now that the dust has settled, which one is the DEFINITIVE way to enjoy Metroid 2?
Now that the dust has settled, which one is the DEFINITIVE way to enjoy Metroid 2?
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Play them all, honestly. All three games are fantastic.
The dust hasn't settled yet, retard.
Play them all
N/A. Metroid 2 can't be enjoyed.
samus returns. better controls. teleporters. better graphics.
Samus Returns. Though if you don't have a 3DS or can't afford it, AM2R is still really good.
Original if your the type that can't stand anything made past 2005, AMR2 if you are a poorfag and own a toaster of a comp that can't handle the 3ds emulator, returns if you like the idea of samus punching things with the barrel end of her blaster which i do
You just swiped this from a youtube video.
Original or nothing.
There is no definitive version, just play them all.
3DS Samus Returns, even though I hate the 2.5D graphics.
Play the original first so you can truly appreciate the remake and then give the fan remake a play.
They're all great.
Original>AM2R>Shitroid 3d
With over a thousand votes, Sup Forums unanimously decided that Samus Returns is the definitive experience.
I'd rather not play Metroid 2. The scenario doesn't lend to the style of map that I like.
Before Other M, Metroid II was widely considered the worst of the series. Think about that.
Which was madness because Prime Hunters exists and even Metroid 1 isn't as good. Metroid II was always underappreciated. People just didn't like that they got lost because of no color scheme helping to identify each room. If Nintendo just released the color rom they were working on, people would have had a much better time of it.
>Before Other M, Metroid II was widely considered the worst of the series
If you can enjoy super metroid you can enjoy Metroid 2.