Nintensharts will defend this.
Nintensharts will defend this
is fun
Gore is one of the best monster to ever grace the series. What a great fight. I really hope Gore is in MHW.
Actually they will attack it
4thGen was a graphical embarassment compared to 3U
I wouldn't mind hunting Gore in World
Or Shaggy for that fact
I'm hoping my personal favorite pic related gets in but I won't be heartbroken if he's not
All the new monsters in World look great and I'm eager to fight the flying snake squirrel
Even if this was literally the only game on its console, it'd still be more worthwhile than any of its competitors.
Notice how the other replies didn't even mention graphics.
I will defend it, its probably the best game I have ever played and I cant think of another game I put about 2000 hours into in less than 9 months.
At least 4U was mostly 60fps.
Having Generations go down to 30fps made it really feel like a crawl. Add in the unbalanced styles, useless arts and the atrocious upgrade system and you really get the worst game in the series.
Nulberries mention antiviral properties in their description in World so maybe
Generations was locked 30 with a lowered FOV and draw distance so they could show a bunch of stupid particle effects. what a mistake.
What, people don't like Gore?
>"man why does an stretched image of a handheld game looks bad??"
This is how you sound, subhuman.
>At least 4U was mostly 60fps
It wasn't. It was mostly 45-50ish FPS. It was really only 60 in menus and in your house. It's just more difficult to see the difference on a screen that small.
Source: my friends framerate analysis using video-out from his 3ds.
Yeah, it's a fucking GOOD game. You wouldn't know what those looked like. World is going to be a fucking embarrassment and sink Monster Hunter.
>with a lowered FOV and draw distance
Proven wrong, the hud is just bigger.
>so they could show a bunch of stupid particle effects
No proof of this.
Good thing Monster Hunter is on current generation consoles now.
I don't think they lowered the FOV at all, rather they made the HUD elements larger. If looking at the ground while moving is any indication, the texture filtering took a compromise as well.
>No proof of this.
oh ok I'll stop giving them the benefit of the doubt and just say they did it for literally no reason, then.
How's it hanging Michael?
A game locked on 30 FPS is better than one constantly fluctuating between 40 and 20 FPS, depending on the hunt.
Is this the new boogeyman capcom shills will use to try to deflect all criticism?
You got me user, I laughed
Man, gotta love all these particles on my fucking 240p screen.
Was that on the New 3DS? I know my old brick 3DS can't handle it 60fps all the time but I thought the n3ds was pretty much made for mh4u.
Why did Gen have such high stagger limits and little hitstop?
Najarala is my favorite but it gets no love. Someone post cute najarala art.
>World is going to be a fucking embarrassment and sink Monster Hunter.
I don't have a lot of Najarala.
Best is optimizing the game for the platform though. If they realized the game won't run at a steady framerate, they should remove effects, not cap framerate at a lower level when earlier games in the series haven't done that.
>I thought the n3ds was pretty much made for mh4u.
It was yes since the New 3DS has better parts in it such as better CPU, RAM, etc.
Dunno why they didn't do it again with Generations, XX, and Stories?
>why they didn't do it again with Generations, XX
this is the first monster that visually bothered me
but the design grew on me after 4 hunts or so, and its weapons are top notch
He looks like something straight out of a WWII comic
>Nintensharts will defend this.
No, I think they'll hunt it.
underrated post
So you're the only one who cares.
Cute monster
>mah open world meme
>terrible voice acting
>shit monster design
>most likely no content whatsoever since they can't reuse assets
>casualized to fuck, you can now literally sprint while healing removing any danger of actually having to heal, damage numbers, grappling hook, traps and bombs everywhere.
The game is dead in the water. Nobody wanted this. If you buy this game you're a fucking moron and I'm sure you bought DmC, DF5, and MvC:I as well.
The most fun to hunt flagship monster of the series?
Hell yes I'll defend the Gore.
Your complaints against the game are all either disproved, not valid or baseless assumptions.
>I'll defend the Gore
No, dummy. You'll hunt it.
>not exactly the same game again
It's gotta be Gore either that or Tri Lagiacrus.
All these name filters are just making people make newer annoying names
Sony Jabronies
PC Geezers
I hope World will come with the option to turn on Jap voices or turn the voice acting off.
I genuinely loath having to hear that annoying, generic American accent that every single character in every single English dub has. I don't even care if it's dubbed in Japanese or whatever. As long as it isn't an American voice.
>turn the voice acting off.
You can switch it to the old monster hunter speak.
>Jap voices
>turn the voice acting off.
It's been confirmed you can either switch to the usual "wyvernian" grunts or mute it.
>people will defend 4U
>people will say that it introduced more good than bad
>None of the new monsters look as fun as Tigrex, Barioth, Narga, Lagi, Gore/Shag, Seregios, or even the four shitters from Gens
4U is the best in the series.
So what games are we allowed to like man? You say you like any MH at all and some obnoxious asshole fan of another will crawl out of the woodwork and spew insults endlessly.
Best news I've heard all day, thanks anons.
Is this monster hunter for ants?
400x240 is the 3DS's native resolution. These are 1:1 screenshots, unlike like the blown-up, artifact-ridden mess OP used.
How do you play on that small screen?
That's what the game renders at when discounting the 3D effect. Most people will likely have a 3DS model with a larger screen, effectively with less pixels per inch.
>But how do you play on a small screen anyway
You just suck it up and get used to it, I've dealt with worse. Obviously something larger would be nice.
When you're holding the 3DS at a natural position, it's more than sufficient. Also I personally keep almost all of my info on the bottom screen, the top screen only having my health bar and item bar. Map, ally bars etc. are all on the bottom screen.
Bottom screen res for reference.
It's kinda amazing how big the change in the new3DS feels.
Makes sense
Noone can really defend monster hunter. Its a super simple game that plays like the nuMMOs that glorify terrible spongy action combat. Terrible.
Resolution to scale
Honestly the biggest crime is that you're still using Z-Targeting like it's fucking ocarina of time. I don't even give a shit about graphics, the gameplay is fun, but the controls are god awful. Add in the underwater combat in 3 and it's glaringly obvious how not having a fucking right analog stick is the most retarded thing you could do.
'Hard' lock-on would fuck with positioning so much in pre-World games if it were a thing. Soft lock-on is fine and people still manage with left/right camera movement in games without it.
i hope gore and seregios get into world
It didn't. 4U monsters just have legs made of sugar. Compare XX to 4U Nerscylla and you'll see how 4U one is basically never up after being downed.