So, why is Oblivion considered a better game than Skyrim?

So, why is Oblivion considered a better game than Skyrim?

game has personality and doesn't take itself too seriously. Also it's actually an RPG and the quests are really good.

It really isn't as far as gameplay goes. Oblivion has annoying level scaling and level system with copypasted dungeons all over

How do you mean?

because you were younger when it came out

It did faction/side quests better.
Everything else Skyrim did better.

>"M-Muh comfy"

The eternal cry of Oblivion-fags


Less quests making each one more worthwhile. Skyrim just had too many, I didn't give a shit


idk it looks like shit

It's not.

This. I missed being clever in the Dark Brotherhood quests in Skyrim. It's straight-up killing instead of "make it look like an accident for a bonus"

spell making
more spell effects
better sidequests

At the very least the cities felt more "alive" between the NPC's and color schemes.

Because Skyrim is bland as all fuck. It's just not interesting compared to Oblivion.

Oblivion's leveling system is garbage tho.

>Skyrim is bland as all fuck. It's just not interesting compared to Oblivion

Skyrim is more comfy
Oblivion is more patrician

Oblivion was an actual RPG.

Skyrim has shitty levelling too, they just stopped giving enemies scaling gear.

No it wasn't. Last RPG in the TES series was Morrowind.

Every Elder Scrolls game is a bad RPG. FO3 was the only time Bethesda has actually made an RPG.

Oblivion actually had builds, Skyrim didn't.

Im not seeing how. It doesnt play much different from Skyrim aside from getting skill increases for pushing on a button long enough.

because of nostalgia blind babbies who played it as their first ES games and can't see how terrible it is.

Both are shit in their own ways, only nu/v/ defends Oblivion.

yeah, for example in oblivion to make a mage build you could choose all melee and physical skills.

You don't understand. Fallout 4, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Oblivion are not RPGs. They're action adventure games wherein game mechanics don't allow for roleplaying. Going from Morrowind to Oblivion was a travesty. You can't miss because RPG elements need streamlining, so enemies are healthsponges. You can unlock the hardest lock with no ingame proficiency because you just need to be skilled. etc.

Oblivion was a shitty action game with tedious game mechanics that don't work because they're remnants of once a strong rpg series. Skyrim finally got rid of all that noise so you can power fantasy like a retard, making it playable in accordance with Todd's game direction. What seals the deal was Oblivion's lore rape and terrible world building and dialogue ten times worse than Skyirm. It's possible to immerse oneself in Skyrim's lore. Oblivion doesn't even know what that word means and so the game doesn't facilitate roleplaying even in your own mind.

Both are fun but both have massive flaws.
I can tolerate vanilla Skyrim more than Oblivion

Playing it modded is what you need though. Then you can turn into a "true RPG" or just tailor the game to your own personal tastes.

gb2 codex, fag.

It has better quests (like that takes much) and "better" atmosphere. That's literally it.

Oblivion has god awful "characters" and one of the worst, if not THE worst, leveling system in an RPG. The gameplay is so beyond broken that I don't even know how they managed to fuck it up so royally.

Fallout 3 and to a lesser extent Fallout 4 do have RPG mechanics with all the dialogue shit. Elder Scrolls games almost never have any meaningful dialogue choices. Morrowind had more abilities to break the game with which was entertaining but it was still a bad roleplaying game. Todd openly admits in old forum posts that he would rather make action RPGs than real RPGs.

>Morrowind had more abilities to break the game with which was entertaining but it was still a bad roleplaying game
Explain this to me. Breaking the game is the point. How does Morrowind being a bad rpg follow from that?

>You can unlock the hardest lock with no ingame proficiency
you can do this in morrowind you shit

None of the Scrolls games are good. Prove me wrong.

more depth
more interesting quests
the amount of time I spent in the spellcrafting system alone outstrips the entire campaign of skyrim

skyrim was better overall desu

vanilla combat is a pain in the ass. I have better luck hitting in Morrowind than I do in Oblivion.

If you try it a few hundred times, maybe.

Morrowind wasn't an RPG you fucking retard. It dumbed down every single facet of gameplay and lore from Daggerfall and Arena and turned the game into a glorified treasure hunt simulator. Oblivion was a return to form, it was more difficult than Morrowind, had better quests, better cities, better soundtrack, better npc's and better DLC.
>can unlock the hardest lock with no ingame proficiency because you just need to be skilled
Which is easier if you level the skill. You're not magically barred from picking a lock because you don't have a magic lockpick, you actually have to have an existent reaction time, shocking, considering you're used to games that you can just min-max your way out of anything resembling challenge without any effort.

>How does Morrowind being a bad rpg follow from that?
lack of dialogue options, lack of stats effecting dialogue, lack of dialogue in general. dialogue is what makes an rpg, without it all you have is a hit or miss action game.


Morrowind to Oblivion was a much bigger and noticeable graphical leap than Oblivion to Skyrim, making it very memorable. Oblivion's setting still holds up well and most of the shortcomings relative to Skyrim are easily addressed by mods.

Because of spell buffs, especially from spell creation, athletics, acrobatics and speed could reach insane levels making it less likely for a player to run into impassable areas and more enjoyable to run around Oblivion.

NPCs reacted more naturally, with more variety, commenting on how skilled you look, recognizing your achievements and just treating you as more than a shit stain for your entire time there. Most importantly, no guards complained about arrows in the knee.

You should legitimately kill yourself right on the spot if you praise Oblivion right now, you piece of nu-Sup Forums waste

Because lush green forests are superior to tundra-tier bleak landscapes.

You're wrong on literally every single thing in your post


also your miss miss combat system is shit not because of missing but because of how unengaging it is
it's like low level runescape fighting

>copy paste world of the same field 50 times over with palette swaps due to console limitations
>nothing to find in the overworld that isn't marked on your compass, killing any kind of interesting exploration or self discovery
>only four dungeon designs
>five voice actors for 100+ characters, all of which are equally terrible
>boring generic high fantasy European aesthetic that has been done to death
>legitimately broken level scaling that kills quest rewards, and the game world

that being said some of the quests can be kind of neat and the game still allowed you to make your own spells, but beyond that every aspect is worse than skyrim

skyrim > oblivion

You should never be able to break a game with OP shit it ruins the game. Getting to the point where you can one shot enemies and breeze through shit makes the game boring, few examples
>sloth in nioh
>dragon tooth in dues ex
>stealth archer in oblivion
These all make the game easy and boring

>muh quests
There are a handful of God quests in oblivion but they don't make up for how shitty the game mechanics and levelling are.

Game has the artstyle of a painting but every basement holds some dark secret

Skyrim also has all of that except for the redeeming quests and generic european forest.

Nah ur dumb. Game breaking stuff is fine as long as it takes effort or knowledge of the game mechanics.

You need to be pretty familiar with Morrowind to become really OP.

>dialogue is what makes an rpg
Nope, it's game mechanics. Dialogue can be a type of a game mechanic and it is so in Morrowind. Depending on your status in various factions and your personality and fatigue npcs would say to you different things and sell you stuff for more or less money.

This post is completely inane. First paragraph are buzzwords and vague statements. Second one is so stupid there's nothing to say except what you're describing about Oblivion makes it action game you retard.

>Factions are better.
I don't even need to mention this. Even most zealot Skyrim fans agree that factions were better in Oblivion. College of Winterhold was the worst offender in TESV.
>Better quests
Oblivion had some really fun and interesting quests meanwhile 90% of shit in Skyrim are draugr dungeons. Even missions for Thieves Guilds where are you supposed to steal stuff you are digging through dungeons.
>Combat is better
I know that magic system is kinda better in Skyrim and you can dual wield but in Oblivion you actually have to block to not get staggered and the animations are more responsive. In Skyrim you are limited by the animation length and have to wait until attack is over which makes it less fluid.
>Characters are better
Every character in Skyrim is one-dimensional and boring as shit. Only NPC that showed some kind of personality was Serana and she was shit too.
>Plot is better.
Skyrim plot is just another save the world Chosen One bullshit. It can be done well, but Skyrim does it in the worst way possible. In an exploration game it always tells you to hurry and never gives you time to breathe which ruins the experience.
>Class System
This one is obvious. Removing Classes and RPG elements was a shit idea.
UI in Skyrim is pure shit. Oblivion has neat one with paper sheet-like looks and Skyrim is minimalistic garbage.
And i could go on forever. Elaborate more on my points etc.
Skyrim is just worse in almost every way.

Oblivion Quest
>My husband who is a painter has gone missing! I haven't even seen him leave his workshop
>Investigate the workshop
>Get sucked into a painting world because the artist is a sham and uses magic to make his paintings so good

Skyrim Quest
>Bring Ysolda a Mammoths Tusk

The only reason it's memed as better than skyrim is this retarded nostalgic notion that earlier games are better.
Happens to fucking everything.
>GTA IV is hated
>GTA V releases
>GTA IV is suddenly memed as god tier
end it

>Nope, it's game mechanics.
and morrowind does neither dialogue nor mechanics well

>Factions are better
But they're not.

/thread on first post

Quests are well designed with a bunch of great options, the scenery is varied and the world feels lived in and alive.

The DLC is also one of the best in existence.

Pick one.

don't screencap your own posts it's embarrassing
completely worthless post with the first line anyway considering how many plotholes and inconsistencies the skyrim thieves guild has

>So, why is Oblivion considered a better game than Skyrim?
because it came first.

>put stats in explosives
>get unique dialogue based on your explosives skill
It's not a good game but they at least tried. TES doesn't even try, it's just a mediocre ARPG series with awful combat.

objectively false

>lockpicking now determined by skill (both ingame and in real life) rather than item pickups and actual luck
>that makes it an action game lol XD
You're beyond retarded.

>even mentioning that Oblivion is not a complete piece of garbage in every regard would be considered a weak bait
>all the kids who grew up on Oblivion are now over 18/in their early 20s
>skyrim is still unbelievably popular among normies which kind of makes Oblivion an easy contrarian choice for edgy teenagers from neo-Sup Forums
>suddenly from being one of the most universally hated games on Sup Forums it becomes a """classic""" with nostalgia threads popping up every now and then
It's not that hard OP. Skyrim is a pretty shitty game, but it's infinitely better than the travesty that was Oblivion

expect it didn't
>handcrafted world with different distinct biomes with their own individual assets
>literally hundreds of unmarked locations to find scattered across the map
>at least 7 different dungeon types each fitted to match their placement in the overworld (icey caverns in snowy regions, wooded caves in forested regions etc.)
>infinitely more voice actors with actual talent behind them
>unique nordic aesthetic
>toned level scaling so strong enemies will actually fuck you up at low levels (giants, lions)


Luck should be a status of your character. If it's determined by my luck irl, then I'm not roleplaying anything, but playing myself.

except Skyrim was universally acknowledged to be worse than Oblivion upon release, stop pretending to be an oldfag Skybabby

I bet you love the smell of your own farts.

skyrim quest
>investigate a rich and powerful nord family and their involvement with the forsworn
>get sucked into a massive conspiracy and decide the very fate of markarth and the reach itself

oblivion quest
>bring an ectoplasm to the shrine of namira

There's nothing wrong with the arrow in the knee line, it was just memed to oblivion and ruined for no good reason.

>oblivion quest is hamfisted garbage catering to brainlets
>skyrim quest is subtle genius that takes actual brainpower to comprehend

>>and decide the very fate of markarth and the reach itself
how delusional can you be

Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim was gay. It was "do it in broad daylight and leave your Social Security card on the corpse for a bonus." I get why they went that route but a brotherhood of assassins really shouldn't care if they are forgotten by the masses, they should welcome that. Being the Arch-mage of the College was weak too when the average of my 5 schools of magick sat at 20. I don't and won't ever have access to those level 90 quests yet they have to run shit by me to get anything done.

At least they don't look like potatoes though.


Upon release Skyrim was hyped as fuck. After it cooled down, there was some contest between the two but after all the patches and two expansions, Skyrim ended up a clear winner. But underage that grew with Oblivion on a 360 are now here.

you got btfo
denying it doesn't help :)

I love how every response to Oblivion is: Nostalgia or contrarian.

Skyrim is draugr dungeon after draugr dungeon with a barren wasteland of boringness in between.

Facts: The Post

>Defending College of Winterhold at all.
>Shitting on SI.
Shit taste confirmed.

>Nope, it's game mechanics.
Game mechanics only matter in an RPG as far as they effect how you interact with stuff and modern TES is garbage at interactivity. You're lucky to get one dialogue response, maybe two.

Aside from the horse armor.

>skyrim is still unbelievably popular among normies which kind of makes Oblivion an easy contrarian choice for edgy teenagers from neo-Sup Forums
Interesting how that was the exact same case for Morrowind. It's almost like you can't plug your ears and screech until people leave anymore because the game is newer than you'd like and thus you hate it.

>except Skyrim was universally acknowledged to be worse than Oblivion upon release
Maybe on your favorite subreddit, nu-Sup Forums kiddie

>you now remember the fucking boring copypaste Oblivion gates

oblivion quest
>assassinate some old faggots having a birthday party

skyrim quest

Just because Oblivion was hated doesn't change the fact that it is fucking better than Skyrim.
What is the fucking point of this post?

>Skyrim ended up a clear winner
imagine being this delusional
you were probably in elementary school at the time so it's not surprising.

The game had character and a good atmosphere. Also, it still had RPG elements, unlike Skyrim. It's my favourite because I feel like its the best mix of Skyrim and Morrowind.

I consider it to be better in terms of immersion.
Skyrim was a great triple a "FPSRPG" lol.
Exploration and character development made for the microwave children

I love how you don't even try and deny it, because it's the fucking truth. Oblibabbies need to fucking LEAVE.

>Skyrim is draugr dungeon after draugr dungeon
Dragur dungeons make up less than 25% of the dungeons. Compare to triple the number of Oblivion gates.

It's almost like the nord branch of the brotherhood will act differently and have different values compared to the other branches due to their respective cultural backgrounds.
Dumb brainlet.

All of the guilds in Oblivion were trying to tell a story or entertain you. All of the guilds in Skyrim were "this is here because it was good in Oblivion and people might bitch if we don't put it in again."

The thief's guild in Skyrim was so fucking weak it wasn't even funny.
>Turn in your skeleton key and you'll get some shitty edgelord armor literally no one would ever use.

>Better Music
>Beter Guilds
>Better Builds
>Better Scenery

Answer. Every time.

gothic shits on skyrim, oblivion AND morrowind

>barren wasteland of boringness in between.
Holy fuck now that's some delusion