Sorry for the caps, but this is the only thing that hold me into buy a RP2 or a Mini Snes.
Sorry for the caps, but this is the only thing that hold me into buy a RP2 or a Mini Snes.
i would have answered if you didnt shout, but now i'm not.
No. 16 bit consoles are far too powerful for it. You're better off just buying an old SNES through Ebay.
talk like a human being next time and I'll answer you
Please don't ;_;. I'm sorry guys.
Can anyone confirm that a Pi could handle games like Yoshi Island, DK, and some other heavy shit to run smoothly without sound glitches?
You might be better off with a hacked Wii. Only buy a MemeberryPi if you know your way around emulators and linux in general.
Just spend a little OP and you will never have to worry about these things ever again.
just emulate lol
With ease. If you're not a complete moron that is.
They work just fine my dude.
No slowdowns? Or sound glitches?
Buy a RPI3 and, VERY IMPORTANT, a fast micro SD card.
Install RetroPie, get a nice controller and you're done.
They're fucking with you. Don't buy it.
Just get an Everdrive
Oh there are still slowdowns and sound glitches
I have a pi zero, the 5 dollar one, runs all 16bit games just fine, no slowdown or sound glitches.
The RP3b is great for SNES, it actually does a great job at PS1.
PI 3 can.
Could I play symphony of the night on it? Should be able to use a ps3 controller with the pi too right?
>if you know your way around emulators and linux in general.
You hardly even need an understanding of either because this shit has already been set up by other people to the point where there are step by step instructions that hard impossible to fuck up.
t. Reggie
Can this thing run SFX chip games yet?
A Wii is $10 dude
>apologising for caps
>cant greentext
>odd writing
Pi 3 or Wii
A raspberry pi can't handle any emulators without a noticeable and unacceptable amount of input lag.
Wait really? I haven't heard that.
Install a real time kernel if you're autistic enough to be bothered by that.
This is truly a deal breaker if it true.
Bumping this question.
How can you be this retarded just look at youtube but because you are retarded the current 25$ rp can run games up to ps1 without any fucking problem you scumfuck
I haven't noticed any input lag. He's probably using some crappy controller. The Wii U pro controller works flawlessly in Linux.
Wii is aging hardware that you have to hack for emulation. The Pi is new hardware with the largest community around.
The next gen Pi may very well manage to run Dolphin if the reports about their next-gen SOC supporting Vulkan.
>The next gen Pi may very well
Great. Meantime the Wii is still better, cheaper, and also has native 480 and 240 output if you've got a CRT
Not that user, but "Next Gen SOC"? Where did you hear/read that? I'm interested in knowing.
>Can this thing run SFX chip games yet?
no. and it probably never will. at least it will probably never run it properly.
One of the big appeals of the wii is native 240p output which is great for CRTs. I can't see a Pi doing that anytime soon
Various Linux mailing lists, and a presentation video from a while back. Its a new GPU and they're hoping to have open source drivers.
Its not clear if that will be the Pi 4 in 2018/2019, or if it will launch as their first higher end board.
>Buy Rasperry Pi 3 kit
>Download RetroPie
>Play video games
Set one up this weekend in about 15 minutes with no experience with Linux or RetroPie.
OP I have a Pi and yeah everything up to SNES runs perfectly even on 1080p. I only had issues with Link to the Past with the best emulator (accurate sound pitch etc.). On 1080p when using the wing boots and cutting too much grass at a time the game would drop some frames. Games like Yoshi's Island used to have lag bc of the FX chip. On the Pi you can even overclock the emulated FX chip, so that lag disappears. DK Country runs fine, too.
This is retarded and stupid, WiFi emulation is done because it is perfect
this. I remember people hyping the retron 5 etc. when the Pi 2 was the better option, bc "not everyone will be able to hack their Pi". What a bunch of idiots. They literally paid 130 USD for a plastic brick with incredible input lag running stolen midtier emulators. It's like a parody.
>only need to know how to copy and paste roms to a folder
>be told that you need experience with Linux and emulators
Are you retarded?
I still feel ripped off, since in theory it's theoretically possible, but they practically dropped development on that feature bc it turned out to be a bigger task than expected. I mean it was fucking advertised as the best flash card since in the future it would likely support all the cartridge chips.
You literally don't need to.
I'm using a base install of RetroPie and the only thing I had to configure was the PS3 controller driver package from the menu
Everything else just werked
Its not that hard to use Samba to access the necessary files over a local network and use a text editor that isn't broken because of Microsoft's idiotic decisions to break standards.
I was actually paroting morons. I know there is no need for it, unless you want to have real custom settings on some things, but most user don't need this.
>SNES games look horrible on LCDs, regardless of how the signal is encoded, because you can't perfectly scale 256x224 picture to the native resolution of an LCD screen in the correct 4:3 aspect ratio (with Composite it looks even worse, since all the artifacts of NTSC encoding are clearly visible). CRTs have the unique ability to scale and stretch low resolution picture to the size of the screen, with little to no noticeable distortion or artifacts.
Emulators suffer the same type of problems. You either have to play the game squished to an incorrect [narrower] aspect ratio, or stretch it to 4:3, causing ugly artifacts.
Just buy it secondhand, it's not like the hardware itself is shit. Or don't and get a Wii
So guys, has anyone ever tried netplay on snes? How good does it work?
>he doesn't own a CRT
works good enough as long as your connection is good.
i used to play secret of mana on it and smash tv.
you do get desyncs here and there which can be pretty annoying at times.
> tfw a raspberry is better than Nintendos own offering because the Raspi can be connected to a CRT
How did Nintendo fuck up this badly?
what happens when there is a desync. Are you guys essentialy playing different saves at that point? Or is it like one player is streaming to the other and it just disconnects?
tbf connecting a RPi to a CRT requires you knowing how to solder and quite some tweaking.
Lol get one of these
> Soldering and tweaking
Actually just set up a RP3 this weekend. Works great for all emulation except N64, that is choppy as hell but can be fixed with OCing
>Literally drag and drop roms into the right folder
Wait I didn't know you could do this. Only thing I had seen was an RGB Scart mod with instructions.
I'm interesting in emulating Donkey Kong, Earthbound and Yoshi Island flawless. Do you think that a simple OC can reduce the lag of Yoshi Island to 0? This is the only shit that is keeping me form buying one instead of a mini SNES.
when a desync happens, you end up seeing different things.
for example, i would be fighting an enemy on my side but my friend would just see me running around, attacking nothing.
If your question begins with something like "Can the raspberry do..." then the answer is no because it's a shitty gimmick linux micro pc that people just like to shove into tiny plastic boxes and gloat about how they have tiny emulation machines despite the fact that they run at half speed and come with a shitload of glitchy bugs.
My wife and I enjoy our RetroN 5. We are big time retro gamers, and this fits our lives perfectly.
wew lad, that looks comfy.
can someone explain to me how these things work? like, you plug these rasberry pi things in the computer, and it's like another computer for your computer? how does it work?
retropie user, I have everything up to gameboy advance working nicely. Waiting on Starfox 2 now.
Technically it could if the devs got off their asses but we've seen no progress in a while
>That fucking HUMONGOUS thump.
Jesus fucking christ.
I just realized it costs about $70 to get two high quality 3rd party SNES controllers for PC. 8bitdo's SNES controllers are $35 each.
Now I don't feel too bad about buying this thing, even though all the ROMs could easily be pirated.
IDK man my pi is a low enegry cost file hosting webserver and seedbox.
>Can run GC games off USB/SD
>Backwards compatible with almost everything
>No more updates so it's super easy to hack
>Can play movies and music
>Native support with most major SNES/NES/GC/N64 games
>Tons of controller support
>Supports USB controllers
>hardware meant for high school robotics class
>can't play GC games and even has trouble emulating 16 bit
>Have to OC it to play things without dropping frames
>dropping frames in fucking SNES games
>We are big time retro gamers, and this fits our lives perfectly.
I know you see the word "shill" tossed around here to an almost paranoid degree but for once, this post actually genuinely reeks of shill. Nobody fucking talks like this.
You do realize the NES and SNES Classic systems are MINI, right? They're tiny systems that come in very small boxes.
Just get Japanese or repro Starfox and Yoshi's Island carts.
What else do you want SuperFX for?
Why is the mom black but the kids are completely white? Is this reverse cuckoldry?
No they are insufficient and also have significant input lag. Buy a cheap laptop or at the very least a Wii and softmod it.
Just get a Wii or alternatively a Wii U like the other anons said. They're not hard to hack and you can find them cheap on your local Craigslist.
buy snes mini, third party snes-controllers are 90% shit and playing without one isnt as fun