

zelda've been doing this since 98

>It's like Overwatch with

SMT is the Dark Souls of Persona

3D Zeldas

>It's like Skyrim, but with guns

X is the Breath of the Wild of Y
X is the Undertale of Y
X is the XCOM of Y

>It's the Dark Souls of JRPG

It's a Minecraft and Skyrim crossover, with guns!

Action / Adventure? Like it always used to be?

What am the dark sulz of comic
what dark souls o carstoonz????


berserk is not the dark souls of comics, dark souls is the berserk of videogames

ok brainlet

beserk sucks

In all honesty Dark Souls isn't actually that hard.

Woah no way.

The Dark Souls of opinions


It's not a good read unless youre some edgy 14 year old

The Dark Souls of shitposters

t. Sorcerer that has summons

The Dark Souls of OP is a Faggot

why cant they be light colored souls

the dark souls of comedy