What is your favorite game of the year so far, and why? How would you recommend it to people who have not yet played it?

What is your favorite game of the year so far, and why? How would you recommend it to people who have not yet played it?

Dumb tohru poster

Probably Resident Evil 7, mostly because it's the only game from 2017 I can actually remember playing.
It was fine. Not amazing, and not as good as the classics, but pretty decent.

>What is your favorite game of the year so far, and why?
>How would you recommend it to people who have not yet played it?
ignore the contrarianism and shitposting and play the game, even if you have to emulate it. It does start off slow so at least play until your first divine beast.

Yakuza Zero.

If you want to get lost in a million random activities and beat people up every now N then.

Tohru is cute.

>could actually contribute to this thread
>choses "le randum" anime reation pic instead

Why ?

>inb4 hurrr anime website
And you faggots always cry why everyone shits on you


honestly it's that most weebs are fucking morons, like they really are


I couldn't even make it through 3 episodes of this. I cannot understand its popularity at all.

Weebs can't exist in normal reality anymore they NEED to post anime and relate anything they do with anime.

When the anime dries up. The weebs die

it's not "le randum" you fucking redditor, it's fotm shit

>could actually contribute to this thread
>chooses to be an autistic refugee instead

What makes it different from past Zelda games? I've always found Zelda games to be far too hand-holdy.

well the main thing that sets it apart is just how little hand-holding there is. It's about as free as possible, even the tutorial area is a micro open-world where your only task is to to 4 shrines (which you can do whenever you like in any order you choose).

anime website

>What is your favorite game of the year so far, and why?
Unironically Near A Tomato. It stands out. Especially if you play a lot of vidyas.
It tries to do something special and it mostly works (for me anyway). Some people find it boring as shit.
>How would you recommend it to people who have not yet played it?
Yeah, to people I think would appreciate it.
I'm older and I don't know that many people that still play vidyas. One of my friend went "huhhh that's a long ass game to play sounds like I'd rather watch a movie or read a book". Fucking pleb.
It's weird and cringy at first with the litttle anime japanese schoolgirl android samurai ninjas (I love it but lots of people will find it silly) and the gameplay wasn't so great to me. But damn after a few hours I just had to fucking finish it to see where they were going with this shit. And it messes with you.
One of my coworker loved it. He played it nonstop over the weekend and then he seemed to have missed sleep over it. He told me at first his gf was mad at him but now she's crazy about it and she made him finish it kek. She had tons of questions about the story but he was like "it don't matter none 'a this matters I get what they were going for". Fucking pleb.

>all these triggered weebs replying upon realization of what an utter embarrassment they are
you all make the non-autistic anime fans look bad.

Stealthabashi thread?

Nex Machina. One of if not the best twin stick shooter ever made. The fact that Eugene Jarvis helped design it should be enough to sell it to people but neo-Sup Forums doesn't know who that is.

>non autistic
>anime fans
lmao nice try. if you watch anime you need to be gassed. :)

Even Kemono Friends?

Hollow Knight. It's unironically the best Metroidvania this year and that's a favorite genre of mine. Its combat is hit or miss, exploration can be a bit tedious for some, but I loved the sense of just getting lost in a new area and seeing what I find. Overall, 9/10, I doubt it could've been much better given the circumstance.

If that is your main criticism with Zelda games you will absolutely love BotW.

Nothing from this year has interested me. Dusk and Ion Maiden look good, though. I did replay Dark Messiah so I'll say that, and I would recommend it.

>look up Eugene Jarvis
>creator of Smash TV & Robotron 2084
definitely checking this out at some point, thanks for bringing this to my attention


choices that actually matter storywise and gameplay-wise, terrific soundtrack and aesthetic, magic basketball gameplay was a turnoff initially but there's a surprising amount of depth with all the customization

what got me was all the attention to the little details though:
>characters vocalize in a fully constructed language despite the story being primarily visual novel
>commentator-narrator has voiced responses for any of a dozen or so names you can pick for a character at the start
>vocal boss themes that dynamically alter based on your performance, with specific stanzas and accompanying instruments for each team you face


I haven't played any 2017 games this year

I don't think I've even played any games that came out this year, I don't plan on buying a Switch since it doesn't really have any games I can't get on PC and I'm not interested in BOTW and the most recent games I've played are from last year