What the hell was his problem?

What the hell was his problem?

Went off his meds.

Immense sociopath. Most likely will end up murdering someone

will they ever make a sequel

you'll be a japanese girl bullying boys and girls with your pack of backup girls

Also, fighting with yoyos

one is in dev according to the guy who leaked LA Noire remaster

closet faggit

A.D.D., primarily, but also life, parents, school, western civilization.

>the majority of the game was really good
>the finale of it was a disappointment

Went from 9/10 to a 7/10 just from that awful last 30 minutes or so. Awful, rushed nonsense.

High School hierarchy is a retarded concept always present on media. He and Jimmy knew that, but they went with different ways to prove that.

He was Sup Forums before there was Sup Forums

I hope they do something really cool with the sequel.

Didn't he haso had a nazi costume during halloween?

He did

He did nothing wrong

God, I want a Bully 2 so bad.

Bully is still so much fun despite how janky and old it is. Imagine it on a newer engine and with a bigger team behind it. Honestly, these games could be bigger than the GTA franchise if they put in the effort. Both kids and adults want nothing other than a highschool simulation where you can do all the shit you didn't do when you were in school.

probably going to be a serial killer when he grows up

Rockstar are, unironically, really fucking good at telling stories when they're not filling it up with memes ala GTA.

Red Dead Redemption, L.A. Noire and Bully are proof of this.

Bully was just The Warriors in a school setting. Don't know why it gets compared to GTA

More like he'll grow up to be one of those worthless ">tfw too intelligent for a job" people.

la noire wasnt made by rockstar

>L.A. Noire
If you were perceptive enough, the homicidal desk would've been solved after the second case, but NOOOO they wanted a Black Delilah reference.
Also you got punished for making a "wrong" choice, even though at the end both choices were wrong.
Also I completely forgot Phelps was married and had two children. I genuinely didn't get why he was shat on later on.
Also for a Noir game, Jack the replacement was pretty much impeccable and perfect, lacking any flaws a real Noir protagonist should have.

Jack was sort of ugly and, dare I say, TOO good?

Those are flaws right?

well quoted


Yes, in 2011. Forget about it.