What have you been playing lately Sup Forums ?

What have you been playing lately Sup Forums ?

Minecraft beta (1.7.2)
Extreme comfort levels with that soundtrack.

I just watch documentaries from the moment I wake up until I feel tired because video games are garbage now

I'm bored and I dont know what to play. I afk on Runescape and I can only play Divinity for like 10 minutes before falling asleep.

Arkham Knight. Technological issues aside it's the best Rocksteady Batman game to date and by a large margin. Almost 100% finished the main course but there's still 6 mini-stories to look forward to.

I just finished Dead Rising.
I don't feel like playing any other game now.

WW2 Online
i get killed constantly and have no idea what is happening, but it's fun

I want to enjoy an jRPG because autumn is god tier comfy vidya season but I can't cope with how horrible the genre is, no fucking exceptions

motherfucking dungeon defense

Fortnite BR, Friday13th and rocket league

Replay Dead Rising if it was your first run.

Endless Space 2. Why can't everyone just let me be a peaceful treebro?

I didn't play video games today, I am still at work.

DK64, but tomorrow I'm starting on Danganronpa v3.

because they are a constant reminder that my favorite faction didn't make it out of Auriga according to the canon

tomb raider. it's pretty bad and it keeps crashing which is making everything worse

I kinda wanna but I'll ending up trying to get Ending A again. Which by the way is great but the whole zombie tunnel sequence sucks ass.

retro shit because I have a toaster and im poor as hell

Playing Sonic Mania but end up literally SCREAMING at the screen and SMASHING my keyboard because of how frustrating the egg man boss when he's a spider and you have to hit him into spikes is. It's so stupid and annoying, fuck that game

literally just monster hunter. it has consumed the little gaming time I have anymore but I'm having fun so that's cool

The game where you watch anime and fuck around on Sup Forums to try and keep the existential dread from setting in

Danganronpa 2, but just like the first game I'm finding it painful to play so I'm gonna do a chapter every weekend. I finished chapter 2 on Saturday.
Skyrim modded, I got porn and gameplay mods and finally settled on an armor replacer to my liking.
Other than that, I added 40 or so channels to my block list on Youtube, because I hate shitty Let's Plays and loathsome cunts who spoil things in the name and thumbnail. That was just from me looking for an LP to watch of Danganronpa. Most got blocked once they got to the other characters, you should be able to figure out why.

OP said recently.

early spooktober

Go play a doom 2 wad, that's what I do whenever I don't know what to play

I'm grinding through the main story so that I can unlock the cool Gun class. Also grinding for the Yokai Weapons I want.

Sonic Mania, Samus Returns, now AM2R cause I'm still in a metroid mood. Need to get back to Yakuza Kiwami, but sidequests burnt me out.

Go do something else, nigga. It's as easy as turning your computer off or putting your phone away.
Everyone here has had days like that, just get through it.

>tried to get into DoS2
>but no monk/brawler/fighter class
>have no interest in the class
>the game will on my desktop and I will never touch it
The last game I played was Sundered.

About to tackle X-Piratez.


go do what?

>unable to play something without having some shitty sitcom at least on the second screen
>as a result cant immerse myself into an atmosphere of any game

life is hell

Sega Bass Fishing. Cause almost all other games are trash and no fun.

still haven't finished SR because monhun keeps pulling me back

I haven't been able to play MH for a while because I'm sick of playing it on the 3DS. I hope World turns out good cause shit looks dubious at the moment. I would have just preferred an XX localization. For all the stupid anime shit in Gen that people like to complain about at least it's still the same old MH.

Iv'e been playing osrs because can watch streams/yt on other monitor, so i started another playthrough of NV and it's so weird not having something playing at all times


started as whatever the largest part of Brittany was called from an Old Gods start and managed to take a large part of West Francia only for England, Ireland and Scotland to get VIKINGED, leaving me as the raiding site of choice for half a dozen germanic nations.
I manged to take Wales, and most of England, but now I'm getting constant rebellions since my ruler is a little cunt and the vassal limit I have as a king is fucking me over

the pope also unironically called a crusade over the three counties of Aquitaine to the north since they were g*rmanic

Ever since I came to Sup Forums I stopped playing games more and more, any game I did play I stopped midway through and if I did get the urge to play it again I needed to start from the beginning instead of continue as it's been so long and the cycle repeats.

Half the time now I just watch others play...

I want to die, my backlog is huge. just like my backrolls.


both my favorite childhood games, and my favorite games today

hideous bordergore

shitting on everything while continuous romantization of the ps/2 era

have you upgraded? the new 2ds feels pretty good, man

back to playing dirty bum.

XCOM 2: WotC, XCOM: Enemy Within, Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider and Hollow Knight.
Also pirated Automata to see if I like it, if I do I'll buy it.

Friday the 13th, Dead by Daylight, Rogue Galaxy. I don't really know what I want to play - been feeling an action JRPG lately. Mass Effect Andromeda was so bad that it put me off of space exploration games for a bit.

Call of Chernobyl

waiting for 3 games that should be released tomorrow: Ruiner, Blue Reflection and Danganronpa v3

Dying light. It's what dead island should've been. It's definitely zombie kino

who /suicidal/ here


Dead Space 1
Monster Hunter freedom Unite
Diablo 3
And replayed some dark souls 1
The new expansion for gw2 looks interesting, maybe ill give it a shot after 2 month break.
Want to start xenoblade soon in some months.

nothing, college wont allow me

recommending Rogue galaxy

Been trying out Smash on the 3DS. I'm absolutely shit and don't know if I have the mental patience to get better at games anymore

Rise of Tombraider, rocket league, hallow night all on PC.

Battlefield 1 and uncharted lost legacy on PS4.


It'd be easier to ask who isn't

XC1, trying to finish it, about half way through. After that idk, i really need to get a job



It's fucking fun.

Played Titanfall 2s campaign last week. It was gud. Also got Endless Space 2 recently, seems good, though I've only played a couple hours.

nothing. i am currently in the objectively worst part of my life at this juncture. video games do not bring me pleasure anymore and neither does anything else for that matter. the only time i feel alive is when im on drugs, prescribed and otherwise. even then, the feeling is fleeting and often not enough. merely existing is physically exhausting and the only solace i find in this life is that it is at least guaranteed to end.

Been playing Borderlands 2 alot. I'm starting to enjoy games a lot more now by playing old stuff I know I like rather than being disappointed by new titles.

It's surprisingly fun, as soon as you learn to ignore the "hello there fellow kids" vibe coming from Delson. The combat is quick and chaotic. Too bad all the powers are samey and not as imaginative as they could be. Especially video.