>cowboy game
>set in the 20th century
Why the fuck did they do this? Is it just so they could insert "le epic m1911 pistol" into the game? How could they fuck up the time period and setting so badly?
Cowboy game
This is an awful thread, even for this board's standards
oh yeah, I forgot 90% of Sup Forums was 12 when this game came out so they blindly worship it and sperg out when its many flaws are criticized
Except I was 20 when it came out whereas you seem like you're 12 right now.
yeah you're acting like a 12 year old
you've yet to list any actual flaws with the game itself retard, the fact that you don't like the setting is strictly opinion based. Tell us the glaring flaws,
you sound younger than 12 idiot
>glaring flaws
>I can't understand the "end of an era," death of the west themes so it's a flaw
c'est la Sup Forums.
the OP of this thread is so hilariously stupid holy shit
All the promotional material for the game describe it as portraying the "death of the west", that's the point OP. Modern technology and progress is encroaching on the once Wild West. Did you not play the game?
>I'd rather they didn't try something thematically different for the western genre
you fucking suck op
instant butthurt brigade of fanboys, right on time
the game has many flaws including the god awful slow running movement and the imprecise horse controls. Also the entire map is flat, empty and brown which makes exploration boring as fuck. Even shit like Skyrim is a better open world.
why would anyone want to play a western game when the west is 90% dead already? that's self-destructive game design. give me the west in its prime. There's so few western video games that it's not like the genre is repetitive or stale, so there's no need to go full retard "THE WEST IS DYING BRO IT'S SO DEEP XD"
>c'est la Sup Forums.
christ, go back to r*ddit
you are a retard, though. you're complaining about a complete non-issue. the setting doesn't affect the western style whatsoever. did you miss the fucking duel mechanic?
anyway feel free to try and be contrarian even though you have nothing to actually say.
>why would anyone want to play
This is entirely subjective. Do you have any real arguments or just your own opinions?
> Telling others to return to reddit when he himself uses reddit spacing
A lot of Rockstar games arent about settings in their prime though? They tend to be looking "behind the curtain" at how shit these "prime settings" tend to be.
Most the GTA's are like this too.
>Even shit like Skyrim is a better open world.
this makes it super evident that you're either baiting or just insanely stupid. the entirety of Skyrim, outside of the mountains, are just awfully textured stretches of shitbrown and orange. literally every cave and town looks the same.
what's funnier, though, is your """"""criticisms"""""" aren't even correct on a basic level.
There are a lot of great westerns set in the early 20th century (pic related The Wild Bunch). It lets you play with the theme of the death of the old ways at the hands of industrialization and civilization.
here's a pity (you)
read my post, dumbass.
>empty brown and flat map
>player movement is unbearably slow and clunky
>horse controls slippery as fuck
>dumb mechanics like when you kill a grizzly bear a hundred other grizzly bears swarm you one by one
>skyrim is just awfully textured stretches of shitbrown and orange. literally every cave and town looks the same.
You literally just described RDR. Skyrim sucks, for sure, but RDR's open world is even worse.
I'm lmaoing at all you teenagers who throw a fit when this game's many flaws are pointed out. guess it was babby's first open world though
you literally haven't pointed out an actual single flaw yet
pretty funny bait though 6/10
How did you find the horse controls slippery? We're you expecting it to turn suddenly or what? Explain further
th west is dying bro, so deep xd
>empty brown flat map
>complains his game isn't western enough
>i don't like the way deserts look
>it's a bad game
wreck yourself user
Stop replying to yourself and answer above questions
i cant help it, i'm a mentally ill homosex
>when you can't provide any support for your arguments and can only reply to your own shitpost
sad lol
New Vegas is the only that got cowboy aesthetics right and it's not even a cowboy game
>tfw you get a posse together to hunt down outlaws but forgot a shit load of dimes
>and the imprecise horse controls.
have you ever ridden a horse before?
>le epic m1911 pistol
It's actually a Browning 1903, a foreign copy made under license of the Colt 1903 rechambered in 9x20mm Browning Long, you can tell the difference by how long the barrel is.
this desu
The game is about the death of the "wild west," it's set in the only time period that works.
this is the most pathetic samefagging I've ever witnessed
To further my point, I will also post this picture showing off its key features of being a hammerless gun and its visibly long barrel with a scene from the game itself
>lever action
muh dick
do people actually like RDR? i could barely break 1 hour because it was so boring
Here we have the wild OP, replying to himself in an attempt to further his bait.
yeah people tend to like good games. a shame your little retard peabrain couldn't comprehend it, probably since it wasn't a cringey japanese game.
Flaws such as? And bitch I was 16, I take offense to your comment
Play call of Juarez then, holy shit
>empty brown and flat map
Wow a desert is flat. Also I thought it was personally pretty populated enough with random events and the missions took you to most of the map that it didn't feel particularly empty.
>player movement is slow and clunky
This is totally subjective, I personally didn't have any problems with it and I think most people probably feel the same, this isn't an inherent flaw with the game itself.
>horse controls slippery as fuck
See above.
>dumb mechanics like when yada yada
I personally never encountered this. Is this a bug? If this a commonly occurring bug for a lot of people I can see how that could detract from the game a bit, but not nearly enough for the level of autism you're showing.
it's not a bug, he's just stupid and mad he got BTFO by bears in an area where bears typically spawn.
Go play GUN if you want that,
You must be autistic if you thought the horse controls were off in any way. I'm physically disabled and use a special controller. If I could handle that with no problem, then you need to step up
Tards like you are why games have to be so tremendously dumbed down nowadays. Sad stuff.
Thanks /k
Fuck /k/ and fuck you, you bony faggot.
gay lol
>Skyrim is a better open world
>Want to play red dead
>dont have last gen console/dont want to "stream" it
Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao,Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao,Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao,Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao,Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao...
>ITT: Lone mongoloid tries (and fails) to criticize a game for the sake of being a contrarian and gets easily BTFO
The Fuck????
Did Op leave? No fucking comebacks from here?
>get BTFO
>close thread out of embarrassment
not gonna lie ive done this too
But xbox arcade, it's like 40 bucks and red dead is like 30 tops. Boom, there you go
Big Jake took place in the early turn of the century, even had cars and a luger. Part of it was to contrast Jake's old tried and true ways with the emergence of technology. It wasn't uncommon for westerns.
what's hilarious is the retard OP probably ragequit but genuinely thinks he's right as well
like i guarantee he's probably unironically thinking some shit like "lol fucking fanboys are just mad i criticized their game"
Op is a pussy who left thread, he won't respond to this
Fuck off skeleton, I won't believe your lies
No, seriously, what the fuck
>Confirmed for not playing the fucking game
A major theme is that it is the end of the "Wild West" and that society doesnt have room for cowboys anymore. Its not even that subtle. I think they even have something similar as dialogue.
But you would know that if you werent a mental shmuck
OP's faggotry aside, the later half of the western era is probably a lot better to focus on for games so I don't see why it is a problem. As much as I would love a game set in the very beginning like the Outlaw Josey Wales and get to kill some yankees, muzzleloaders and black powder percussion cap revolvers don't tend to make for a very engaging gunplay.
Fuck, where do I know that chant from again? It's some cartoon.
The M1911 isn't even in the game you absolute retard, the only Colt pistol in the game is 1903 Pocket Hammerless.
To add to that
They even showcased a car being loaded from a ship. Hell one of the main missions included it and another featuring a freakin' crank gun. The west was modernized and was slowly tamed by technology
>doesn't understand that a desert is primarily a flat wasteland
>Fuck, where do I know that chant from again? It's some cartoon.
It's the chant from the Jacky Chan cartoon
Its called making an original setting, jesus you are dumb. Rockstar wanted to make a unique western game. Playing off the whole "end of an era" collaborated with the dark and empty themes to each character. The west was merciless, there was no happy ending for anyone. The west just swallowed them up, just as time swallowed up the romanticism of "The Wild West"
Parallel to Landon Rickets. He was the fastest gun in the west. A childhood hero to Marston. But he spends his days rotting away in a Mexican cantina.
Face it, you are just too simple minded to understand slightly complex themes, that in turn leads to your only prominent ability, stupid anger, which you direct towards "hurr durr dumb settings i dont get it."
i'm pretty sure he's trying to look for a city but is just so retarded he keeps ending up in the desert or whatever.
what a shitty thread for a good game. You fuckers know how to ruin everything.
Ok, ill bite.
Rdr was about the death of the west. When john died, so did cowboy times for the western world.
Pussy bitch OP defend your point
But the m1911 is tight as fuck tho
To be fair only a select few in this thread are arguing against the quality of RDR. Most of us can agree it was a solid and entertaining experience
Make that everyone, the only person saying it's bad is samefag OP.
I just want rdr on ps4 already
Please tell me that rdr2 isnt just going to be a gtav expansion like im worried that it is
Probably, because there still hasn't been a valid flaw that has been brought up. The game totally has flaws too, but they are miniscule comparitively
I just hope they don't go full jew with the online, but I know they will.
What a shit thread op you should be ashamed of yourself.
OP here, lol'ing at you butthurt fanboys
just face it, your favorite game when you were 11 is mediocre. There's no reason why "LE DEATH OF THE WEST xD" is inherently a good theme.
Also no one has refuted my criticism of this games sluggish and shifty movement
Stories about cowboys and how they die are cool. Respectfully, fuck your opinion.
Were you expecting a horse, a living creature with thoughts of its own, to turn on a dime within a millisecond of you deciding that you want it to?
Do you get mad that cars can't float in the air and reposition themselves without moving forward, too?
OP you are a retard, fucking kill yourself.
>Tell us the glaring flaws,
Poker game glitch.
Why is OP such a retard?
It's almost flawless. But I do agree, I would have liked one that's further back in time