Remove the word-filter





for real, things have changed.
I remember the good old days of raiding on Sup Forums, those were the times.


This thread will be deleted so fast that no one will know that I'm a straight male

I want to be able to call people NINTODDLERS again, fuck you mods

Most fucked up wojaks thread?

i miss when the console wars were fun

Wait, there's new word filters?

phoneposters will inherit the Earth

your days are numbered pc/console gamers

>new word filter

the only thing new is you


nu-Sup Forums is an embarrassment

Yes or no faguette, which is it?

They were never fun. It's always been annoying, autistic screeching and barbaric tribalism/brand loyalty and undeserved worship of corporations by children and manchildren

im a racist and i support this message

They need to change it to automated permaban.

i just want to talk like a nigger, familia

sony gger
nin toddler
pc uck


this unironically. i believe processors and gpus will get so power efficient we wont need big ass pcs or consoles. just hook your phone to your tv and play the latest games at 4k 60 fps.

me too, fampai

i thought nintenbros and sonybros were filtered, if it is how did you do it?

except Sup Forums was never good friendo

it never was

but was better

capitalizing it negates the filter, except for the "P KEK" filter, that one stays active


>complains about le censorship in videogames
>posts on the most censored webforum ever



Remember when Sup Forums was for video games?
Remember when shitposters were banned?
I miss those days.
Do you miss those days?
Well then, back to

Because the one thing Sup Forums needs right now is an even more limited vocabulary.

Less consolewar shit is fine. Do you really miss the same million goldface/mustardrace threads every single day? If you do, you weren't here.
Ban for replying to every single post in a thread is what we need.
And if something's done about 2016-> newfriends saying everything they don't understand is reddit, I wouldn't be mad either.

I don't like consolewar shit, but I like calling people funny original things that Sup Forums happened to came up with and is kind of part of our board culture

there is no way things like nin toddler or pc uck or sony gger should be censored

Sup Forums mods in general last 5 years have been shitty, and not in line with the posters of the board, they just do what they want

> and not in line with the posters of the board

they are failed tumblr and reddit mods that have been here since approximately gamergate
no wonder they have no clue what Sup Forums is about.

I've seen deep sea threads get deleted

When did any of that happen? Sup Forums has always been shit.

test: nigger faggot jew cancer tranny feminism anita

Wait, what did they filter?


enjoy your permaban
party van is at your location in 10 minutes

>I can't post my epic memes xD anymore

Just kys


>downloading a 50gig game out of the play store
the future is now.

The fact that they delete deep sea and pressure threads now just proves my point howmout of touch the mods are with the board and its users.

Deep sea threads are speculation about a possible game, people discussing and adding ideas, its how PRESSURE became a thing, and aome anons tried and failed to make that dream game, they generated OC and sparked ideas and discussion and even if it was not strictly discussing an existing videogame its no different from other threads that do not
strictly discuss a game but speculate on an ideal one, theres just a lot of detail and focused discussion on one type of game in deep sea threads instead.

But mods don't care, they don't care for the nuance and context of the thread, they won't bother to skim it and see that there are people discussing ideas for the game, they don't think about how this stimulating discussion inspires people who then go on to make OC for us all with their Pressure attempts.... they just operate like machines

>see non-vidya discussing thread

Thats all the context they take into account. And it turns this board into any other generic, restricted forum like neofags, or whatever, when the point is this is first and foremost an imageboard not a discussion forum. And what else is they are inconsistent with their moderation methods and results as well for example this thread about VR games was up since yesterday but got deleted this morning, which means one mod saw it and was alright with it while another went for their shift and was triggered and deleted it.

Its a fucking joke