Adventure Quest thread
Just saw an ad of this game, tired to log in my old acc and this is the results
Adventure Quest thread
Just saw an ad of this game, tired to log in my old acc and this is the results
your name is just edgy enuff
>can't remember password
Try to recover the account, that is what I did
>that stat
Welp, here I am again.
Nice armor.
nuffin is edgy enuff
Dragon Fable was better.
Oh wow Artix Entertainment is still around? Their games were my middle school years. I wonder if my AQ Worlds account is still active.
I was too retarded to use an actual email as a kid
I remember having a ultra dark edgy sword that used to proc some black lasers sometimes, that would kill the monsters too fast, I felt like a fucking legend, I'm not sure if it is this hammer I'm wearing now
This was my jam.
That ended. It's still up but the actual story ended.
The guy that did the art does porn now right?
Is*. Shit still gets updated. Its surprisingly good.
And wasn't completely broken when you reached the high levels. Fuck, even the story was good but a bug fucked my progression up so it's hard to follow the story.
Anybody else still play Adventure quest worlds or even play Adventure quest 3D?
AQ's story is almost completely incomprehensible. They need to do a book of lore update like with dragonfable to organize everything. Though half the fun is it being such a clusterfuck.
Ash grew up and has the sword you can get in the side-game. Fucking amazing shit.
Wasn't that one weird saga the main story? Darkvoia was sadly left abandoned after the dracopyre shit.
The Devourerer or something. Basically galactus coming to eat the planet. I tried playing through it but its really annoying having to travel all over the place to do it in order.
Prepare yourself for edge
Now that is edgy
Oh shit, I think I used to cheat engine this game.. I wonder if I still remember the email I used...
Is Adventure Quest Worlds still a thing?
I stopped playing after Desert art with Djinn Chaos Lord. It just got too P2W and Premium focused.
adventure quest worlds was the shit until I hit the fucking paywall
Then I found wow and thought that a subscription based platform was different from a p2w platform
it wasnt
Milltonius? Yeah. Isn't that why he got fired?
my ultra old creds still work but my account has no characters in it, rip
I fucking loved the start of AQW but slowly abandoned it as shit got repetitive.
Mech quest>Other shit quests
When I finally finished the police questline that was the tightest shit
Always felt like this game was basically one guy's DnD group.
It quite literally was
Mech and Dragon were the best of the bunch.
No way, I actually remembered the password (which is good because the e-mail I used doesn't exist anymore)
See that last login? It's also from a Sup Forums thread. 8 YEARS AGO.
The waves of nostalgia are surprisingly pleasant.
I thought you were not allowed to fire someone on what they did on the side, must have been a shit contract.
OP here, funny that we were all kids back then but I was the only truly poorfag shitter, look at my level and stats ->
Don't fuck with me lads I'm a bad man.
Could not find AQ account anymore, but found the dragonfable one. Think I played for like just few hours during some class.
Dracopyre master race!
Oh I love a good AQ thread. I tried to get it as edgy as I could this time.
wait wait wait, is that why the edgy dark lord in AQW got replaced? it was Milltonius a long time ago and then at some point he was replaced, i forgot the name, Dage? or something
sorry, wasn't dage, it's nulgath now, just checked
Didn't he have that one crazy area with tons of shit you had to farm?
>Is Adventure Quest Worlds still a thing?
Yeah, shit got stupid (well more so than before.) and there's a ton of paid content now.
Still the same base game though, so you may enjoy the new stuff. I go back every now and then to see what's up.
Pretty sure Nulgath = Miltonius, it's just a redesign that he wanted. They fired/"went in a different direction from" him because he was drawing porn or something.
Don't remember the details but Dage is basically the new Nulgath/miltonius in essence, but the guy you're thinking of is still there ingame.
yeah yeah that one
i still remember that piece of shit of a location - tercessuinotlim
I liked it
>he isn't a Variant One Doom Knight
Smh desu senpai
The updated one is more fun desu. Variant One got old within like 10 minutes.
>tfw you have purchased most expensive estate and have it increase value by %1 every week
I haven't even played this game for years
It still makes me happy for some reason
The art kind of looks like the guy who does Summertime Saga desu.
I put way too much time into this during my summer job at an internet cafe.
To be fair I think most AQ players in this thread have hilariously edgy names.
There is a project to make AQ Worlds in 3D. Any news about it?
>0 strength
How does he wear the armor
Dude mechquest was so tight at the start. Just logged in and the game is completely unplayable.
Artix entertainment literally had the chance to do some amazing things but then they ran it into the ground.
>Not being edgy enough that you can't take the armour off ever
It's his skin user
I presume he outsmarts it.
>Tfw too intelligent for strength.
>Run like 5 steps
>out of breathe
0 END cucks everyone
More players than MvCI so they got that goin for it.
>projecting this hard
The armor wears him.
I started young so my name was lowercase killer
someone kill me the embarassment sucks
Reminder that adventure quest 3d still exists.
That got me
That's actually a lot for a niche online game from years ago.
I know. I even downloaded the app to play it.
When was it's peak?
I think at this point AQ is fucking immortal.
I had a older char, but my cousin deleted it years ago, that bitch.
Anyone else trying/tried out AQ3D? It definitely doesn't have the same charm as the other games, but it could be worse.
I do like how they kept player character freedom, where you can wear and wield whatever you'd like.
Yeah i liked it, just been lazy and not played it in months.
Pretty much the same here. The last time i logged in was april I think
Fuck it let's go
I had an acc from like more than a decade ago but fuck if I can remember anything about it, I don't even remember the email I used for it
desu i find dragon fable more fun, but gl m8.
I'm trying it right now. It feels a little clunky, but otherwise it seems alright to me.
Mage seems to get screwed over a bit though, this mana regen is abysmal. I couldn't even cast spells for over half of that boss fight.
Me and my dad shared an account on this and just spent all of our time playing this when the other one wasn't
I always loved how over the top everything in this game is.
First time logging in since 07
All right lads, pick a name and pray you roll a 6
tfw used school email for adventure quest
was a pretty cool game when you were 13.
my main games were Tibia, AQ and Warriors 2 l e l
>playing AQ3D.
>Start wandering and clicking on stuff.
>Eventually end up in some founder's reward place.
>Fall straight through the floor and spawn in the starting town.
>tfw can't remember username of email or anything to my first runescape account
I think I had 99 WC on it
Looks like we're going with Now what's our class? 9 decides
>that feel when I could never afford being a guardian
Didn't even colour his hair red
mfw I just recently recovered my account.
mfw I have no urge to play it.
I still play this game every day, if I wanted to I could probably spend the Z tokens I have on giftboxes and reach 150 but I'm still figuring out optimal shit for myself, how I should spend stats as I get them to best suit what items I have, so forth.
>maxing out strength instead of endurance
>200 CHA
drop some points from endurance and max Str/Dex immediately
See that retarded little purple rat? I have two of those. With 200 CHA they essentially double my Magic damage.