Show me your top 5 steam games.
Judge each others.
Show me your top 5 steam games.
Judge each others.
>playing Steam
Pleb taste.
mine is overwatch
overwatch isnt on steam
faggot nigger
Absolutely abysmal taste except DS
including DS*
This Blops III seems like a good-percentage AFK thing.
nothing personel kid
I have played FAAAAAR more EVE than this says. I don't use the shitty Steam client anymore.
>posts even shittier taste
I like the concept of EVE and how 'deep' it is but it's fucking horrible to play. You don't even fly your ship directly, you just click on a waypoint and sit there and watch it move to it.
It requires a really specific kind of thought process to enjoy. You either love it or you hate it. For me, it gives me something unique enough that it keeps me coming back. Plus, the social aspect is fantastic.
You can actually control your ship manually to a degree now, but it's not very well implemented.
Well, at least i'm not the only one that doesn`t play for thousands of hours.
Double-clicking in space sets that direction -- it's a 3D ARPG.
My god man, you're still sucked in. Someone needs to create a recovery group to help people quit EVE.
[Spoiler] caldari for life [/spoiler]
Ctrl + S..
Step aside plebs, Patrician coming through.
Fightan gaem is ded
Pls no bully
the: I play what Sup Forums tells me to
Where are all the fags with PUBG clocked in?
>hurr people who don't have dota, pubg, csgo in their top played are just Sup Forums drones
t. consolefag
I regret playing Warframe this much.
dont really care about other games
I started to browse Sup Forums like a month ago.
I have like 500 hours on original Isaac, I bought the two TW 6 months ago and and I discovered Dark Souls on Xbox 360.
>I started to browse Sup Forums like a month ago.
Newfag out.
I put 6 because Skyrim is a lowly porn game and does not count.
I'm fairly disappointed in myself.
I'll throw in a few extra, just for you, OP.
I uh...yeah
Pretty good.
There's a surprising amount of DadGame III in this thread.
Don't worry, there are plenty of prepubescent kids who tricked their parents into buying it for them who play.
Scratches that autistic milsim itch that no other game can desu. World War 2 mods are the shit.
Curse my occasional addiction to idle games
So the power...of the master race...
Explains so fucking much. Irreparable damage done by this thread, can't even take a single PC opinion seriously anymore
>Multiple people post their top 5s made up of PC-exclusives that take advantage of the platform and would never make it to console
>You bitch anyway
feeling pretty ashamed right now
Why should you be ashamed of doing something you enjoy? Sheesh, no wonder you nerds always complain about not having girlfriends.
I need to finally get The Division out of my top 5 considering I haven't played it since just after launch.
Especially DS you mean.
The weak should fear the strong
ive got that good normie shit
Id have a beer with you guys.
My play time is split over 2 accounts
Is this the Dark Souls of top 5's?
Perfectly fine I'd say.
I had no idea I played Dota 2 for over 100 hours back in the day. I haven't touched it since 2012.
Seeing this makes me want to remove Fallout 4 from my account.
>those bottom 4 games
Yeah no, I don't think you get to talk shit about anyone's taste buddy. That is fucking bad.
t. pic related
I regret buying and playing SFV
Read 'em and weep, boys
How do you find people to play in KoF XIII? Every match I've played has had horrendous input lag to the point where it's unplayable. Or is that all single player?
>nearly everyone who ever posts in these threads always have either CS:GO, DOTA, TF2, or Garry's Mod in their top
Does PC have any other games?
Gmod is the gift that keeps on giving.
Dota 2 doesn't really count because most of those hours are from spectating TI games
No they just have the most amount of idling in them so they get inflated playtime counts
All you plebs with less than 5 digits should leave this board.
>>playing steam
>all that playtime to get enough cash to buy one vehicle
oh shit...
>2 years of GTA.
>Eve online
700h + twice as many watching shoutcasts
700h or so
Everything else I average 1-200h.
I'm glad I can't find out my hours logged into Minecraft.
This. The best pvpers all manually pilot by clicking on space.
I swear these do not represent my taste in games
wow, you must be able to buy a plane with all this grinding!
>it's normalfag city
can't believe PCfats actually believe they're better than console users for being able to play flavor of the month shooters and assfaggot trash