What Switch games are worth buying atm?
I currently own:
Breath of the Wild
Splatoon 2
Mario Kart 8
Is there anything else or do have I got all the essentials?
What Switch games are worth buying atm?
I currently own:
Breath of the Wild
Splatoon 2
Mario Kart 8
Is there anything else or do have I got all the essentials?
Thumper and Fast RMX are underrated gems. And of course Sonic Mania and Shovel Knight if you don't already have those on other systems.
Steamworld Dig 2 if you don't already have it
>own zelda
>tfw the only one I don't regret buying is zelda
Rayman is the only great game you're missing right now. Obviously Odyssey and Xenoblade 2 are coming soon as well.
the rayman port blows. why are you mis-informing this dumbass?
It literally just has longer loading times. The fact it's portable more than makes up for that.
isaac is good. if you havent played it on another platform yet, rayman legends definitive edition is also really, really fun.
personally the only purchase I regret is mario kart, and I won't touch arms or splatoon 2.
but then again, I only play handheld mode. fuck consoles.
According to Digital Foundry the only drawbacks are slightly longer load times due to a smaller file size. I don't have the game, but I don't see how that's a total deal breaker.
i'd suggest Disgaea 5. it has all the dlc free on cart< and you can easily sink 200+ hours into it.
My post says I regret buying it. Why can't you read?
what part of it blows? i haven't seen any FPS problems or the likes, and it looks absolutely fantastic in handheld mode (the only mode people should use with the switch for singleplayer games).
The game also has performance issues during stages because of having to load in compressed data. None of this would have been a problem if Ubisoft hadn't been so fucking cheap with the cartridges.
You regret Sonic, so naturally any normal fellow would do the opposite of what you say, so I corrected you.
see also it's lower-res (inb4 Uhmm, actually, I don't mind! :] Lol!)
>regrets buying Sonic and Ray-Man but not the shitty open world game
Picross on Thursday
I'll admit that, perhaps when I was in a bad place, I beat Picross E1 and E2. But they're really not fun. They're like solving a 7th grader's math homework. There's no challenge-- it feels automatic. Really why would you want to play it?
Because now it's co-op and competitive.
Because Picross is fucking great.
Yeah but there are a lot better video games that two people can play.
It's sudoku mixed with the world's worst pixel art. You'll have to elaborate.
>worlds worst
hyperbole wont get you anywhere
>Picross on Switch
Those sons of bitches, they weren't content with getting my money on 3DS.
Shovel Knight if you don´t own it on another platform already
Name other puzzle games in which two players cooperate on the same puzzle at the same time.
Picross is not a puzzle, it's busywork. You're sitting there, hunched over a DS, painting Huckleberry's fence. Picross is literally a goddamn spreadsheet.
An ACTUAL PUZZLE GAME would be Portal 2's Co-op mode, though really you could just sit down on a couch and play and point-and-click and have a blast, bouncing ideas back and forth on how to solve things.
>1. a game, toy, or problem designed to test ingenuity or knowledge.
By definition, Picross is a puzzle. It tests your knowledge of how to use the given information to fill the grid.
well now I know why you like it so much
Hey mods, this pic is NSFW.
>many puzzles
It's not hard to understand. Also, you have clearly not tried mega picross if you only played e1 and e2.
I only 100%'d E1 and 2. I've played E3. Mega Picross is neat but it's hardly fixes it from being a easy chore to do.
>many puzzles
Picross is one puzzle done over and over and over. There's a bunch because it takes an intern about one minute to design one. They're overpriced, really.
Not really. There's a thousand better things to do if what you want to do is to relax. This is not hyperbole. Ask me why and I'll smoke your ass.
>posting a lewd image of Misty
Stop it, please. Your Parents did NOT buy you a pokemon to raise you to be a filthy pedophile.
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Okay, why?
>Picross is one puzzle done over and over and over
That's generally what puzzles are. People enjoy the same puzzle with variation.
It's ok to dislike puzzles but this seems to be making you irrationally hateful
>big tiddies
>fat ass
>childbearing hips
>liking this makes you a pedo
I'm a pedo because I jerk off to Etna and Marie Rose, not Misty. Nigger.
If you havent noticed this is fan art sir, and kids don't look like that.
Get Puyo Puyo Tetris.
Also Picross S once it launches this Saturday.
Wonder Boy is a great game. It's a bit short due to being an NES game, but it's pretty neat.
>It's a bit short due to being an NES game
You're a fucking idiot.
Why is Misty such a slut?
Digital Foundry drones are such a cancer.
>the rayman port blows!!!
If you tried it yourself you'd know it runs perfectly, but just has slightly longer load times. The load times aren't even bad, they're just longer than they were on Wii U. You think it takes 5 minutes for a level to show up or something?
>performance issues
Nope. There were issues, but they're fixed now. It plays fine.
>also it's lower-res
Lower res on a tiny screen? You wouldn't notice a pixel in this game unless you had a magnifying glass. So it's not 4K on a tiny handheld screen, so fucking what? It looks perfect as it is.
I swear you autists need to use your eyes and actually try shit out yourselves rather than screaming about numbers.
Fuck I love Misty so much.
Criminally small amount of quality smut of her.
If it isn't hyperbole, name all 1000.
How could they have fixed it if there hasn't been a patch for the game besides the required day 1 patch?
No nips or vag, so suck my ass.
Tell me what part of the game is broken and I'll try it right now
Misty fucks fat, dirty old men.
That's unironically fucking hot.
Lucky me.
Uhhhh uhhhh hang on user I need to check what the articles said about which levels dropped a frame somewhere...
But you're still an idiot for buying an UNPLAYABLE BROKEN MESS
Hello? here. Still waiting.
She is a dirty slut.
Heard some nasty rumors about her.
Like what?
Who says it's broken? It just doesn't perform as well as other versions. All the other versions run at a perfect 60fps while the Switch version has dips, albeit small, because Ubisoft needlessly compressed the game. This also caused the game to have load times up to twice as long (anywhere from +4 to +8 seconds) as the Wii U version when reading off a disc compared to reading off the Switch's internal memory.
I bet her belly button is filthy, I should clean it for her. With my tongue.
Like that she loves sucking dicks and eating ass of men that didn't wash for weeks.
wew lad
Alright this is either an edit or it's actual porn.
I want to hydro pump Misty!
Heard she loves to eat ass of men that didn't wash for weeks.
it's an edit of something that's real.
They rebooted pokemon 'n shit
What's with the grey pubic hair?
I think those are pretty much it for now.
I'd let Misty rim me.
I grew out of nintendo consoles.
I will never grow out of my first fap.
>growing out of a specific videogame company
you just became edgier
It's called Switch cause you should switch to PC
But PC won't have Mario Odyssey for a year or two.
Now what do YOU think?
an edit. But I've seen people go to great lengths for porn.
I've been on the fence on preordering Nights of Azure 2 on switch
looks fun but heard it was bad
isaac, nmh, sanic, fifa tomorrow
Even back then, that face just slightly annoyed me
>"What games are worth buying at the moment?"
>Including a game that's not even out yet and fucking FIFA.
You fucking muppet.
Who is the artist of this picture?
i specified fifa is tomorrow or something, the other games are out infact
Skyrim is looking good. I heard they managed to get a stable 20 fps after Bethesda downgraded all the graphics. A few optimizations, maybe replacing the Dragonborn with Mario and the dragons with Goombas, and possibly the draug dens with pipes and lava levels and I'm sure you get it up to 30 fps.
I heard the shouts are going to be Splatoon color splashes. Got to keep it family friendly!
>That Misty
If only there was some sort of button you could push to find the answer in an instant.
No More Heroes isn't out, it's had one trailer and that's it.
And the fact that you're recommending a gimped version of fucking microtransaction infested piece of shit like FIFA is fucking stupid.
I bet Misty's belly button is incredibly ticklish!
>that flash of Misty getting stuck in a log and fucked by Pikachu
an oldie, but a goodie.
The new picross game, don't remember it's name though
how is it not out, im playing it. Fifa microtransactions? yeah only for braindead retards. I buy it for local multy
>that artist
>first fap
My nigger
>do have I got all the essentials?
pretty much. you could try puyu puyu tetris or bomberman too
i guess Misty was the first for many
The character canonically grows up, so it's not like she stays a kid forever.
I'm gonna buy a switch for SMO. Is it worth buying BotW and MK8 again if I already own those on wii u?
Mine was Peach.
Or more accurately, cartoon Princess Toadstool.
>oldie, but a goodie
I hope it's more then just another 150 that are remixed for the mega.
But, why? I wanna do the solve, what could they possibly add in co-op that didn't just subtract from my own ability to fill in the squares?
I'd just save up for oddessy.
Now that's the stuff that gets me going.
I mean, you hit the nail on the head there. My mom fiends for Sudoku, I just happen to like the structure of a picross puzzle more. I tried that piczle game to see if I could get my fix on the switch but it really isn't doing it for me the same way.
I will not stop about picross you guys.
Her name is Kasumi you uneducated fucking plebeians
I just fapped to Misty's belly button!