Based on past expansion trends, it's very likely Blizzard will introduce a new playable race at Blizzcon.
What do you suspect it will be?
Based on past expansion trends, it's very likely Blizzard will introduce a new playable race at Blizzcon.
What do you suspect it will be?
black people
Something genderless so they only have to make one model.
Kobolds and Gnolls
Something that will take absolutely zero effort, so my guess is high elves.
naga for horde, ethereal for alliance
nothing because I do not play 15 year old MMORPGs
Tuskarr or fuck off
>he thinks you'll get anything at all
Maybe we'll get subraces?
They could have their own little kinks that seperate them from their counterparts, for example taunka can have frost resistance and th-
Fuck I forgot resistances dont exist anymore fuck you blizzard
Something hilariously low effort like "every (non-DH) class can now be every race!" or erasing factions.
>Every day my dad ganks me on his undead rogue
>And every time I ragequit he opens the door with this stupid look on his face
>appease the SJW gender fairy crowd
>only have to make one model and adjust particle effects
>they don't even need facial rig bones
>real human proportions so tons of people will play them
>muh void faggotry front and center in the story
Its going to be ethereal and disappoint literally everybody
Its a shame that rouges are so bad, for a dps class the rouge specs are so varied and fun.
At Least PvP treats them well
Hopefully naga. Solve the mount problem by giving them some equivalent to the worgen racial, then for flying they get a sitting animation that doesn't matter if it clips, literally every mount clips nowadays.
goblin and worgen model updates
enjoy goyim
No new races, subraces included and the option for max level characters to temporarily be able to redo their appearance
>only orcs, trolls, dwarves and tauren get them
High Elves and Nightborne.
I've never been super-into warcraft but id be fucking down to play as a snekman.
For someone who talks about trends you sure don't know how Blizzard works.
>game is new/not making money
>Blizzard puts tons of effort into the game's content
>game is making tons of money
>Blizzard coasts by and does nothing
Legion made tons of money, therefore...
Convince me to resub to WoW.
>Humans get vrykul
>Gnomes get Leper Gnomes/Mechagnomes
>Night elves get Nightfallen
How can you not know wow lore?
why wouldnt the elves and humans get subraces?
Legion isnt terrible
Every race can get a subrace, the only really difficult ones are humans and goblins.
naga for horde(or hopefully as neutral like panda)
Retarded pandarian fish fags for alliance.
>humans grow 10 feet
>gnomes get a death knight skin
>night elves get a racial 500% increase to clipping
Night Elves wouldn't get Nightborne, they're much closer to the Horde right now. They can take High Elves like they've been whining about for years.
Literally just get elysium and stay there, its a very different game nowadays where autistic amounts of grinding are needed to succeed
>4 days played on alt
>no leggo
fuck Blizzards bad luck protection
theres like 2 different goblin subraces
and humans have niggers
High elves are already part of the horde, tho
Just go with naga, the next expansion is going to be about Old Gods so it makes sense a group of them would split away from that master plan to avoid becoming mind slaves
Also they have them in DH halls helping out right?
No they're not. The Alliance can take their blue-eyed Belf skeleton and like it.
not to mention the huge spiders that lived in the cave lol. But I see Ethereal being it. That or some race that was on both sides I forget about it been awhile.
>Kobolds have been keeping candles to stay alive this whole time
>mfw Ive been taking their life force from them for 13 years
The Heavy from TF2
2 headed ogre
>Ogre magi are super important to the lore
>Would make perfect sense for the horde
>Kobold candles can repel void entities
>yfw you realize Kobolds believe in candles enough for them to become literal sources of the Light
Kobold paladins when
Nobody cares about Ogres, if they put them in the game they'd be less player than even Goblins.
Nagas are under Illidan's or Azshara's orders
Except if Blizzard give us the "oh shit there's a rebellion amongst them" plot
I'd roll a Taunka in a heartbeat.
Still doesnt explain how they fell under the control of a level 20 mob
>naga would never ally with us, they're allied with illidan
Pls no. The amount of shitty thiccfag fanart of female ogres would be terrible.
Naga for both races. The idea will be based on arguing faction of Azsharan naga finding some artifact that turns them into almost elves and arguing which faction is the better one. As in they get their feet back but have fish mutations still. They use this form for mounts and such, but will transform back for combat like Worgan
The entire starting zone is choosing what objective you want to complete to see which faction you join.
>naga with legs
Nobody wants naga because they're turn into civilized, humanoid pretty faggots. The entire appeal is being a grotesque vicious looking fish snake thing.
Yeah I kinda of agree. I want naga without legs.
After the disaster that was pandaren you can expect a new playable race never again.
pretty naga confirmed
Oh shit I've litteraly forgot about Legion
My mistake
Roll with the punches, ya douche
Those aquatic goblins and maybe have Kul Tiras humans changed by N'zoth somehow when Kul Tiras is introduced next expansion
>What I want
Model updates for worgen and goblin
Ability to create sub race character (Mag'har orc, Nightfallen, leper gnome, Taunka, etc)
More character customization options (height/weight slider, more frills like the hawk feather trinket for taurens, and so on)
>What I'll get
>ITT people who have never tried a private server
The custom races look like absolute garbage in motion, clipping everywhere and you'll get bored of the minor cosmetic differences in ten minutes
i want Vrykul because they are major lore figures and the progenitors of humans.
we've seen all this story for Orcs, it's time for humans to get some love.
Vrykul for Alliance
Ogres for Horde, it's way too fucking overdue
>people talking about what Blizzard will add as an official playable race, which would include all the work on models, skeletons and animations to make them not look like complete dogshit
>"but modelswaps on private servers are ugly!"
humans can be divided into stormwind or lordaeron
goblins can be divided into the goblins that used to aid the orcs in the warcraft 2 days and the current gallywix followers, I guess
>it's time for humans to get some love
Nigger are you serious?
>Main lore characters presently
>Khadgar (human)
>Illidan (night elf)
>Jaina (human)
>Turalyon (human)
>Turalyon's wife (high elf)
>Anduin (human)
>Maeiv Shadowsong (night elf)
>Genn Greymane (human 90% of the time)
>the draenei (Alliance)
>the nightborne (night elves, basically Alliance)
>the broken (draenei, basically Alliance)
And now, our grand list of Horde main characters relevant this expansion:
you forgot varian, which has just as much importance as sylvanas
Stormwind and Lordaeron humans look the same though. Also Lordaeron humans are practically extinct.
Same thing for Goblins, they look the same.
>the nightborne (night elves, basically Alliance)
Nightborne are Horde though.
Technically also an High Elf
Uninstall Wizard so you faggots can finally let go
this shit is not going to get any better
BC is never coming back
One of the other goblinoid subraces from the RPG book
Something shit, no doubt about it
>Joining a thread about a topic you dislike
Fuck off nostalgiafag.
What's the point of playing a naga if they dont have tails? It will just be like a shitty elf with gills.