What are some good games that help you cope with depression?

What are some good games that help you cope with depression?

Russian roulette

Dark Souls

Lego Island

custer's revenge


Depression Quest

A Rope

this and a good diet and daily meditation

A MOBA like Dota, HotS, Smite or League. You won't be much happier but at least you'll feel something, even if what you feel is misanthropic rage.

>when the grim realization hits you're probably arguing with literal 12 year olds about videogames

Maybe videogames really are the manchild's hobby

Hide the penis in the vagina.

Mario Mix


Go for a walk user. Physical activity helps.

Trails in the Sky/Trails of Cold Steel
Both captivating JRPGs that offer escape and immersion that nothing else can replicate

Persona 3

We have this thread every day

None. Stop playing games. Get outside and meet people, socialise, get a job, get some fresh air and exercise and sunlight. Get out of your comfort zone, stop taking drugs including alcohol and nicotine. Open up to people, talk about your problems. Stop playing fucking videogames they just make depression worse.

I hope pic is not related because if you're a depressed nihilist you're doing it wrong.


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